Meeting again

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Ella's POV
"STOP AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW" I heard someone scream "DROP YOUR WEAPONS" I heard another voice scream. I was pushed against a fence roughly and someone was now searching my for weapons I sprang from the fence and grabbed my knife everyone pointed there's guns at me "put the knife down" I heard a women say "I'm not doing shit until you let my fucking friend go and stop treating us like we're one of those damn things out there" I say with Venom lacing my tongue Attta was let go and she came to stand beside me then a man came out of the building and ironically enough it was the man from the woods last week. He came over to stand infront of the people with the guns "Hey everyone calm down and put down the guns ok" he said very seriously but softly somehow

Then one by one they all put the guns down except 1 he had dark brown hair and a beard he still looked at me and Attta as if we were the most dangerous people ever  "Daryl put it down" the man from the woods said and he listened the man from the woods looked at me and Attta then at our knives Attta nodded and we both started to put them down but not all the way just incase. "Ok now that the weapons are down let's talk ok" the man from the woods said Attta and me slowly nod our heads "Ok I'm Rick and these are my people" the man from the woods which I now know is Rick said. We both nodded our head again "How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked I looked at him confused "Walkers?" I say "ya the things out there" he said well imma start using walker now cause I like it better "More then we can count" Attta answered Rick nodded "how many people have you killed?" He asked "one" we both say "why?" Rick asked "Because we needed to defend ourselves." I answer

Rick nods in understanding "what are your names" he asked "My names Attta and my friend's name is Ella" Attta says Rick nods "come on" Rick says nodding to the door I look at Attta and I grab her hand here we go I guess we walk in and what I see amazes me there's a baby here and people talking and laughing like there's not an apocalypse happening I smile and so does Attta Rick takes us to the other side of the big room where there's a jail cell kinda thing we walk in and Rick shuts the door with us in here and him and his group on the other side "You two have to stay on this side of the jail just until we know your not a threat but you'll still be able to get food and water and bathroom and stuff that you need" Rick says to us we nod in understanding and sit down. "Guess what I still have" Attta says with a smile on her face "what" I say knowing it's gonna be something stupid "I've got drumroll please ......the....monopoly game!" She says all excited I start to laugh and soon she joins into the laughter
I hour later
Me and Attta are playing monopoly for the 3rd time because we had a tie the last 2 rounds "AHA I win" Attta exclaims "DAMIT" I yell throwing my money to the floor. "Welp pay up now" Attta says with a smirk "but I don't wanna give up my ravioli it's my last can" I say with a pout "well ya should have thought of that before buying that property" Attta says "Ok ok fine menie u can get my last can of ravioli" I say giving her the can as she smiles at me putting the can in her bag. "Well what we gonna do now" I ask Attta "we could take a nap" she suggest "ya a nap sounds nice after the day we've had" I said looking at her we both lay down and soon fall sleep.
Carl Grimes
I was watching the girls play monopoly and then fall asleep from one of the empty cells upstairs so they wouldn't see me. I still couldn't believe that after a week of searching for her she found me instead of me finding her and I was really glad to see her again and I can't wait to talk to her once she wakes up I smile down at her "sweet dreams" I whisper and I walk away.

Attta's POV
I woke up before Ella to see the boy from the woods starring at Ella while she sleeps I look over at him and smirk "it's rude to stare at sleeping girls" I say he looks at me then looks down "sorry" he says walking away "your not as stealthy as you think ya know" I said with a smile "he looks around with shock and fear that I caught him "you like her don't you" I ask him pointing to Ella he nods his head then walks away.

Ella's POV
I woke up to Attta reading one of the comics that we have so I crawl over to her to read it with her we sit in a comfortable silence and read the comic. "How did you sleep" Attta asked breaking the silence "good" I say I was about to say something else but someone beat me to it "Hey its time for dinner and everyone thinks it would be nice to have you two eat with us" I hear Rick say "of course only if you guys are comfortable with it" he quickly adds. Attta looks at me and nods so we both get up to go eat we were takin outside where we saw people sitting at picnic tables eating a type of meat. I sit down with Attta at a picnic table by ourselves but it doesn't last long when I see someone sit with us. And when I looked I wasn't expecting to see the boy from the woods we stare at eachother for at least a minute then I break the eye contact I could see Attta at the corner of my eye smirking damn she must have known he lived here I think to myself.

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