Miss you

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2 days later
Ella's POV
I hear a knock then the door open "El you up yet" I hear Carl mumble i nod. I feel the bed dip and then a hand rudding my back "come down to breakfast" he mumbles I shake my head. "Where did Rick put her" I say my voice raspy from crying "she's next the church we're having a ceremony for her at 3:00" Carl mumbles again I nod. Carl gets up and walks out a few moments later my parents come in and sit on the bed. "Hey kiddo" My dad mumbles I don't say anything back "we have to stay strong" my mom mumbles while a tear rolls down her cheek.

"I can't" I mumble "yes you can we all can" my dad mumbles "just please come downstairs to eat please" my dad says "you haven't eaten anything in 2 days" my mom adds on "I'll come down" I mumble they nod my mom gives me a quick kiss on the head and they leave. I stand up and my legs feel like jelly but I refuse to sit back down. I quickly throw her hoodie on and a pair of jeans brush my hair down a little then walk out the door. I blink a few times to adjust to the light and walk downstairs.

Everyone is around the table whispering but then quickly stop when they see me "hey Ella" Rick says with a sad smile trying to cheer me up. I nod to him and grab an apple I sit down and start taking small bits of it. "You need to eat something more then that" Carol says I shake my head and continue to eat my apple. I start feeling like I'm gonna throw up and quickly run to the bathroom I fall to my knees and throw up everything I've eaten In the past week while Carl holds my hair back. "Are you ok El" i hear Carl mumble. I nod and stand up but when I do my head starts pounding abd my legs feel like I haven't used them in ages.

I grab onto the counter and Carl stands behind me making sure I don't fall "we should get Austin to make sure your not sick" Carl mumbles helping me back to her bed. I shake my head "it's just a check up" Carl says laying me on the bed "ill be right back" he says kissing my head I nod. I start thinking of memories with her and how amazing she was. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Austin walks in.

He doesn't look like himself tho he has bags under his eyes and he hasn't changed out of those cloths. "Hey" he mumbles out I nod "Carl said you through up" Austin mumbles sitting his stuff down I nod. He gives me the check up and looks at me with seriousness "everything's completely normal" he mutters under his breath. "Ella what day are you supposed to start you period" he asks. "The 12th" I mumble. He nods and leaves the room a couple minutes later he comes back with worry on his face. "Ella have you had sex in the past week or two" he asks me.

"Y-you don't mean.." I say he nods finishing my sentence "it's possible" he mumbles I start to cry. This isn't what was supposed to happen "please leave" I say Austin nods and leaves. I start crying into her pillow until I fall into a troubled sleep.

"Baby I'm home" I scream walking in "go say hi to mommy bud" Carl says giving Eli to me Attta walks in "awww there's little Eli" she says tickling his stomach he laughs a little and hides his face. "Aww aunty attta doesn't get any hugs or kisses" Attta says with a pout. Eli shakes his head and hides in my shoulder "lil ass kicker"  Attta mumbles smiling at him.

End of Dream
"Ella" I wake up and see a concerned Carl next to me "you where crying and mumbling her name in your sleep" he mumbles. I nod and he sighs "is it true" he says looking down at my stomach I shrugg my shoulders "I was gonna find a test and see" I mumble he nods "if it is true do you wanna keep it" Carl mumbles I nod he smiles a little. "This wasn't supposed to happen" I say a tear falling from my face "what wasn't supposed to happen" Carl says "she's supposed to be here with us to say stupid things and get excited about possibly becoming an aunt" I say tears running down my face.

Carl takes me in his arms "I know baby I know" he says kissing the top of my head "a-and it's my fault she's gone" I say "what do you mean" Carl asks I sigh "when I  first got back to Alexandria she came on my room but I told her to leave and if I just let her stay she would be here with us" I say Carl shakes his head "it wasn't your fault you didn't know" Carl says "i-i just wish I had a proper goodbye" she mumbles. We hear a knock on the door Austin pops his head in "time to go" he mumbles. Carl gets up and helps me up and we walk to the church. When we get there I'm surprised to see everyone here Gaberial stands next to the grave.

"Friends Family we are gathered here today to say goodbye to one of Alexandra's good people. Attta was a good friend she was very hard working courageous and would never leave anyone behind. Sadly her courageous act lead to her final breath. When she was trying to help a fellow person in need of help but because of her miss. Jankins will now live to see the future. If anything Attta is probably up in heaven looking down at us. Now let us bow our heads in a peaceful silence. Gabriel finishes and everyone takes turns putting a flower on her grave.

I stay behind with my dad my mom was here but she couldn't stand looking at her grave anymore so she left. "I love you Atie" I say holding her necklace tightly as tears run down my face. "We'll never forget you kiddo" My dad says he stands up and leaves trying to wipe his tears away. "I-i miss you so much" I whisper. I put my hand on the cross "goodbye" I whisper barly audibly I stand up and walk back to the house.

I walk in the house Carol uses for cooking to get an apple and I see someone I never thought I would ever see again. I drop my apple "n-no it can't be" I say looking at him in disbelief he chuckles from his spot on the floor "hey El miss me" Owen says smiling at me.

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