Getting my bff back

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Carl POV
I held Ellla in my arms as I walked back to the prison I looked down to see her looking off into space with a shocked and broken look on her face she stopped cry about 2 minutes ago but I can still here her sniffling and shallow breaths. "I'm sorry" I here her say softly "for what" I ask her careful not to raise my voice. "I p-pushed you a-away when you tried t-to be my f-friend." She said sounding broken I look at her with sadness and guilt on my face if I would have just gotten there a little bit before Ella would have Attta. "No it's ok you just were protecting yourself and Attta" I say "obviously I wasn't a good enough protector or she wouldn't be there with the man with the eye patch" she said my heart pings as she says that sentence she thinks it's her fault and I hate it.

We make it to the prison and my dad goes to give me a lecture but the sees that Ella is in my arms and that Attta is nowhere in sight. "Was she bit" he asked me "no she went on a run with Attta and the governor found them I wasn't quick enough to save Attta" I explain to him he nods his head Glenn and Maggie come running out and they see Ella in my arms I give her to Glenn so I can talk to my dad.

Ella's POV
Carl put me in Glenn's arms and left I look at Glenn and feel tears come to my eyes again Glenn and Maggie  take me to their guard tower and lay me on the bed. I lay on Maggie's lap and she plays with my hair soothing me just the tiniest bit. "Do you wanna tell us what happened El" Maggie says softly "Me and Attta thought it would be fun to go on a run today since it our birthday tomorrow..and we found a store so we went in it and...the man with the eye patch came with his men and tried to take me and Attta where he lived...but Carl got there and shot down some of them and I was able to get away but Attta wasnt" I say

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that but I promise you we will get her back." Maggie say "can we go get her now please I can't stand not knowing if she's safe" I ask Maggie "go ask Rick ok and if he doesn't say yes well go tomorrow" I nod my head and set off to find Rick. I found Rick talking to Carl and they both look at me when they see me coming "I wanna go get Attta now" I say to Rick "we gotta wait until tomorrow" Rick says "what? No no no no no she could be dead by then and I'm not taking that chance." I saw with anger "listen I promise you she'll be fi-" I got Rick off "no you don't know that so shut the fuck up and you don't understand me losing her would be like if you lost your son an-and I'm not losing her cause you just wanna sit on your ass."I saw walking the other way.

Ricks POV
I felt bad saying no to finding at she's a good kid but it's getting dark and I can't risk anyones safety for her. "Why can't we go after her dad" I hear Carl say "because it's getting dark and it's not worth risking the safety of everyone else for Attta" "well then let me and Ella go get her I know my way around this place and I cou-" I cut Carl off "we'll get her tomorrow end of discussion" I say Carl scoffs and walks off "I'm not a kid anymore ya know" I hear Carl say before he disappears behind the corner.

2 hours later
Ella's POV
I got ready to go get Attta back and I was going alone since Rick didn't care enough to get her right now. I filled my backpack with gunammo,tape,rope, some canned food and 2 water bottles. I was right by the gate when I heard "what are you doing" I turn around to see Carl looking at me "I'm going to get Attta back and don't you dare tell anyone" I say "Ok I wont but I'm coming with you" Carl says "what no your not this is my battle to fight not yours Carl" I say "well it either I come or I tell my dad what your doing" he say with a smirk on his face. "Ok fine but I'm not responsible for you" I say slightly annoyed that he won't let me do this on my own.

We walk for 30 minutes before we reach the man with the eye patches home. "Ok Atttas most likely gonna be in that big metal building over there" I hear Carl whisper to me "how do you know" I ask "because this man doesn't keep any of his hostages where the people can get to them" Carl says I nod "let's go from the back so we don't get seen" I whisper he nods and we hop over the wall. We get to the big metal building and we find an open window we crawl through it and start our search for Attta we open alot of rooms but none of them have Attta in them. We get to a door that's locked and kick it open in there I find something that brings tears to my eyes.

I see Attta on the floor curled up in a ball but she doesn't have any cloths on and she chained to the wall by her neck and hands and she's crying. Carl turns around to give us privacy and to keep watch "Attta its me Ella" I whisper she looks up and smiles "Ella you came back for me" she said but her voice dry and raspy "yeah now let's get you out of her and in some cloths" I say pulling out some cloths. I got her out of the chains and she got the cloths on. She was a little wobbly with her legs but she could still walk. We go to leave and get out of the building and we hop over the fence again leaving the man with the eye patch and that horrible place to go home and im happy I can call it home with  Attta.

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