Bullets Waisted

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Ella's POV
We're getting ready to leave to get Carol and Beth back and I'm doing one last look around to make sure we have everything "hey need any help". I turn around to the owner of the voice "mom" I say excitingly I hug her and she hugs me back. "I missed you to El" she says with a small chuckle "did you hear that we found Beth" i say excitingly she looks at me and nods with a smile "i cant wait to g- wait" I stop myself "I thought you left to get Eugene to Washington" I say with confusion she sighs "he lied" she says "what do you mean he lied" I say feeling the anger bubble in me. "He just wanted to get to Washington for saftey" she says.

After she says that I lost it I storm off to find Eugene and see him sitting in the church. "Hey asshole" I say he  quickly turns around to look at me and I see he's already been beaten up but I don't care. I grab ahold of his shirt "you could've got someone killed" I scream at him. Everyone starts to crowd around us Carl tries to calm me down but I don't. "My fucking parents went with you to stop this shit and the entire time you where  lieing to save your ass" I say with venom lacing my tongue.

"They could've died because of you and you didn't even care" I scream at him he looks at me with fear "i-i"he tries to form a sentence but i inturpt him "shut up" i scream at him I feel Carl tugging on my waist. "I swear on my own fucking life that if you are the cause of there death or anyone in this groups death I will feed you to the damn walkers." I say with a low threatening tone. Carl finally gets me out of his face and holds onto me "that is your one and only warning" I say starring daggers at him. I look at everyone and go outside.

I feel someone wrap there arms around my waist and a kiss pressed to my neck. I lean into Carl and he holds me tightly "what's wrong" he mumbles I sigh "Eugene lied" I say he nods his head "and my parents went with him and so did others he could've got someone killed because he was being selfish" I say "I know baby I know" Carl says I turn around and hug him. "Thanks for listening" I mumble "no problem" he says.

"Hey!" We pull apart and look at my dad. "It's time to go sweetie" he says directing his sentence to me "ok come on" I say looking at Carl. I grab his hand and we start walking my dad looks down at our hands then he looks at Carl. "5 feel apart at all times" he says before taking my hand from Carl. "Hey I'm like 15 or something I can hold my boyfriend's hand if I want" I say "over my dead body" my dad mumbles still not letting Carl hold my hand.

We walk to the car Carl gets in and I'm about to when my dad stops me."what" I ask looking at him "your not sitting next to him your sitting in the middle row with your mother" he says "what that's unfair" I say he was about to say something but mom beat him to it. "Glenn let her sit by her boyfriend" my mom says "no" my dad says back. She looks at him with a look that said "what the hell did you just say to me" he puts his hands up in surrender "Ok ok they can sit together" he says my mom goes back to smiling and he let's out a breath i smirk at him and let out a barely audible laugh.

Everyone gets in the car and we're on our way my dad keeps looking back at me and Carl every couple seconds with a frown on his face it was funny. "Dad can you stop planning to kill Carl please" I say with a smirk my mom and Attta laugh at my comment. "Hey who's side are you on" my dad say looking at my mom she puts her hands up in defense " if I hear something funny imma laugh" she says my dad rolled his eyes playfully at her. I lay down on Carl and he gives me a kiss on my head. "You look so adorable" Carl mumbles looking at me.

I blush and hide my face in his shirt "no" he says pulling my face out of his shirt. "What" I say "I don't want you to hide from me" he says "ok I won't" I say softly. "Hey lovebirds we're here" Attta says we get out of the car and start following Noah. Since he knows how to get around here.

We found 2 cops and took them hostage to trade for Beth and Carol the female one kept telling us she could help and that this wasn't gonna work. Attta got so annoyed with her that she kept trying to put a rag in her mouth to shut her up. I found it humorous and so did Carl. Right now we're walking in the hospital. "Hey put your hands up" a voice yells we raise our guns and see that there's a bunch of cops doctors and people with  hospital scrubs on infront of us.

"Who the hell are you and why do you have our people" the female cop infront of everyone says. "We might wanna ask you the same question" I snap at her "Ok ok let's put the weapons down and talk" Rick says getting infront of us. We all look at him and the others start to put their guns down Rick looks at me and I shake my head no. Then Carl puts his hand on the top of my gun and he starts to push it down I let him but only a little.

"Ok the guns are down now let's talk"  Rick says "I wanna talk to the leader" the women infront says "well here I am" Rick says she nods "now what do you want" she asks "you have 2 of our people and we would like them back and then we'll give you your 2 cops back" Rick says calmly jestering towards the 2 cops we had hostage she nods "what are your peoples names" she said "Beth and Carol" Rick says she nods and whispers something to one of the doctors. "They'll be out in a minute" she says. After about 30 seconds Beth comes down the hall pushing Carol in a wheelchair everyone in our group starts to smile I see Attta has little tears coming out of her eyes. "Now let's make the trade" the women says.

We take the female cop we had and push her over then they have someone push Carol and her wheelchair over to us. Daryl takes Carol and then we do the final trade with the male cop and Beth. Attta goes over to Beth and squeezes her tightly I do the same happy that we got our aunt back. We're about to leave but the women in charge stops us "wait" she says we look over at her "I want Noah back" she says Beth stands infont of him "no that wasn't part of the trade" Rick says.

"Well you took Beth so now I need Noah" she says Noah tries to go over there but we all stop him "get someone else to be your little servant" I growl at her. Our group and the women get in an argument until Beth starts to walk over to the women. Everyone stops to see what she's gonna do. She whispered something into the woman's ear and stabs her with scissors. The women pulls her gun out and shoots her in the head.Beth drops to the ground the women looked shocked that she did it and shook her head at us like she didn't mean to. But we didn't care before I knew what was happening I shot the women in the head and Attta ran at the people before she dropped to the ground.

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