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Same time as last chapter
Ella's POV
I was pushed to the ground hard by the man that was holding me and so was Carl I look at him I see a mixture of anger sadness and defeat in his eyes the man behind me started to play with the hem of my pants and started to unbutton them I shut my eyes tightly praying that it'll be over soon. But instead I hear a man scream I open my eyes and see Rick has bitten a piece of meat from the man that had him at gun points neck and now he's on the floor Rick shoots him and the men holding Carl and Michonne down then starts shooting the men that are beating Daryl. Carl comes to me and grabs his gun shooting the man that was holding me down in the stomach.

The man groans in pain and I look at Carl but I don't see the normal Carl no I see a much darker side to him he has a pyscotic look in his eyes as he pulls me away from the man then goes back to the man and starts pushing him repeatedly "NEVER *punch* EVER *punch* EVER *punch* TOUCH *punch* MY *punch* GIRL *punch* EVER *punch* AGAIN" he screams punching the man between every word Rick comes behind him having to literally ripe Carl off of the man to get him to stop "that's enough" Rick says Carl eyes the now knocked out man and he walks towards me grabbing my hand gently looking at me with the soft eyes I'm used to.

We walk a little bit we find train tracks and a sign that says "TERMINUS For those who arrive survive." We deside to follow the signs to Terminus. In hope that the others will see it to and decide to follow it as well. Carl was balancing on the train tracks "I bet I can balance longer" Michonne says looking at Carl "no" Carl says looking at her "Alright then let's have a bet" she says "ok" Carl says "Ella you wanna join the bet" Michonne asks me "ya" I say me and Michonne get on the train tracks with Carl and start to balance on them. "Whats the winner get" I ask "the winner gets to choose one of my chocolate bars to eat" Michonne says. "O I'm definitely winning this bet" Carl mumbles "you sure about that cowboy." I ask and he nods.

"Let's make a bet of our own Carl" I say "alright" he says "if I win I get your hat for the day if you win you get to pick your prize" I say looking at him. "Ok" he says I can hear the smirk in his voice Carl starts to try and push Michonne off and she looses her balance "hey no fair" she says looking at Carl "Sorry it had to be this way Michonne" I say smiling at her. "Don't think your safe" Carl says now trying to push me off but still maintain balance "hey stop it imma fall off" I say to Carl trying hard not to fall "that's the point" he says before finally getting me off balance and off the train rail.

He comes down and smirks at both of us "I'll be taking my prize now Michonne" she takes out her 3 candy bars and holds them out to him. He takes the cats bar and smiles at her "nooo not my cats bar" she says looking at Carl with a frown "hey you said any" he says putting his hands up in defense. He comes over to me and grabs my hand "can I still have your hat" I say he chuckles and gives it to me it's a little big but I'm still able to wear it. "So what do you want for your prize", I ask him he smirks "you'll see" he says "why is it always a mystery with you" I ask him he shruggs his shoulders and we walk in silence.

5 hours later
Ella's POV
We made it to Terminus but instead of going through the front we jump over the wall just to be safe and Rick stored some guns in the woods incase things went south. We walk in with our guns in our hands just incase we get stopped by a men and they have guns pointed at us "we aren't looking for trouble" Rick says with his hands up "are you here for a place to stay" the man that looks like he's in charge says "yes" Rick says still with his hands up "Ok put your weapons on the floor" the man says. Rick does it immediately but everyone else including me are still a little tipsy about this.

We finally put the guns down and they come to search us for anymore they don't find any and they start to lead us down to where everyone else is. There's train cars everywhere which I don't understand why but I ignore it but then we start to see things on the people that look way to familiar. I then see someone with my fathers pocket watch on them and I flip out I grab the man by his throat "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT" I yelled at the man holding the pocket watch in my hand "i-it was on a bitter" he says "LIAR" I scream and Carl grabs me by my waist pulling my away from the man.

I still have the pocket watch in my hand and I don't let it go. "RUN" Rick screams and we bolt they're shooting at us but only at our feet like their not trying to kill us. We get stopped by a whole line of men and the man that searched us infront of us. "Listen or the kids get shot" he says Rick puts his hands up and so does everyone else. "I want a line infront of the train car first the ringleader then the archer then the samurai" the man says "now open the cart and go in it in that line order" The man says "my kids" Rick says looking at me and Carl. "Go kids" the man says we walk in and the door is shut behind us.

I look in the cart and see our group but I don't see Attta I found my parents and gave them the biggest hug cause I know there ok "where's your sister" my mom says with a smile looking around "I don't know" I say looking down she let's out a couple tears while my dad trys to comfort her. "Here's your pocket watch back dad" I mumble holding it out to him he smiles and takes it "thanks kid" he says going back to hugging my mom

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