On Our Own

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Ella's POV
"Baby wake up we gotta go" Carl says shaking me gently I grumble and smack his hand away "fine cranky I'll get you out myself" I hear Carl mumble before I feel someone grab me by my feet. I open my eyes scared that a walker got me then I see Carl by my legs pulling me out of the car. "Fine fine I'm up now get" I say he smirks and takes a couple steps back I think for a minute and feel my heart drop I bolt out of the car and down the road.

"Hey where the hell are you going" Carl says pulling me to a stop "we have to go back the the church" I say with a worried expression. He sighs "El I promise you they are probably far away from that place if anything we need to move forward to find them." He says putting his hand on my arm i shrugg his hand off "n-no i have to make sure there safe cause my mom was there my dad your dad A-Attta" I say my voice cracking as I say her name.

I look at Carl to see he's looking at the ground and his face looks like he's thinking really hard about something. "Ok" he says walking back to the car "where are you going" I say confused. "Well I don't wanna walk if there's a car that could possibly run and I doubt you do either" he says trying to start to car. It doesn't work he let's out a frustrated groan and pops the hood I walk over to him and see he's messing around with some wires. "turn the key please" he say I nod and walk to the drivers side and turn the key. It works!

I smile and Carl shuts the hood "Yes" he exclaims. I crawl over to the passenger side and Carl gets in the driver's he shuts the door and put his hand on the wheel looking at it with a smirk. "What" I say confused "you might wanna put your seat belt on cause I've seen a lot of action movies and now that I'm able to drive imma try something" he says. I grab his sleeve "Carl fucking Grimes if you flip us over and your not dead from impact I will kill you myself" I say looking at him with a serious face expression he laughs and hits the gas petal. He better not fucking kill me

10 minutes later
Attta's POV
I lay here thinking about Ella trying to convince myself that she's ok but I can't. I feel as if half of my heart just disappeared and the other half is crying in pain. Not even 24 hours ago I lost my sister my best friend Ella. "Are you ok" I look at Austin and shake my head slowly he hugs me. "Everyone says it'll get better over time but..I don't think it will" I mumble as stray tears start to run down my cheeks.

The car stops I look up just enough to see Abraham curse and get out of the car. I expected Rick to do the same but instead he just sits there his eyes hold nothing  but emptiness and his face holds no emotions. "We have to start walkin the car gave out" Abraham says opening the doors. I get out and smack him across his face everyone looks shocked at what I did Abraham's face goes red but he walks away muttering stuff under his breath.

"Attta why did you do that" Rosita says walking over to me "because it's his fault my sister was taken away from me, his fault that Carl and her are missing, his fault that I could never see her again" I say angry tears spilling off of my face. She looks down with guilt and I walk away. I walk infront with Rick on my left and my parents one my right. "Hey" Rick says nudging me I look at him "I'm sorry about Ella" he mumbles my heart tightens at her name "and I'm sorry about Carl" I mumble he puts a hand on my shoulder and nods I nod l after him and go to walk between my parents.

Carl's POV
Same time
We get to the church and see the doors closed Ella has a big smile on her face and runs out of the car. I follow her she starts banging on the door "mom,dad ,attie we're here we're home" she say. I can hear in her voice she's1 hoping that someone will open the door hoping that she can see her family and friends again. It's quite for a minute then we hear the opposite of what we wanted to hear. On the other side of the church doors we hear walkers I see Ella's face drop.

She starts crying as she walks over to me "j-just open it i-i can't" she says walking behind me. I walk over to the church doors and open them 2 walkers come out. I take them down easily I look behind me to see Ella looking at the walkers with realif that neither of them are someone from our group. "Come on El" I mumble she nods walking past me looking at the place we called home for a couple months. She walks around putting her hand on the walls observing the place like she's dreaming. She walks to Gabriel's office and sits next to the basket Judith used to sleep in.

I sit next to her and look at the basket with her. A stray tear falls from my eye as I hope, pray that Judith's ok along with the rest of our friends and family. "Where would they go" she mumbles "I don't know" I mumble back. She stands up and walks out I stay there thinking about the future. I hear a sob come from Ella I stand up and rush out I don't see Ella and panic. I hear Ella sob again I look at the place I heard the sob then my body relaxes but my heart stings. I see Ella sitting in the corner her and Attta used to sleep in I walk over and put my hand on her shoulder she fliches then looks at me. She puts something in my hand then walks outside. I open my hand and see why she was cry. Attta's knife

So I'm not gonna be able to update as much and if I do ill try to get like 2 chapters out at a time if I can and hope you guys like the story so far comment any ideas

Again very sorry for the late updates bye and don't forget to drink water eat food and take care of yourselves because your beautiful and you matter.

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