Lil ass kicker

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8 days later
Carl's POV
"Baby the cramps are getting worse" Ella says putting her face in the crook of my neck I put my arms around her "I know princess" I say I feel little drops of water on my neck. "Do you want to go see Dr. Harlan" I ask softly she nods without looking at me. "Ok" I say standing up I still have Ella in my arms trying to make her as comfortable as possible for her. I walk out of the trailer and down the road. Gleen sees me and runs up to me "what wrong with Ella" he asks with worry.

"She's been getting ready bad cramps since yesterday and wants to go see Dr. Harlan" I say he nods "I'll come with ya" he says. Thankfully the medical center is only a 3 minute walk from where me and Ella are staying so we got there fast. Gleen opens the door and I lay Ella down on the hospital bed Dr. Harlan come in and frowns when he sees Ella. "Whats going on" he asks Ella points to her stomach not saying anything "She's been getting really bad stomach pains the last two days" I say.

He nods and gives her a quick check up when he's done he writes things down on his clip board. "there nothing wrong with you Ella I can assure you your baby and you are just fine" Dr.Harlan says "then why is she having the cramps" I ask "the baby is gonna be here anyway now so the cramps will go on and off like one day she'll be fine then next she'll be like this" He answers I nod. "Is there anything I can do to help with the pain" I ask "I'm afraid not" Dr. Harlan answers with a sigh.

I nod and we go back home Ella falls asleep when I lay her down. I smile and snuggle up next to her I kiss her head and I fall asleep soon after.

2 hours later
Ella's POV
I wake up with Carl's arms around my waist and my stomach still hurting like hell. I slowly move Carl's arms so I can get up thank god this boys a heavy sleeper. I successfully get out of bed without waking him up and waddle over to the kitchen. I quietly get a water bottle and some crackers to snack on I grab the book I'm reading "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".

I don't care how much hate I get or how much I get called a nerd the books are really interesting and no one can tell me different. I sit down on the couch reading and eating peacefully I feel the baby kick a little and look down at my stomach. "Someone's ready to come out" I say smiling I hear Carl grown and I look over. His arm and leg are dangling off the bed but he's still sleeping.

I snicker and walk over to him putting hand on his shoulder I shake him gently and he opens his eye. He looks adjusting to the light and sits up "good morning" he says in his morning voice God I love his morning voice. "Morning" I say he smiles "how's your stomach" he asks "little better" I say he nods. "You want a snack?" I ask him "sure" he answers I nod and go to the kitchen to get him a snack.

Carl's POV
She gets up and walks to the kitchen I smile and find a comic book I lay back down and start reading waiting for Ella to come back. I hear a crash come from the kitchen and I jolt up "CARL" I hear Ella scream I rush to the kitchen and see Ella on the floor her expression holding pain and her hands on her belly. "Baby coming" she rushes out my eyes go wide and I rush to pick her up. I kick open the door and bolt to the medical center.

Glenn stops what he's doing and runs up to the medical center and opens the door by now Ella is breathing really fast and her eyes are watering. "Dr. Harlan" I yell he comes out of tye back and rushes to get Ella to the bed. "Ok Ella on a level from 1 to 10 whats your pain level" He asks getting stuff from the counter "n-nine" Ella answers he nods. "Ella I need you to push ok?" Harlan says Ella starts screaming and holds my hand tighter. "I see the baby's head"

Harlan says Ella's screams and crys go on for another 10 minutes then I hear a baby crying and Ella lays her head back on the bed panting. I see Harlan wrapping a baby's a blanket and I laugh with tears coming out of my eye. I plant a kiss on Ella's head "you did it baby" I say smiling she smiles back and sits up a little. "Would you like to hold her" Harlan asks smiling I nod and take her from him. She has Ella's nose and hair and my eyes she looks at me and starts laughing I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Let me see her" Ella says I give her to Ella she gasps as silent tears start to fall. "Hi Attta" She says with a smile. Attta smiles back and takes Ella's finger "she has your smile" I say Ella nods and looks at Glenn "do you want to say hi to your granddaughter" Ella asks Glenn nods ands carefully takes Attta from Ella. He whispers something in her ear and starts cradling her.

I had this little debate weather to make the baby a girl or a boy that's why this chapter took so long lol anyways this chapter is shorter and I hope u enjoy it
Byyyy love u all

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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