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~Buck's POV~

I was at the LAX airport waiting for Eddie. Today was the day he was coming back. Christopher and Carla were with me. I held the flowers in my hand as I paced. I stopped when I read the neon sign that said his plane landed. I saw people start to walk out as I looked for him.

~Eddie's POV~

My mom was sad I was leaving but I told her I can mail her the money she needs for medicine. It has been six months, half a year away from my son and Buck. On the plane ride I stared at the window watching my hometown turn into Los Angeles. After the plane landed I grabbed my only carry on bag and followed the line of people. I was in the closest to the back as I followed them out of the plane.

~Third POV~

Eddie Diaz went straight out of the exit looking around his surrounds and his eyes fell to the two boys he loved. Buck was talking to Christopher before looking up again seeing more people walk out of the exit. Buck's and Eddie's eyes found each other right away as Eddie ran over to them. Buck followed and ran up to him as Eddie pulled him into a hug. Buck squeezed Eddie back as he buried his head into his neck. This was real they both thought. Buck didn't want to let go but slowly let go smiling.
"I miss—"
Buck got cut off by Eddie kissing him on the lips. Buck instantly kissed him back. If either of them were dreaming don't pinch them. Eddie pulled away still close letting their foreheads touch.
"You're beard tickles.."
Buck whispered as they slowly let go and Christopher walked over and Eddie bent down putting his bag down and hugged his son.
"You got so tall."
Christopher chuckled and hugged his dad back as Eddie felt himself to cry. Carla who was Christopher babysitter took pictures of all of them as she smiled.

~Eddie's POV~
I let go of Christopher with smile as I picked my bag back up off the ground. I was back with both of them. As we walked out of airport Buck gave me a flower bouquet. I thanked him as he smiled as Carla drove I sat in the back with both my boys.
"Dad what is on your face?"
I felt my face laughing with shrug.
"What should I shave it?"
Both Buck and Christopher said at the same time laughing.
"We'll jeez I guess I'll keep it. But I do need a trim if I'm still going to work at the restaurant."
"It is ready for you we finished a month ago but didn't do the open house yet since head chef wasn't there."
"Oh yeah? Well I'm happy and not leaving."
Buck took my hand as I held onto his smiling at him.

Carla dropped us off at the court house so I could sign in front of the judge. We told her we would walk home. She said she'll take Christopher home for school tomorrow. After we signed we found a beach and laid on a towel. I cuddled into Buck as I closed my eyes.
"So what you going to name it?"
I looked up at Buck as he was looking down at me and then the ocean. I sat up as he did the same I did shrug.
"Honestly I don't know. You have any ideas?"
"Sexy Chef."
I laughed and took my shirt off as Buck's eyes fell to my chest.
"Nah I need something that is kid appropriate too."
I stood up and took my socks and shoes off.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going for a swim.. you want to join?"
"Oh yes. Yeah."
I laughed seeing Buck's cheek heat up even if the sunset was coming I liked the feeling of the cool ocean water.

We held our hands together as we ran inside the beach. I squealed at the cold as Buck laughed and dropped our hands before scooping water to splash me.
"You little sh t!"
Buck laughed and ran into the water as I chased him. I wrapped my arms around Buck from behind as I felt him laugh.
"Hands cold."
Buck said as I moved them before scooping Buck up. We both laughed as we went in deeper until I was at my legs covered. I bent down making Buck get wet as he laughed. I placed him down gentle to not hurt him as he turned around. I moved a piece of his hair out of his face.

~Buck's POV~

After he moved the piece off my hair I smiled seeing the sun behind him. He looked like an angel with the sun glowing behind him. I swam up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Since it was late no one else was around as I leaned up and kissed him. I felt his hands go around my waist and kissed me back.

The small waves crashed around us as we kissed. I groaned when his hands wondered lower. We both still wore our boxers but his hand did find underneath. I pulled away to groan his name again as he chuckled.
"God I missed you."
"Yeah? I missed you too.."
I let him touch me as I leaned up and marked his neck. This time he was moaning my name as we touched each other again. The ocean cleaned us off as we reached it.

Getting back out of the ocean we used the towel we found on the sand to dry off. As I wrapped my hands around his neck again after we were both dressed.
"Maybe you should call it Chef Kiss?"
I suggested as Eddie wrapped his hands around my waist humming as I smiled.
"Oh? That's cute actually I like that."
"Since it means food was delicious and .. you are a good kisser.."
Eddie chuckled as I felt my cheeks heat up with smile.
"Huh? Well you are a good kisser too.."
I let go and pushed his shoulder lightly as we both laughed and held hands again. We both started walking back to Eddie's place.
"So what's next for us huh? What should we do next?"
"Hmm shower?"
I heard Eddie laugh at my joke as I did small shrug and then spoke again.
"Anything with you is worth it. I would love it if we did anything. As long as you will be my ghost boyfriend so we can haunt people."
"Haha funny but yeah I'll be your ghost boyfriend."

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