The Truth

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Ella's POV
      The next day was probably the weirdest day we have spent with the Wolves. They where loading weapons into a truck me and Attta went over to Owen and asked why they were loading weapons into the truck and he said that we were going to trade with another group and me and Attta get to go with. Me and Attta went to the tent after that and she had an uneasy look on her face "Whats wrong" I ask her she looks at me and says "I have a bad feeling about this whole trading thing" I look at her and I could see she was serious "how about if it goes bad and we don't like it her anymore we can leave ok" I ask she nods her head "but I really think your over reacting they've given us no reason not to trust them" I say again she nods her head without look at me.
Attta's POV
       I nod at my best friend without looking at her but I really don't think these people are good. I could have swore I heard them talking about abushing a group but I could have been hearing things I just hope that Ella was right. "We should go to sleep it's getting kinds late." I say Ella nods her head "I love you El" I say "love you too Attta" She says back.

This place isn't Alexandria this is a different place this is the season where Rick's group is at the greenes house.

Ella's POV
      It's the day of the trade and ever since that talk with Attta I've been kinda scared cause I don't know if I'm being paranoid but I everyone seemed to whisper alot more and I'm pretty sure I saw someone sharpen the weapons and I even think I saw a few explosives. I asked Owen about it and he said I was being paranoid and that we are trading the weapons that's why they're sharping them but we aren't going to hurt the people. It made since but I kept close to Attta just incase. We drove for about 30 minutes before we stopped on the side of the road and got out. I looked at Owen and asked why we stopped driving he just said that the people didn't want us to come in a car so we didn't attract bitters it made since so I didn't question further and I went to the back of the group with Attta and we talked about our plan to escape incase things went wrong. Within 5 minutes we made it to a brick wall but instead of going through the gate we went up the wall after all the other Wolves made it up the wall me and Attta looked at eachother then went up the wall.
    But what we saw brought tears to my eyes the Wolves were killing people even children now I know what they are murders. "Come on El" I hear Attta say we both turn around and hop back over the wall I look back and think about Owen and how he treated us like we where his own kids "good bye" I whisper barely audibly  I turn to Attta she looks at me with sympathy and sadness in her eyes the we run we stop about 10 minutes after non stop running to catch our breath "I'm so sorry Attta I should have listen to you when you said they were dangerous" I said looking at her with guilt "I'm sorry I put you in danger" I say as my voice starts to crack she walks over to me and gives my a hug telling me it's not my fault but I count help be feel like it was.
    Our hug was cut short when we heard someone laughing we looked over to see one of the Wolves I look at Attta then back at the wolf we pull out our knives "Don't come any closer or ill kill you"i saw with a low threatening tone this apparently amuses the wolf he stares at us with a smirk and takes a step forward as we step back "come back home the Alpha is waiting for you both" He says a ping comes to my heart knowing Owen was looking for us "That place isn't home and you both can go fuck yourselves if u think that we're going back to that hellhole." Attta says with vemon lacing her tongue "you think you have a choice" the wolf says with an amused face "listen to me you little brats it's either you come back with me or you die you two know to much to let you go" the wolf says. Me and Attta look at eachother knowing that we would have to kill him if we wanted to escape.

     I nod at Attta and she walks up to the wolf with her hands up he takes her knife and is patting her down to make sure she doesn't have anymore weapons. While his back is turned I slowly walk towards him and stab him in the side he screams in pain and lunges for me but before he can Attta jumps onto his back and is now suffocating him as he's trying to get her of himself I stab him in the head with my knife and his body falls to the floor with a thud. Attta gets off of him and smiles at me "we did it were finally free" she says I smile back as we run back into the woods away from the Wolves and everything we've ever known to live freely.

That night back at the Wolves camp
Owen's POV
I sit in my tent waiting for information on the girls wondering why they ran away I've treated them like my own and made sure they never missed a meal I don't understand why they would have ran away but when they get back their both getting punished for running off  "Alpha i have information about the girls" I turn to the voice to see a female wolf standing at my tent entrance I nod at her signaling for her to continue "they killed the wolf you sent to find them and fled" she said I nod again and she leaves I smirk maybe I underestimated those girls I thought. But no 12 year old girls are gonna get in my way I walk to my bed and go to sleep.

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