Secrets uncovered

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Ella's POV
3 days later
It's been 3 days since we've been here Rick and pretty much everyone else except me Michonne Judith Gabriel and Carl left for a run. It pissed me off because Attta got to go but I didn't but I at least got to spend time with Carl. Right now we're nailing the windows and making the church more safe. "Uuuu babe I think you should come see this" I hear Carl say.

"I swear if it something stupid imma kick your as for wasting my time" I say with a smirk as I walk over. I stop in my tracks when I see what Carl was talking about. You'll Burn For This. Was carved on the side of the church I look at Carl with a worried face "we should tell your dad and find out as much as we can about this guy" I say he nods and we walk back inside.

I grab Judith from Gabriel give him a small smile and sit down away from him. I see Carl starring daggers at the back of his head while he sharpens a knife Michonne walks in and I look at Carl he nods and I get up. "Hey Michonne can I talk to you real quick" I ask she looks confused and nods I grab her hand and take her outside with Judith still in my arms. "Why are we going outside" she asks I shush her and look around to make sure Gabriel isn't listening. "I need to show you something." I mumble to her.

I walk over to the the message one the church she looks at it confused. "And look at the scratch marks on the windows" I say pointing at the window "a walker could've done that" she says "well I'm no genius on theses things bit I'm pretty sure that they can't spell and write" I say pointing at the message. "This gut is hiding something and we need to figure it out now" I say she nods and we walk back. Carl is now sharpening a different knife still staring at Gabriel only this time Gabriel was looking back with fright on his face.

It silent except for the knife scraping against the sharpener "y'know it really REALLY easy for a knife to slip and accidently kill someone" Carl says still looking at Gabriel. "Y-ya that w-would be t-teribble right" Gabriel says trying avoid Carl's stare "ya it would" Carl says "but it's technically not illegal now so it could definitely happen" he finishes Gabriel gulps and the rest of the time we sit and make sure Gabriel doesn't try anything.

3 hours later
Carl's POV
It's been 3 hours and my dad and the rest are back with more canned food we sit down and everyone starts eating and enjoying their meals. "He dad can I show you something outside real quick" I mumble to my dad "sure" he says we walk outside and I show him what I found. He stays quite for a minute. "It's not safe here" he mumbles "we need to confront him" I say he nods and we gi back in we start telling everybody else what's going on.

"Hey Gabriel we have a question." I say "yes Carl" he says smiling "what was your life like before this" Ella says beating me to it. His face goes a little pale and he starts to shift in his seat "j-just church o-on Sundays" he says with a smile that looks forced. "What else" I push he shakes his head Ella pulled out her knife and slammed the blade on the table to where the knife is sticking out of it Gabriel jumps back and is now cornerd by Ella well he's in for it now I think to myself I look at Attta and can tell she thinking the same thing.

"Listen here you peice of shit me and my group have been through hell and back so of you think your sick games are gonna kill us you've gotta another thing coming now answer us and tell us why there's a fucking message that says You'll Burn For This on the outside of this fucking church. Before I make sure you actually do" she says in a low threating tone.

He breaks down "I always lock the doors" he says with tear on his eyes "I ALWAYS lock the doors" he repeats "There was a family outside my church seeking for shelter one night they knew I was there but I could bring myself to open the door they were banging on the door screaming begging me to let them in but I didn't.  I let the dead get them and I heard them screaming and crying. I could've stopped it I could've saved them but I got scared" he finishes telling us.

He's holding himself crying in his hands on the floor I walk over to Ella and put my hand protectively around her waist. We all watch Gabriel waiting hor him to calm down when the doors burst open. "Guys have you seen Carol and Daryl" Glenn asks walking in he sees Gabriel on the floor and stops looking confused he looks at Maggie and she mouths "later" to him he nods and walks over "Daryl and Carol are gone" he says we all look down hoping there ok. "It's ok Daryl one of the toughest men I know they'll be ok I just know it" Attta says Maggie smiles and kisses her forehead "she's right and if they do need our help they'll send us a sign" Maggie says.

We decide to stay in the church and just keep an eye on Gabriel me and Ella are laying down cuddling on a makeshift bed on the floor "hey Carl" Ella says softly. "Yes baby" I answer looking down at her "do you think Daryl and Carol are gonna be ok" she asks "ya I do I've been with them since the beginning and they are some tough people" I say she nods "good night babe" she says "good night baby" I say putting a kiss on her head. Almost instantly she falls asleep and so do I.

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