Goodbye forever

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Ella's POV
1 week later
It's been a week one while week since Carl kissed Enid and since I left Alexandria. Of course I'm not staying out here forever I just needed some time alone to think so now I'm walking back. I walk until I see the wall I sigh I didn't even tell Attta or my parents I was leaving I just got up and left. I knock "It's Ella let me in" I say the door opens revealing my dad "Ella" he says hugging me. He has realif and joy on his face but it quickly goes to anger.

"Ella Greene what where you think" he says grabbing my arm I don't say or do anything I just let him drag me back. We get to the house and he sits me down at the table "stay there I'm going to get your mother" he says walking off. I sigh and look down "Ella?" I look up and see Judith I smile "come her Judy" I sat she waddled over and i put her on my lap "Ella why go" she says "I had to do something but Ella no go anymore" I say she smiles "Ella stay?" She says I chuckle "yes Ella stay" she claps her hands.

"O my gosh" I look up and see mom running to me with Attta next to her "thank god your safe" my mom mumbles kissing my head "why did you leave" she asks. "Because I needed to think" I say "your grounded" my dad says "that's not fair" I say "it wasn't fair to us when you ran off" my mom say I stay silent then go up to my room. A couple seconds later someone knocks on the door and Attta walks in "can I be alone please" I say.

She nods then leaves I go to my window and sit in a chair to see outside. Everything's so peaceful I see a lady smoking a cigarette outside minding her own business but then someone in all black came over and killed her. My eyes go wide and I run downstairs I see Judith playing with plastic cups on the floor I quickly pick her up and cock my gun. The door knob starts to move and I quickly hide behind the couch. The door opens and I pull my gun and see Carl I put my gun down and he locks the door.

He tries to say something but I cut him off "take Judith and protect her I have to go find Attta" I say he was about to say something but I already walk out the door. One of the people come towards me but i quickly shoot them I take his stuff but see something that looks familiar there's a W on his head. I shake it away and put his clock on and start jogging down the streets. The 3rd house I go in I find Attta and Austin "I'm so glad I found you guys" I say hugging them "hate to break the moment but we should get out of here" Austin says.

I nod and we run out while holding hands to stay together we hear a scream and look to our left. One of the people was attacking a lady Attta runs over and cuts the man's leg making him loose his balance but befire I could do anything the man puts his machete right through her head. "ATTTA" I scream running over to her. I catch her before she can hit the ground. The man goes to strike me but I shoot him.

He falls to the ground and I shoot at his head through my tears and screams until it's nothing but mush. I drop the gun when it's out of bullets and I cry I take Attta in both my arms and cry into her shoulder. "E-El we g-gotta go" I hear Austin say "we c-can't leave h-her here" I say choking out. He nods and picks her up bride-style I stand up and start walking along with Austin not able to see straight because of how much I'm crying. "W-we're home" Austin says.

I knock on the door and Carl answers it he was about to say something but then sees Attta in Austin's arms with both of us crying. I push past him Austin puts her down on the floor and we sit next to her. I grab her hand it used to be warm but now it's dead cold "what happened" Carl mumbles while a tear runs down his face. I stand up I grab the machine gun Carl had and run outside I start killing every single walker and person that wasn't our till there was non left.

I drop the machine gun and fall to the sidewalk and start crying again "W-wake up" I mumble "WAKE UP" I scream as I start hitting the sidewalk with my fists. I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist and I'm lifted up into a pair of arms. I struggle against the person but it doesn't work they just hold on tighter I look at the person and see Carl I shake my head "please tell me this is a nightmare" I choke out he looks down and shakes his head.

I bury my face in the crook of his neck and wrap my legs around his waist. He starts walking and I hear a door open and close I hear both my parents crying somewhere. I get out of Carl's arms and look down at where we put her she's wrapped in a sheet and Rick's picking her up. He walks outside with her and I drop to the floor again and sit there looking at the ground. With my mind racing with all the memories me and her had together.

We giggled "shhhh you'll wake up my mom" Attta whispers I cover my mouth "quick get the chocolate bar" I say Attta rumbles around in the fridge before pulling out a chocolate bar we give eachother a high-five "success" I say smiling.

"I-it hurts s-so much" I cry looking at Attta "w-why did he even d-do this" I say while Attta pulls another peice of glass out of my shoulder. "I have an idea" Attta say "what" I say "it's no fair you have to suffer alone so" Attta pauses cutting her arm with a peice of glass. "Now where matching sorta" Attta say I laugh a little "you didn't have to do that" I say "I did have to cause you shouldn't have to suffer alone" She says hugging me.

"Promise to be best friends forever El" "I promise"

"I love you El"

"I love you too atie"

"ELTTA AGAINST THE WORLD" we scream at the same time.

End of flashbacks

"Ella come on its getting late let's go to bed" Carl mumbles pulling me out of my memories. "I'm sleeping in her room" I mumble walking to her room I shut the door and lay on the bed not able to shut my eyes without seeing her.

Not me crying while writing this
Very upsetting chapter and very sorry if anyone got attached to Attta cause honestly I didn't even know if I was gonna cut out Attta but I did sooo ya.

Bye and remember your beautiful just the way you are

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