Baby Pictures

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Next day 1:47
Ella's POV
"Can I please go" Austin's says again Carl rolls his eyes "if you ask that one more time I will feed you to the walkers" Carl says with annoyance "Fine I'll ask Ella" Austin says sticking his tongue out at Carl he rolls his eyes "Ella can I g-" I cut Austin off "Carl already said no" I say not taking my eyes off my book I hear Carl snicker "plus don't you wanna spend time with Naomi" Carl says with a smirk "she's hanging out with her dad today and her dad hates me so no" Austin says me and Carl both chuckle a little "you guys are so mean" Austin says. I was about to respond but my dad comes in the doorway

"Get in the car and I'll be there in a minute" my dad says smiling I nod "I'm excited" Carl says putting his hands on my stomach and kissing my forehead "I am to" I say smiling "guys can I please g" me and Carl both say no at the same time and Austin grumbles "we'll be back in a little bit" I say Austin crosses his arms and looks away from us. "This is what I mean when I say your a child dude" Carl says shaking his head Austin doesn't respond "before we go do you need anything" Carl asks me I shake my head and he nods.

We get outside and get to the car we decide to sit in the back together and I lay down a little and yawn. I hear Carl chuckle "you tired" he asks I nod a little he smiles and kisses my head "I'll wake you up when we get there" he says. I nod and let sleep consume me.

40 minutes later
"Ella wake up we're here" I hear Carl say while he shakes me I groan and keep my eyes closed. I feel someone start to tickle me "Wakey wakey" I hear Carl say I start moving trying to get him to stop tickling me. "Ok ok I'm awake just please stop tickling me" I say in-between laughs he starts laughing along with me and he stops. I look up at him "why couldn't you wake me up like a normal person" I ask he shruggs his shoulders "you wouldn't wake up that way so I thought of a better way to wake you up" he says.

"Ok cowboy" I say he rolls his eyes playfully "you ready to go see our baby" I ask Carl with a smile. He smiles and kisses me "I can't wait" he says grabbing my hand we go to the medical center and I knock. A man opens the door and smiles "your Ella and Carl right?" He asks opening the door for us I nod "how did you know" i ask "Maggie and Glenn where talking about you two" he answer I nod and sit on the bed. "Whats your name" I ask "just call me Dr. Harlan" he says with a kind smile.

I nod and grab Carl's hand "how far along are you" Dr.Harlan asks "7 months and 2 weeks" Carl says. I look at him with surprise he smiles and looks down at my stomach Dr. Harlan nods and comes over with a container "this might be a little cold" he says opening the container. He puts a type of gel on my stomach and he wasn't kidding it is cold he puts the container down and grabs a thing attached to a machine with a little screen on the top.

He puts it on my stomach and turns the screen on me and Carl look at the screen and we see a tiny little baby. Dr. Harlan smiles "would you like to know the gender and would you like pictures of the ultrasound" he asks me and Carl shake our heads "we want it to be a surprise and yes we would likethe ultrasound pictures" Carl says Dr. Harlan nods "I'm gonna do a little check up to make sure nothings wrong" he says I nod and he walks over to the counter. "I can't believe this is real" I hear Carl say I look at him and hug him "well believe it cause it's happening" I say he chuckles and kisses my head.

After check up
"I have some news" Dr. Harlan says "is something wrong" Carl asks with a worried expression "no no no it's good news" he answers a wash of relif goes over Carl's face "the baby might be here earlier then expected" Dr. Harlan says "how early" I ask "2 weeks" heanswer my eyes go wide. "I was thinking you two could stay here until the baby gets here since we have all the equipment necessary" Dr. Harlan says I nod "Ok I'll have to talk to my parents about it but ok" I say he smiles "great I'll see you guys later" Dr. Harlan says hanfing us the ultrasound pictures we nod and leave the medical center.

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