Stranger Danger

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7 months later
Ella's POV
"Ella I need you" I hear Carl scream I sigh and get up putting a hand on my baby bump. I walk downstairs to the living room and see Carl and Austin glaring at eachother on the living room floor. I sigh "what is it now" I say "tell Austin that if the baby's a boy we are not naming him Austin Jr." Carl says glaring at Austin. "Byt it's a g-" I cut Austin off "Austin if the baby's a boy you already know that me and Carl both decided on the baby's name" I say Carl smilies at me and sticks his tongue out at Austin.

"See told you" Carl says I roll my eyes "you two are ridiculous making the poor pregnant lady get out of bed because of how childish you are" I say sitting on the couch Carl looks at me with a pout. "I'm sorry" he says with puppy eyes I roll my eyes playfully. I feel the baby kick and smile "Guys the babys kicking" I whisper yell Carl crawls over and puts a hand on my stomach Austin comes sitting next to me. "Do you feel him" I ask Carl nods frantically "I wanna feel the baby too" Austin says putting his hand on my stomach. "Damn this baby is a hard kicker" Austin says "don't cuss infront of the baby" Carl says glaring at him.

"Sorry man but Ella does this not hurt you" Austin asks "it was pretty bad the first couple weeks he started kicking but the pain got more bearable as he did it more" I say Austin nods my mom comes in and sits next on the other side of me "now we got two moms expecting in the room" Austin says my mom chuckles "ya I guess so" she says. "Wait so who got pregnant first that's my question" Austin asks "you ask alot of questions." I say

"It's a part of my beautiful personality" he answers I roll my eyes "she got pregnant before I did but her and dad didn't tell anyone" I say Austin nods "where Rick and Daryl" I ask "they went on a run" Carl say I nod "how come no one tells me anything" I ask Carl shruggs "what do you think the baby's gender gonna be" Mom asks "I think there both gonna be boys" Austin says "I think ours is gonna be a girl and Maggie's a boy" Carl says.

"What do you two think" Austin asks "I think my mom's is gonna be a boy and mine a boy I just have a feeling" I say. "I think mines gonna be a girl and yours a boy" my mom says.

Me and Carl are sitting on the couch cuddling "Carl" I say he hums "can we go get something to eat" I ask he nods. He picks me up bride-style and puts me on a kitchen stool "what do you want" he ask walking to the cabinet. "Can I have cookies" i ask Carl shakes his head. "Why not" I ask with a pout "because it's late and remember what happened last time you ate cookies" he says raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes "so I don't get anymore cookies cause I through up one time" I ask.

"No just not until after the baby's born" he says "that's like telling a kid they can't ride there bike anymore because that fell one time" I protest. "Just pick something else" he says "fine meanie can I have some strawberries" I say he nods pulling the strawberries out of the fridge. "They just got picked today" he says I nod. We here a knock at the door I get off the stool unlock the door and open it. Rick walks in and I smile "hey Rick" I say he nods "hey dad" Carl says from the kitchen.

"Tell your son that he's mean" I say "o no what did he do" Rick says looking in Carl's direction "I didn't do anything" Carl says "yes you did" I say Rick chuckles "anyway he wont give his hungery girlfriend cookies because I through up one time and that was like a week ago" I say Rick laughs "that does sound mean Carl" he says "hey who's side are you on" Carl says "her's" Rick say pointing to me. "Dang going against your own child just like that" Carl says putting a hand on his chest like he was offended.

Michonne comes downstairs and smiles "I knew I heard you" she says Carl comes over with a bowl of cut strawberries "Ella here's your strawberries" he says I nod and thank him "We're gonna go to bed see you guys tomorrow" Carl says putting his arm around my shoulders "Ok no goofing around" Rick says winking at Carl. My face goes red and I look down "Dad" Carl says Michonne laughs and we head upstairs.

We decide to go to Carl's room "I'll be right back" he says getting up I nod and he heads out of the room. I sit there peacefully eating my strawberries before Carl comes back in he throws me a pair of my shorts and goes to his dresser. He throws me one of his shirts and grabs boxers and a shirt for himself. We get dressed and Carl goes to the bathroom and shuts the door.

It's been about 10 minutes and Carl still hasn't come out I get up and walk over to the bathroom door. "Carl are you ok" I say putting my ear against the door "y-yea" I hear him say but his voice sounds like he's crying. I try to open the door but it's locked "Carl open the door" I say. I don't hear any response "Carl please open the door" I say again worry lacing my tone I hear some shuffling then the door unlocks. I open the door to see Carl looking at the wall "Carl" i say my hand touches his face but he flinches away.

"Carl what's wrong why won't you let me see your face" I ask he doesn't answer he just lifts his face and I see he doesn't have a bandage over what used to be his eye and he's crying. "O Carl" I say with sadness "i-i look so ugly" he mumbles I put my hands on either side of his face and wipe his tears away. "No you don't" I say he shakes his head "d-do you still love me" he asks.

I plant small kisses around his empty eye socket and star kissing his neck I pull away and look at him. "You could've lost you entire arm and I'd still love you the same it's not about what's on the outside it's about what on the inside and I think it makes you look mysterious and sexy" I say he laughs a little. "I love you so much" he mumbles wrapping his arms around me "I love you to Carl" I say. "Now let's get a bandage on your eye so it doesn't get dirt in it" I say grabbing new bandages he sits down on the edge of the tub and let's me do my work. "There" I mumble he stands up and picks me up carrying me to the bed "I can walk y'know" I say "I know" he says grabbing my waist.

Next morning
Ella's POV
"Baby" I hear Carl whisper yell "Baby wake up" he says more urgently I open my eyes blinking several times. "Whats wrong" I say with worry "I think someone's in the house "Carl says picking his gun up. "Are you sure" I ask he nods "stay here" he whispers I shake my head "no I'm not letting you go out there by yourself if someone's out there" I say he mutters "fine but you stay next to me and if you see any sign of danger you run do you understand me" He says I nod and get up.

Carl gives me my gun and knife and we walk to the door i nod at him and he opens it. We pull our guns out immediately and walk out we see a man we've never seen before sitting on the stairs and we hold up our guns at him "wow relaxe I'm just waiting for your mom and dad to get dressed" he says looking at us. His eyes travel from Carl to me down to my stomach Carl puts a protective hand over it and glares at the man.

"What do you mean my mom and da-" Carl was cut off by Rick and Michonne coming out of Rick's room with Rick zipping his jeans up and michonne fixing her top. I raise an eyebrow at them and Carl looks shocked and Rick looks at Carl the man looks between them "o I get it thats your son and he didn't now about you two and thats your son's girlfriend" the man says pointing at everyone while he speaks. "Hey I heard a voice an-" Austin comes running in with no shirt and looks at everyone "o um I guess everyone heard it" he mumbles. Just then a girl pokes her head out of Austin's room and we all look at Austin I smirk and Austin runs back to his room shutting the door.

"Alot of action happens around here I see" The man says smirking "you have no right to talk so shut it before I blow your brains out" Carl says glaring at the man "sorry" the man says putting his hands up. "Ok you said you wanted to talk now let's talk" Rick says looking at the man he nods and they walk downstairs. "What the heck is going on around here" I ask Carl he shruggs "I'm definitely asking Austin about that girl later you wanna join me" Carl ask I nod "im definitely joining" I say.

It's fucking 3 in the morning.....sooo the chapter might be more poorly written then before and
Thank u all for almost getting me to 100 reads rn we at 96 again thank u sm and good bye don't forget ur beautiful just the way u are and don't forget to take care of yourself❤😊
Bye people

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