New Home?

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2 weeks later
Ella's POV
"Alright I have good news and bad news" Carl says closing the car hood. "Good news is there's a place we can raid close by bad news is we're gonna have to travel on foot" he says. I nod my head and get out of the car starting my walk with Carl beside me. We sit in an awkward silence until we get there Carl bangs and the window and about 20 walkers rush to it. "Ok one of us has to open the door so one at a time can come out and the other has to kill them or we could leave up to you" Carl says. "I'll kill them" I say Carl nods.

He goes to the door and looks at me I nod my head and he opens the door to where only 1 or 2 at a time can come out. We repeat this process until the last one the walker was her I blink 2 times but the sight doesn't go away "I'm sorry I couldn't save you" i sob. I can't hear anything except the snarls of the her then she goes down. I snap out of my trance and look at Carl. "NO" I scream going to the ground next to the her small sobs escape my mouth. I put my hand on her shoulders and squeeze my eyes shut I turn her over and stop crying.

"W-what" I say looking at the walker in confusion Carl stands there looking at me with worry. "T-thats not right" I say shaking my head backing away from the walker. "Whats not right" Carl says slowly walking to me "why didn't you kill the walker" he questions I shake my head "because it was Attta" I say. He looks at me confused "what do you mean" he says "that walker had Atttas face" I mutter. "Just forget it let's go" I mumble.

1 hour later
Carl's POV
"Is that everything" I ask Ella she nods "Ok let's get back on our journey I guess" I say. Ella nods and grabs my hand as we start walking back to the road. "Where should we go" Ella mumbles beside me I think for a minute "where ever you go I'll follow" I say she nods.
We walk a little bit longer before Ella nudges me "Carl" she says "yes" I say "what's that" she says with confusion.

I look where she's pointing and see a wall? I squint my eyes and it's still there in the distance "what's the plan" she asks "do we risk going in or do we risk staying out here" she says. "I don't know" I say "we already now the dangers out here but multiple things could happen on the other hand we don't know what's in there" I add on. Ella stops walking and looks at the ground she looks like she's thinking really hard. "We should go"

Ella's POV
"We should go" I say looking back at Carl. He looks confused and surprised "Ella...if we go in...there could be a possibility that we won't make it out alive" he says "I know" I mumble. "Are you absolutely sure about this" he says I nod my head "Ok let's go" he says grabbing my hand once again.

We get to the gate and stand there looking at it "promise me that whatever happens we stay together" I hear Carl mumble "always" I say. We stay silent still studying the gate "should we knock?" Carl asks I nod and I knock. It stay silent for a little bit " should we just lea-" Carl was cut off by the gate opening. We both pick our weapons up as a man maybe in his early 20's is standing infront of us. "Ok you can put those down now" the man says with a scared face looking at the weapons. "I'm Spencer" he says he looks at Carl the flashes a smile towards me "Spencer move out of the way and let them in" I hear a female voice say behind him.

He moves out of the way flashing us a smile me and Carl look at each other I nod and we walk in with our weapons still raised. The women I'm guessing who told the the man to let us in was infront of us smiling. "Welcome to Alexandria" she says with a sweet smile I look behind her and I can't believe what im seeing there's a lady walking her dog little kids running around playing and all the houses look new it looks as if there's not an apocalypse happening outside the wall. "I'm Deanna what your names" the women says "I'm Carl Grimes this is Ella West" Carl says putting his weapons down. Always the gentleman I think "so if it's alright with you two I want to have an interview with you two separately"  Deanna asks I look at Carl and he nods his head. I nod my head and she smiles "wonderful so Ella may I talk to you first" she says.

I nod and start to walk to her but I feel Carl tugging my hand "if anything happens kill her and run as fast as you can out of here"Carl mumbles into my ear I nod and he kisses my forehead. I walk with Deanna until we get to a house a little bigger then the others we walk inside and Deanna takes me to a room that looks like a little library. "Please sit" Deanna says. I sit and she sits in the chair across from me "you don't mind if I record this do you" she says pulling out a camera "no not at all" I say smiling. She nods and sits the camera next to her.

"So how old are you" Deanna asks "uuuu you got a calendar or something" I ask she nods and hands me a tiny calendar "it's pretty accurate" she say I nod and look at the year my eyes go wide "I'm 16" I say she nods. "How long has it been you and Carl" she asks "Well we have a group we just...don't know where they are" I say "I see..I'm sorry" she says I nod my head. Deanna asks me about 18 questions in total before she stands up.

"Well let's go get Carl" she says smiling I nod and we walk out. We get to the gate and I stop tears came to my eyes and I ran. I ran as fast as I could towards my family and friends. In the front of the group was my parents and Attta "ELLA" my mom screams as they start to run towards me. I meet them in the middle and practically jump into their arms Attta and mom are hugging my and my dad is hugging all of us. "I-i thought you where gone" I hear my mom mumble as tears of joy run down he cheeks "nope" I say sniffling. "I missed you guys" I say closing my eyes.

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