Being separated

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1 hour after the governor attacks
Ella's POV
Carl was walking a few feet infront of Rick and me he was still upset over what he saw and I understand that. "Carl" I say "Carl" I say again but a little louder he still ignores me "CARL" I scream getting pissed off at this point. He stops and looks at me and Rick "Stay close" Rick says he scoffs and still continues to walk a few feet infront of us. We find a little neighborhood and deside to stay in one of the houses.

Carl opens the door we go in and carl tries to go up stairs"hey wait and make sure there's no walkers upstairs." Rick says looking at Carl "HEY ASSHOLE" Carl says banging on the wall "HEY SHITFACE" He yells. He turns to Rick "they would've come down by now" Carl says with a rude tone "watch your mouth" Rick says Carl ignores him and goes up stairs I follow with my gun up. We walk into a room that looked like a teenage boys room it had a videogame set-up and a cable TV with alot of cloths. Carl grabs a wire walking down stairs.

"Why do you have that" I ask Carl "to tie the door" he mumbles. He ties the door and Rick puts a couch infront of it "why did you do that I already tied the door" Carl asked Rick " I'm not taking chances" he answers Carl nods and walks out. Rick lays down on the couch and closes his eyes "ya get some sleep" I say smiling at him I turn to walk away but Rick pulls me back "hey kid" he asks looking at me "ya" I say "promise me that you'll take care of Carl when I'm gone" he asked me looking straight in the eye "don't talk like that Rick" I say "just promise me whenever I die please just take care of him please" he says I look down hearing the seriousness in his voice "I will I promise" I say with determination. He nods his head and smiles " o and I know you two are dating" he says before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

I blush and walk towards Carl he'd sitting up looking of into space I sit next to him. We sit there in silence "I'm sorry" he says barely audibly "I just-" I cut him of by putting my finger to his lips "you don't need to be sorry Carl" I say looking at him he has tears in his eyes "I can't do this El" he says I pull him to me and he cries into my shoulder. "I'm scared" he whispers to me. "I am too" I admit to him we sit like that for about 10 minutes until he stops crying. "Let's get some sleep" he says laying on a cushion I lay down next to him and he pulls me into his chest "I think I love you" I say barely audibly he stays quite for a minute "I think I love you too El" he says before we fall asleep with me on his arms.

I wake up to Carl gone and Rick still sleeping on the couch I look around to find him and I see him by the side door. "What are you doing" I say he jumps a little and turns to me and let's out a breath "I'm going on a little run." He say I nod and get up brushing myself off. "What are you doing" he asks with a confused face "I'm coming with you" I say "no" he says "yes I am and your not the boss of me" I say leaving no room for discussion he sighs and we walk out of the house. "Your stubborn ya know that" Carl says looking at me "yeah I know" I say back we find a house and we go in it with our guns raised. Carl points to himself and then the stairs then he points to me and then the floor I nod think it's best if he takes upstairs and I take down stairs.

I clear the bottom half of the house and go to the kitchen then something fall over and Carl grunting. I rush upstairs with my gun raised and see Carl quickly shut a door panting. "What was that" I ask looking at Carl "walker" he answers I nod put my gun away Carl looks at me smirking "what" I ask him "you ran pretty fast up those stairs when you thought I was in danger" he says with a smirk. "Shut up" I mumble and walk away he chuckles and follows me. "I wanna learn more about you" I hear Carl say "like what" I answer.

"Like what your life was like before this and your parents" I freeze when he mentions my parents he notices "hey are you ok" he says looking at me with concern I felt tears running down my cheeks I quickly wipe them away and nod. "I'm sorry I pushed the boundary" he says "no it's ok I was gonna have to tell you eventually so I guess I could now." I say "ok" he says "but let's go on the roof for some air." I say he nods "wait can I take this" I turn around to see him holding a big can of pudding "um ya I guess" I say he smiles and grabs a spoon and we go on the roof through a window he sits down rating his pudding waiting for me to speak. I sit down next to him and sigh.

"When this all started my mom already passed and my dad was an abusive drunk he used to be a loving father and husband but then my mom died he then turned to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain and he started abusing me. I was 9 when my mom died and he started  abusing me about a month after my mom died he would throw me around and beat me with a switch until I passed out from the pain but I always had Attta there she new what my dad was doing so she would always let me stay at her house her mom didn't know but she didn't question it. I was always welcome at their house and the treated me like family. I was 12 when this all started and it was rough Attta and me where in her room when we heard her mom scream. We ran down stairs and saw a walker eating her we got so scared that we started running back up to her room but someone saved us." I finished and I look at Carl.

He hugs me "I'm sorry you had to go through that" he whispered in my ear "is that why your so attached to Attta?" He asks me I nod and feel tears come to my eyes "I want her back" I whisper squeezing Carl's hand he looks down a pulls something out of his pocket it's rapped in a cloth so I can't see it. He hands it to me and I unravel it and I whimper "w-where did y-you get this." I say not taking my eyes off of Atttas necklace. "I found it when we were leaving" he mumbles I start crying more and hold her necklace to my chest please be alive Attta I still need you please I think to myself.

That same day
Attta's POV
I look down at Judith sleeping in my arms wondering about what happens now I can't find my parents nor Ella and I hate it i even lost my necklace when i was getting out of there. I ran off with lizzie mika tyrees and judith and we havent found any of the others. "Hey did you here that" tyrees says looking at me I listen and here rustling in the woods I nod my head "take Judith will ya lizzy so I can go with tyrees and figure out what's going on" I say looking at lizzie she takes Judith and I run off with tyrees to find out the is. Turns out is was a walker we start to walk back I'm ahead of tyrees I walk back and I see Judith's face is really red almost purple and lizzie has her hand over Judith's mouth I rush over and take Judith away from her "what the hell were you doing lizzie" I say with anger in my voice looking at lizzie "she wouldn't stop crying" she mumbles I was about to say something back but tyrees comes out of the trees "everything alright" tyrees says "ya" lizzie answers eyeing me. I wanted to kill her after that but she's a kid and I would be considered a monster. We walk a little bit longer and we find someone we weren't expecting to see The girls run to Carol and I smile and hug her "hey long time no see" I say she laughs and takes Judith from me holding her and smiling.

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