Protecting Carl from Dad

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"YOUR WHAT" my dad screams he looks at Carl and starts walking towards him "Carl run" I say. Carl bolts out and my dad follows "DAD WAIT" I scream trying to keep up "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE BOY" My dad screams "YOULL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE" Carl screams back speeding up he runs into an empty house. My dad tries to get in but Carl locked the door I finally catch up to my dad and stop I try to catch my breath. "Stop trying to kill Carl" I say between breaths my dad sighs "are you really" he asks looking at my stomach.

I nod "killing Carl isn't gonna do any good so please stop trying to kill him" I say my dad mutters under his breath and we start walking back home. We open the door and see everyone snickering and whispering "shut up" my dad mumbles walking out. A couple minutes go by and people start to exit some telling me concratulations others telling me good luck. My mom and Austin walk over "so what where you thinking about baby names" she asks I smile "me and Carl already decided on baby names" I say. "O really what are they" Austin says with a big smile "ill tell you guys but don't tell anyone else not even my dad" I say.

They both nod "For a girl Attta and for a boy Blaze" I whisper to them "those are beautiful names" mom says smiling. "Ya I love the girl name but don't you think Austin Jr. sounds better for a boy" Austin says putting his arm around my shoulders. "Don't push it" I say Austin makes a pouting face I roll my eyes playfully. "I'm gonna go to my room talk to you guys later" I say Austin waves and my mom smiles at me.

I walk in my room and shut and lock the door I feel someone grab me from behind they put there hand over my mouth before I can scream and push me against my bed. I look and see Carl hovering above me. I smack his hand away and he laughs "you scared the shit out of me" I say "It was funny" he says I smack him playfully. We just stay in silence before he leans down and connects out lips I kiss back. It turns into us making out and he moves his hands under my shirts and starts rubbing the skin just bellow my bra with his thumbs.

"Carl everyones downstairs" I breath out Carl smirks "then you might wanna be quiet princess" he says planting small kisses from my jaw down to my neck. He starts sucking and biting at my skin I pull on his hair making a low growl come from him. "Carl" I moan softly "shhh be quiet or ill stop you dont want me to stop do you" Carl asks I shake my head. "Give me words princess" he says with a dominant tone "n-no" I moan. "Ok then be quiet" he says his hands slowly go down from my shoulders to my waist. He unbutton my jeans and throws my jeans and underwear somewhere in the room.

"so wet for me already princess" he says smirking without warning he plunges a finger into me. I put my hand over my mouth to stop the moans that where dieing to escape my mouth. Carl smirks at me "does that feel good princess" he asks me "y-yes" I moan quietly. He puts another finger in me and I gasp squeezing my eyes shut "open your eyes right now" Carl says dominantly I quickly open my eyes and see Carl smirking.

"I'm gonna c-cum" I moan quietly before my legs start to shake and I cum all over his fingers. I look away my face going red from embarrassment I hear Carl chuckle a little "don't hide your face baby" he says kissing my forehead "I'll be right back" he says. He goes to the bathroom and washes his hands then walks out of my room. He comes back about 3 minutes later with some food a pair of boxers and 2 of his T-shirts. He throws me a T-shirt and goes to my dresser looking through it "i already have a shirt on" I say.

"I know you just look better in mine" he says throwing me a pair of underwear. I start taking my shirt off to put on the T-shirt and see Carl starring I smirk " it's rude to stare at people when their changing y'know" I say "in my defense the person is starring at is hot as fuck" Carl says going in the bathroom to change. I decide I'm gonna tease him and take my bra off. I put his shirt and the underwear he gave me on and I lay down.

Carl comes out a couple seconds later and lays down next to me "I grabbed us some barbecue Daryl cooked it" "Carl says reaching over me to get it. I see him glance at the shirt I'm wearing and he laughs "you really took your bra off" he says "it's uncomfortable" I say innocently "uncomfortable my ass" he mutters under his breath. He grabs the 2 forks he brought with him and gave one to me.

He opens the bowl of barbecue and my mouth starts to water "its still warm when was it made" I ask "about an hour ago" he answers I nod and we start eating it. We finish the whole bowl in about 5 minutes and Carl leaves to go put our dishes in the sink. I hear someone knock on the door I put the blanket over me "come in" I say my dad walks in and I smile. He walks on and sits on my bed. "Hey kiddo" he says "hey" I say back he looks at me stomach "how long have you know" he says "about 3 weeks".

He nods "do you know what your naming it" he asks I nod "I have the perfect baby names" I say. "What are they" he asks I shake my head "only 2 people other then me and Carl know and that's how it's gonna stay" I say he nods "I love you kid" he says "love you to dad" i say he smiles and kisses my head. Someone knocks on the door and we turn to see Carl "I was gonna come in but I didn't wanna ruin the father daughter moment" he says.

My dad gives him a death glare and gets up to leave before he leaves he whispers something into Carl's ear. Carl looks wide eye and gulps my dad looks back at me smiles then leaves. "What did he say" I ask "he said if I hurt you or the baby in anyway that he was gonna use me for target practice" Carl says I roll my eyes "don't worry I won't let him" I say cuddling into his chest.

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