Together again

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Same day
Atttas POV
We still can't find anyone and it's upsetting Carol left to go look at this place or something I don't really know. I'm sitting here with tyrees and Judith o and that's another thing lizzie killed mika back at the cabin saying she would come back and she was about to do it to Judith but we got there just in time. We had to kill lizzie cause she was to much of a danger and that gave me relief but also I felt bad for her. I mean she was just a little girl. But so was Mika.

"Hey what's got your mind spinning" I snap out of my daze "what" I say looking at the guy that me and tyrees found. "I said what's got your head spinning" he said looking at me "it's non of your business" I snap at him. He looks over at Judith "is she yours" I look at Judith and shake my head "who's is she then" he ask looking at me "you a very annoying y'know" I say getting annoyed with all of his questions and comments. "That baby isn't gonna make it and neither are we" he says "tyrees do you have any ducktape to shut the fucker up" I say he shakes his head.

5 minutes later
Ella's POV
We all sit in the cart making weapons out of random thing we could find I was making an arrow type of thing with wood and it turned out pretty good. We hear someone walk by the cart and stop infront of it we all stand up ready to fight "don't hesitate just kill and run" Rick's whispers to all of us we here something on the roof and then it opens "Everyone at the side of the cart NOW" a voice yells then those assholes drop a smoke bomb we all start coughing and I feel someone grab me by my waist I see the sun right before a blindfold was put on my face and I was being forced to walk somewhere.

Carl's POV
I looka round frantically and relize that they took Ella "HEY ASSHOLES" I scream banging on the door no one replied. A low growl came from my throat "I just got her back" Maggie whispers I come over and hug her "Alright everyone get back to work we WILL get them back no matter what" I say everyone nods and we get back to work.

Ella's POV
I was sat in a chair with the blindfold still on my face I try to stay ask quiet so I can to listen for a sign of anyone. I hear a door open and footsteps coming closer to me the blindfold was yanked off my head and I see the man that forced us in the cart infront of me. I reach for him but my hands are bonded to a chair "you fucking asshole" I growl "Nice to see you to sweetheart and my names Gareth you might wanna start using it since were going to be spending alot of time together now " he says with a smirk "Go fuck yourself" I growl then spit in his face he wipes my spit off his face and grabs my face.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way" he says while gripping my jaw tightly I headbutt him and he slaps me. "Hard way it is" he forces his lips on mine and starts to caress my boobs I try squirming away but fail miserable. I go to my last option and I bit his lip as hard as I can he pulls back and brings his hand up to his now bleeding lip. He looks at me and smacks me again "stop being a little bitch" he says with a threatening tone I am terrified but refuse to show it. Carl please save me I think to myself.

Carl's POV
We heard a load boom and a lot of shooting my dad opens the cart back up and everyone jumps out and starts fighting I kill a woman and take the gun she has. "I have to go find Ella" I say looking at my dad he nods his head and I run off to find her. I run into this big build holding my gun up and going through halls checking every door I find a locked door and I kick it down. What I see brings tears to my eyes Ellas tied to a chair with hickeys all over her neck and at the top of her chest her cheeks are red and bruised and she not wearing anything to cover from her waist and below.

I rush over to her take my jacket off tie it around her waist and untie her wrist "no please no more" she chocks out "shhh shhh it ok its Carl it's just Carl no one else" I say softly her head bolts up and she jumps in my arms and starts sobbing. "Carl h-he did t-teribble things t-to me" she says over and over again in my chest while I rub her back "shhhh shhhh it's ok he can't hurt you anymore I'm here he can't hurt you now" I whisper "h-he r-rape me."

My heart dropped when she said that I hold her tighter as she started to calm down. "Do you know who it was" I ask she nods her head "Gareth" she whispers barely audibly like she was scared he would pop out anytime if she said his name to load. I get her pants back on her and walk her back to the group we get out of there apparently Carol set the big bang off and now we were following her I saw she was leading us to a little shack I look at it confused but know that there has to be a reason why she's leading us to the little shack.

We all walk in and we see tyrees Attta a girl ive never seen and a dude that was dead but Attta has something in her arms that she was holding and it starts to cry I look at her with tears in my eyes and I smile Attta stands up smiling when she sees me with Ella. Ella jumps put of my arms and hugs her sister and I take mine from Attta and my dad comes up and gives us both a kiss on the head.

This was probably the worst/best day of my life

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