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~Eddie's POV~

A few days turned into a week, then a week turned into a month of Buck working as my bartender. We got new customers and a lot of our old customers came back. A lot wanted to see the American and ask him all the different questions.

One Wednesday I was cooking the very same tamales my mom taught me growing up. I heard the door to the kitchen and looked up seeing Sammy.
"Mrs. Diaz is here.. and Christopher."
Smiling at hearing my family was here I put down the spoon I used to mix the sauce.
"Thanks I'll be right out."
He walked away as I set the spoon down and went to sink to clean my hands before taking off my apron to hang it up.

~Buck's POV~

A month being here was exciting and still felt new yet felt like a local almost too. I got many tips with money and words from the locals. One Wednesday evening the doors opened and in walked an older woman about fifty with a younger kid who had walkers with him he looked to be ten. They sat themselves closest to the bar as she helped him with his seat she walked over to me.
"Hi can I have a tequila with salt."
"Yes with pink or white snow?"
I heard a question at the end with her eyebrows raised. Eddie said to know if someone ask a question it's with body language. That looked like I translated wrong since she looked confused. I said the question again and she shook her head no. Walking away she sat back down by the young boy she came with.

Eddie walked out and went straight to their table. Then it clicked this was his family. Wow his wife is older then I thought.

I poured a wine for two ladies before they walked to the outdoor seating. Eddie walked over to me shaking his head.
I said worried but saw a smile on his face.
I went to ask what again but he came around the bar and went to the ice bucket.
"Buck this is ice not snow. She said you asked her if she wanted pink or white snow .. not ice for her tequila."
My eyes widen as I heard him and then turned to the lady.
"I'm so sorry!"
Eddie laughed and I tuned to him quickly.
"Sh t really? I sorry I sorry."
Eddie got some ice out and poured it in the tequila cup shaker.
"Hey Buck it's okay it happens. Come on I want to introduce you to them. They are the number one customers. But first finish making a pink salt tequila."
I took the shaker from his hands with small smile as I shook my own head in frustration.
"Salt okay got it not snow."
I mumbled to myself trying to remember the different words in Spanish.

Walking over with Eddie with the right drink I sat it in front of her. The little guy wanted orange juice so I made him one too. Smiling as I sat the juice in front of the little boy which made him smile as he drank it.
"Hey what do you say."
Eddie said to the little boy who looked to be ten.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
He spoke English as the older lady did small smile at me before trying her own drink.
"Thank you much better."
"Sorry again my Spanish isn't really good."
"It's okay my English isn't the best either."
Eddie smiled before looking over at me.
"Buck this is my mom Helena, and this .. is Christopher my son."
Oh sh t the older lady was his mom not wife. And he has a son? Yep definitely straight.

~Eddie's POV~

Walking out of the kitchen I greeted few people as I passed before making it to my mom's table. She always sat by the bar because of the view of the ocean. I heard Christopher giggling at what she was saying. I only got the end of it and heard snow.
Confused I heard Christopher ask. "But it doesn't snow here?"
She saw me and smiled.
"Oh Eddie your bartender must be drunk. He was trying to put snow in my tequila."
"What you mean?"
"He asked if I wanted pink or white snow? Like where would he get snow? Is that some kind of drug?"
I shook my head no and she spoke Spanish since Christopher was still learning he didn't know all the words. Like Buck he was still a beginner. I explained it to her before walking over telling Buck about his error.

I noticed when Buck went back to bartender he did it like a performer on a stage. He did tricks and threw the glasses and caught them. Buck never dropped or broke any of the products. He was fast and Christopher thought he was a magician with it. I smiled watching Christopher clap and laugh as Buck playing 'tricks' on the few customers we had. Wednesday the mid day of week was never busy. Yet the few customers and my number one customer, Christopher, were entertained watching Buck.

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