Please be ok

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Ella's POV
"MOVE" Owen whisper shouts to me i roll my eyes and do what im told. He has Denise and me crouched down by a brick fence. I hear Owen trying to convince Denise to join him and her trying to convince him that he's not a bad person that he could change. "Denise there's no use in trying to change him he's a murderer nothing more" I say with venom lacing my tongue. "I bet you've killed people" Denise says I go quiet "I only kill if I need to HE kills when he wants to" I say.

Denise looks down and mumbles something under her breath "lets get to that gaurd tower then get over the fence" Owen whispers to us "Owen just take me Denise didn't do anything I'm the one your pissed off at Denise doesnt deserve this please I can disinfect your wound" I say with pleading eyes. Owen looks at me "I will on one condition" he says "I'll do anything" I say "you have to stay with me and you can't leave" he says with a smirk I think fir a minute and nod "I do it" I say I hear Denise protest but Owen smiles.

"Good by Denise it's been very nice spending time with you" he says grabbing my arm and running with me. I look back at Denise and smile then continue to run with Owen but what he didn't know was I had a plan. I put my plan into action and fall to the ground immediately walkers start to swarm me as Owen is trying to get them off of us and gets bit in the process. I take my gun all the knives and shoot my way out I see Owen being eaten by the walkers.

I stray tear falls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away I get Denise "let's go back to our friends" I say smiling. She smiles back but then looks back at the walkers "I feel bad for him" she mumbles "I'm sorry but it had to be done" I say. She nods and we start sneaking back to my house we get there and I beat on the door. Carl opens it and looks like he was crying but quickly smiles when he sees me. He grabs me by waist and picks me up giving my a kiss and hugging me "I thought I lost you" he mumbles into my ear "you'll never loose me" I mumble back kissing his cheek.

"ELLA" I turn around and see my parents they come over and take me from Carl giving me a big hug kissing my head. "I'm so glad your safe" I hear my mom mumble "I always am" I say smiling. I let go of them and go back to stand next to Carl I see Ron by the stairs looking at us. I try to smile at him but he walks away I start following him while Carl follows me. He goes into the garage and I follow while Carl is still following me.

I get in with Carl and Ron's not there "baby what are yo-" Carl was cut off by the door being shut. We both turn to the door and see Ron standing there with a look of hatred on his face. "Ron what are you doing" I say while Carl is pulling me back "your shitty boyfriend took away my girlfriend so now" he pauses pulling out a knife "I'm gonna take his" he says running towards me. I move out of the way and he crashes into a window.

He trys to go for me again but I dodge him again walkers start to break more of the window trying to get to us. "Ron stop there's no point and walkers are getting in we need to leave now" I say Ron looks at the walkers then at Carl and runs to him Carl didn't have enough time to move Ron is pushing him towards a walkers hand as Carl is trying hard to get away. I run to Ron and get ontop of him putting a gun to his head. He stops moving.

"Just do it" he says "I'm not like that but if you don't stop I will put a bullet through your head" I say looking at him. He nods I get off of him and take his knife "don't try anything" I say putting my gun away but not clipping it in. We open the door and walk out we walk in the living room seeing everyone in bedsheets covered with walker guts. "We have to do this to get out" Rick says putting sheets with walker guts on the 3 of us.

"Everyone grab hands so we don't get lost" Rick says I grab Carl and Jesse's hands "wait where's Deanna" I asks everyone looks down "o" I say kinda sad I liked Deanna she had a good idea for this place. We start walking out the door we get about half way through when Sam stops walking Jesse is trying to convince him to keep going but he doesn't walkers start to eat him and Jesse starts to sob refusing to let og of him. Walkers start to eat her to I get her hand off mine and see Ron with a gun.

It's pointed at Rick but before he can do anything Michonne stabs him through his chest. The gun goes off but I don't know where until I looks at Carl and see his eye gone I let out a sob "D-Dad" he mumbles out before falling Rick catches him and we all bolt to the clinic. I'm still crying praying that Carl will be all right we make it to the clinic and see Denise. She gasp when she sees Carl "p-please h-help him" I choke out Rick puts him on the clinic bed and Denise starts to work on his eye.

Rick walks put and starts killing walkers I stay still unable to move but rage quickly fills me and I walk out side. Rick is already killing them along with Michonne and I join in I start shooting as many as I can reloding quickly so I can continue. There's only one left coming for me and ironically enough it's Owen I throw my gun down and pull my knife out. I stand him in the head but don't stop I start repeatly stabbing him in the head while screaming and crying. I blame him for all of this. I feel someone pick me up from behind. I turn to face the person and see my dad I start sobbing again while my dad just hugs me trying to calm me down.

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