Friends and The Bitch

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Enid will be a bitch in this book I might make another one where she's not a bitch but for this book she's a bitch that's trying to steal Carl from Ella

Ella's POV
"These three houses can be split between all of you" Deanna says showing us the houses."thank you but we're all gonna sleep in one" Rick says Deanna nods "smart" she says walking away. "Ok well let's go check it out I guess" Attta says pulling me along with her we opens the door and bolts to the couch. "Ahhh finally a good place to sleep" she says smiling I shake my head and Carl laughs. "Rick can me, Attta, and Carl explore" I ask Rick nods his head "be safe" I hear my mom scream from the kitchen.

Me, Carl ,and Attta walk out of the house "let's go to this house" Attta says pointing to the house next to ours. "Ok" I say we walk in and go upstairs we walk in one of the rooms and it looks unfinished but there's comics and sleeping bags here. "It kinda looks like a hangout spot" Attta says Carl nods and picks one of the comics up. "Is it rude to take this" he asks me I shrugg my shoulders "Ok well I guess I'm taking it then" he says flipping through the pages. "Ok child" I say playfully.

"I'm not a child I'm big man" He says smiling I roll my eyes playfully. "I'm bored now let's go walk around" Attta says "maybe there'll be kids our age" she adds on. We walk out of the house and go back to ours we walk in and see a lady with blond hair cutting Rick's hair. "O my gosh...Rick you have something under your hair" Attta says jokingly. "Who's this" I ask "I'm Jesse" the blond lady answers with a smile. I smile back "are these kids yours" Jesse asks "he is but me and her a Glenn and Maggie's kids" Attta answers.

"O that's cool" she says "and I don't know if you guys want to but I have a son around your guys age and he has his friends over at my house if you want to meet them" Jesse says "sure which ones yours" Carl asks "3rd one down on the left" we nod and walk out. "Sooo where making new friends now?" Attta asks I nod "yes we deserve to have a day where we're normal kids" Carl says "your right" Attta says. Where's Austin he needs to ba a normal kid with us" Attta say looking around.

"I don't know he'll pop up somewhere" Carl says "we're here" Attta says we walk on the porch and stop infront of the door. Attta wastes no time to knock on the door almost immediately the door opens to reveal a kid with mess yet tidy brown hair around our age. "You guys came in with Austin right" the kid asks "wait Austin's here" Attta say the kid nods and she shruggs her shoulders. "At least we know he's alive" she mumbles.

The kid laughs a little "you guys are funny" he says opening the door "I'm Ron by the way" he says walking up the stairs while we follow. "Im Carl This is Ella and the annoying one is Attta" Carl says "hey watch it cowboy and I'm not annoying if anything your the annoying one" Attta says I laugh as the two bicker. Ron takes us into a room with two people we don't know and Austin. "Hey guys" Austin says "hey" Attta say back "Guys this is Carl Attta and Ella" Ron says gesturing towards us. "Ella, Carl, and Attta meet Enid and Mikey" Ron adds on "sup" Mikey says smiling I nod and go stand between Carl and Attta. "O is this one of your guys" Carl says pulling out the comic book he took.

"Ya that's Enids" Ron says Enid looks up at us and reaches for the comic but as she grabs it she caresses Carl's hand while smirking at him. I try to hide the face I was making at her "You guys got that house" Ron asks "if you mean the unfinished one then ya" Attta says walking over to Austin. Ron nods "you two play video games?" He asks looking at me and Carl. I see Carl mouth twitch up "I've never been able to but I know Carl loves them" I say nudging Carl. "Wait you've never played a videogame not even before this" Mikey says looking shocked. "My dad just didn't let me I guess" I say.

Ron and Mickey shake their heads "this is to be takin very seriously" Ron says playfully. "Come on we can set both of you up" Ron says getting the controllers. We walk over and sit down Ron gives us both controllers Carl inspects it and smiles. "Ella im gonna help you since you don't know how to do this" Ron says sitting behind me I nod. He explains it pretty well and said I was a "natural gamer".

"Ok now that I got the hang of it Carl let's make a bet" I say Carl looks at me and smirks "ok" he says. "If I win I get to pick one of your Comic books but if you win you get to pick one of my knives" I say "deal" Carl says Ron and Mikey try to debate who is gonna win behind us. I win" Carl say "no" I say "yes" he argues I look at Mikey and Ron "guys who won" I ask the shrugg there shoulders. "Just call it a tie" we hear Austin say "ya" Attta says "fine tie" Carl says.

We all spend the rest of the afternoon at Ron's house then his dad came in. "Hey tell your friends bye" The man says Ron nods and tells everyone goodbye. His dad waved at us but it felt werid I had a feeling that Ron's dad was a bad person. Carl, Attta, Austin, and me walk back to our house "did you guys make friends" I hear my mom ask Attta smiles and nods. "Ya there's Ron, Mikey, and Enid" Carl says.

I frown at the mention of Enid she kept looking at Carl like he was a snack or something then she would look at me with a glare. "Whats wrong babe" Carl mumbles in my ear I walk upstairs while he follows I go in one of the rooms and shut the door. "I don't like that Enid girl" I say "why" Carl asks "because first she caresses your hand and smirks at you while taking the comic book and everytime she looked up she would look at you like your a snack then she would glare at me" i say crossing my arms glaring at the wall trying to get that bitch's face out if my mind.

Carl wraps his arms around my waist "you have no reason to be jealous because your my one and only" Carl says planting a kiss on my head. "I'm not jealous" I mumble Carl looks at me with his eyebrow raised "Ok ok maybe I'm a little jealous" I say "a little" he asks I roll my eyes "it's ok baby you are adorable when your jealous." Carl says smiling I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs.

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