The beginning of it all

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Ella's POV

Me and my best friend Attta are walking home from school and in so glad that it's finally spring break. "Ella do you wanna stay at my house for break" Attta asks "Yes please" I answer. I always spend my weekends and breaks at Atttas house cause my dad isn't exactly the loving type and Attta knows that so her and her mom always welcome me into their home and it's awesome I love Attta and her mom they treat me like family."Ella we're home" Attta says I smile and we both run inside her mom sees us and smiles "Hey girls how was school" she asks "good" we both say. "I got your snacks ready on the table then you guys can go in Attta's room and hangout up their for the rest of the night" Attta's mom says we nod our heads eat our snacks and go to her room.
11:47 pm
We were about to go to bed then it happened we heard Attta's mom scream and then a thud. We rush down stairs and then we stop with horrified looks on our faces Attta's mom was on the floor and someone or something was crouching over her eating her insides. I look at me best friend to see her in tears I come over to her and hug her starting to cry myself but the sudden movement made the thing turn around me and Attta started to run upstairs out of fear them we hear BANG BANG we trun around to see a man standing there with a gun the thing was on the floor with a bullet hole in its head. Me and Attta look at the unidentified man but keeping our distance just incase the man looks at us and holds his hands up to show that he's no threat. "Hey its ok I wont hurt you my names Owen whats yours" we don't say anything we just look at the man he has coco brown eyes and wavy brown hair that reaches his shoulders. "My names Ella and her names Attta" I mumble to the man that I now know is Owen. He looks at us and walks to the door "come on there's no point in staying here now you can come with me and I'll take you to my group" I look at Attta and she nods and we walk out with Owen.
Next day
We get to Owen's group and find out that that thing that killed Attta's mom is called a bitter and its a person that died but came back and eats people because of some sickness. We also learned that Owen is the leader of a group called the Wolves and I have a werid feeling about this place the people act really werid when ever me and Attta are around they look at us and start whispering about something. I guess they just don't like kids or something I don't know. But me and Attta got a room well a tent to share and it's awesome we get to do whatever we want in the room and Owen said he would teach us how to kill the bitters when we're ready to. I don't think me and Attta are gonna be able to face those things for a while ever since the incident.Shes been so quiet and I have to basically beg her to eat every night but I get it I was the same when my mom died 3 years ago but Attta never gave up on me and I'm never giving up one her. "Attta you wanna go walk around the camp" I asked cause I know she loves nature. She looks at me a shakes her head I crawl over to her sleeping bag and crawl into it with her to give her a hug and she hugs me back we stay like that a while then she sits up and I sit up with her. "I'm sorry I've been pushing you away Ella it's just..I can't believe she's gone."she whispers the last part. I look at her and say "It's not your fault but I'm always here to comfort you cause your my best friend and I love you like a sister Attta" She looks at me and smiles weakly and gives me a hug "i love you too El". Then we lay back down and go to sleep.

We've been here about 3 week people still act werid around us but on the bright side Attta's been doing better and it's amazing. Today's the day Owen's gonna show us how to kill those things. Me,Owen,and Attta are walking through the wood we come to a stop at 3 bitters with a rope around their waist and the other end of the rope tied to a tree. When they see us they try to get us but can't Owen walks infront of me and Attta and says "Bitters only have one spot that will kill them and that spot is their brain so I'm going to show you how to do it then you guys will do it ok" "Ok" me and Attta say. Me and Attta got the hang of it fast we killed about 20 bitters each then all headed back to camp. When we get back to camp me and Attta go back to our tent and go to sleep since we were out there a while and we didn't get back until dark.

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