Meeting for the first time

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Attta's POV
It's been a year since that night and I can't help but think of it she's been getting more dreams like taht and she is so scared that I'm going to die that I swear it looks like she's having a heart attack when ever I kill a bitter we are on a run right now to look for useful stuff and possibly a new house since bitters over ran our house a month ago it's annoying honestly we've been sleeping on roof tops and trees so the bitters don't get to use and personal note if I find a pillow on this run TAKE IT. Cause those roof are so uncomfortable. "Hey if we find a pillow on thus run I call dibs on it" I say looking at Ella she let's out a laugh "Ok but if we find a can of ravioli I call dibs on it" she says smiling "nooooooo not my ravioli" I say with a laugh "well then share the pillow and I'll share the ravioli" she says with a smile "Ok ok fine you win I'll share the pillow if we find one but only if you find a can of ravioli deal" I said with a smile "deal" she said with a smile

Ella's POV
So we found two pillows but no ravioli it was sad but at least we won't have to lay our heads on concrete. We're walking through the woods right now in a peaceful silence but we come to a stop when we find a heard of about 20 bitters we try to fight them off but my clumsy dumbest fell the bitter went down with me and about 3 more came I here Attta screaming but she cant get toe cause she has a couple of those bastards herself and I think to myself  is this is how I'm going to die I'm not going down without a fight so I try hard to fight them off but it's no use I was prepared for death but it didn't come instead I heard gunshots BANG BANG BANG the bitters on me go limp. I get the things off me and I look for who had the gun then I saw them a man and a boy they looked similar so I guessed that they were related me and the boy held eye contact for what felt like forever bur was really just a couple seconds the man tried to come near me and Attta and that's when I sprinted and I dragged Attta along with me. I wasn't gonna get hurt by people ever again.

Back at the prison
Carl's POV
I sat in my cell thinking about what happened in the woods today the two girls we saved from those walkers.  I couldn't get one out of my head her brown hair looked so soft and her eyes her beautiful brown eyes I could get lost in them for days and the way she walled was like an angel if I've ever seen one. She ran away tho I don't understand dad took one step and she bolted and she pulled along that other girl to maybe there sisters or something. "Carl" I hear my dad say "yea" I answer "dinners ready" my dad said "Ok I'll be there in a minute" I say he's about to walk away when I stop him "Hey dad" I say he looks at me waiting for what I'm about to say "do you think maybe..those girls we found in the wood if we find them again could they stay here" I ask he stares into space before answering "I don't know I won't let threats in here so I guess it just depends" I nod in understanding and we both head off to dinner.

The same night
Ella's POV
I couldn't stop think about that boy in the woods and I hated it I didn't have enough time for crushes if anything it just makes me more weak and vulnerable. I walk over to Attta and lay next to her on the concrete "Hey next time we go on a run we should look for blankets so we don't have to lay directly on the concrete" Attta says looking at me smiling I let out a small chuckle "your an idiot sometimes but good night" I say to Attta "night Ella"

1 week later
Ella's POV
"O my gosh you'll never believe what I found" I heard Attta say "what" I asked "I found......Monopoly" she said with excitement in her voice I rolled my eyes playfully and laugh "Can we play it when we get back to the roof please please pleeeease" she said jumping like a little kid "you can be such a chi-" I was cut off by the sound of bitters but not just a little but alot they were coming down the isle fast we ran outside only to find a whole heard of them "I thought you said we had al least 20 minutes before the heard got here?!" I exclaim at Attta "I was wrong now RUN" she screams we run through the woods losing the heard after about 20 minutes of none stop running and alot of twists a turns. We stop to catch our breath and Attta walks around a little before stopping with her jaw open and her eyes big.

"Uuuuu El I think you might wanna see this" Attta says I come over confused as to what she looking at but then I see it a prison. "Should we go in" Attta asks I look around and try to think of a reason not to but we have nothing to lose so maybe this place would be a good thing "I'll go if you go" I say while looking at her she looks at me and smiles "I guess we're doing this huh" she asks "yep" I reply we walk to the prison then we were stopped by people with guns.

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