One of us

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2 days later
Ella's POV
"What should we wear" Attta asks I shrugg my shoulders "it's a welcome party so something casual I guess" I say she nods pacing my room. "I'm gonna make us look like the hottest bitches this place has ever seen" Attta says with determination in her voice. "Adie you don't have to stress yourself out cause if a welcome party" I say "but it's tonight" she say I nod "im gonna go hang-out with Carl" I say getting up. "Ok I'll tell you when I find the perfect outfits for us" Attta says.

I walk over to Carl's room and knock on the door "who is it" I hear him say "It's Ella" I say. I hear shuffling then the door opens "baby you don't have to knock" he says smiling down at me. "It's your room so yes I have to knock" I say "no you don't I'm serious it's fine" Carl says "ok" I say. "Did you need something" Carl asks laying back down "no I just didn't want to help Attta pick out outfits for the welcome party" I say shrugging my shoulders. Carl chuckles while shaking his head "is she stressing herself out over it?" He asks "yep" I say popping the 'p'.

"Well at least we know she's acting normal" Carl say I nod "can we go sit on the porch" I ask Carl nods and we get up. "Meet you outside" he says going out the front door I go to the kitchen and get a water bottle then walk outside. My smile turns into a frown when I walk outside. Carl is sitting with his arms crossed on the porch swing while Enid is sitting to close for my liking. When I come out Carl jumps up "hey El" he says standing behind me "hey" I say still glaring at Enid. She glares back while getting up "I gotta go bye Carl" Enid says winking at him then going back to glaring at me while she leaves.

"When did she get here" I ask sitting on the porch swing "like 2 seconds after I sat on the porch swing" Carl answer I nod. "I hate her" I mumble "I know so do I" Carl says putting his arm around me. "Hey guys" we look towards the owner of the voice and see Ron "hey" Carl says. Ron gets on our porch and sits on a chair "You guys know how there's a welcome party for you two and your group" Ron say I nod and he smiles "well ya see that's for the kids and adults us on the otherhand have our own type of welcome party" Ron says with a smile "and every time we get a new teen we do this so meet us by my house at 9:00pm ok?" Ron says Carl and me nod and he smiles "great see you then" he says "o and dont let anyone see you" he adds on walking away

Ella's POV
"Ok everyone's gone to the party so let's go" Austin whispers me, Carl, and Attta nod and head out the door. "This is gonna be fun" Attta mumbles to me "hell ya it is" I mumble back. "Hey Chatty Cathy's were here" Carl says I knock on the door and Ron opens it "you all made it now let's go" he says walking off his porch "wait I thought we were going to have it here" Austin asks confused. "No we can't risk getting caught by adults" Ron says Austin makes an O shape with his mouth and we continue to follow Ron.

Ron takes us to this house right by the wall that looks unfinished "no one lives here so we won't get caught" Ron says opening the door. We all walk in and see Mikey and Enid on the couch talking "finally it took you guys long enough" Mikey says getting up. "So what now" Attta asks Ron smirks at her "now we have fun" he says going to the kitchen. About a minute later Ron comes out with a bottle of liquor and 4 shot glasses. He lines them up on the coffee table and pours liquor in each one.

"Ok so to become one of us all you have to do is take a shot and carve your initials into the coffee table then you are officially one of us" Ron says we nod and walk to the coffee table. Austin was the first to take the shot and Carve his initials then Attta then Carl now it's my turn. I quickly down the liquor and feel it burn my throat as it goes down then carve E.W. into the coffee table everyone except Enid is in the celebration laughing and joking around and Ron puts the liquor up.

"Ok well me and Ella are gonna head out" Carl says helping me up "awwww so soon its only 11:00" Austin says with a pout. "No guys let then go" Attta says winking at me I give her a death glare and she giggles. "See you guys tomorrow" I say "bye" Everyone says me and Carl walk out of the house and walk back home. We get to the house and open the door "Hello" I say no answer "huh I guess everyone's still at the welcoming party" Carl says shrugging. "Guess so" I say.

"Go up to my room and I'll be there in a minute" Carl says "k" I answer going up the stairs. I get to his room and get bored very quickly so I start reading the comic book on his nightstand. I hear someone clear their throat and I look up I see Carl looking at me with an eyebrow raised and he's holding an apple. He walks over to me puts the apple on the nightstands nightstand sits on the bed and starts kissing me. I kiss back almost immediately I feel his tongue licking my bottom lip I let him in and he dominates my mouth. I feel him snatch the comic book out of my hand then he disconnects our lips and starts eating his apple while reading.

"Really!?" I say he chuckles and nods "why did you do that" I ask "because you touched my comic book without permission" he says flipping the page. "Fine" I say walking to the door "maybe I'll go get Ron or Austin and see if one of them cou-" I was cut off by Carl pushing me against the wall with him blocking me. "That was crossing the line princess" Carl whispers in my ear while his hands tighten around my waist. "So you want me fuck you" he whispers in my ear.

I nod "no I need words Ella" he says "y-yes" I mumble. He smirked and kissed me it was a hard yet gentle kiss he licked my bottom lip asking for entry I let him and he start to dominate my mouth his hand goes around my neck pushing it up. His mouth goes down to my neck and he finds my sweet spot tiny moans escape my mouth and I can feel him smirking against my neck. "Jump" he says I do and he starts to carry me to the bed. He places me gently on the bed he takes his shirt off quickly and starts taking mine off painfully slow I whine and he smiles. "Don't worry I'll make you feel good Baby" Carl says seductively.

He goes back to kissing my neck while his hands unclip my bra he throws it somewhere and looks at me. He smiles "your beautiful" he says kissing my forehead he starts attacking my neck and chest with hickeys as he takes mine and his pants off I can see the bulge in his boxers as he takes them off. He takes my underwear off quickly and looks at me. "Are you sure about this" he asks looking at me "yes" I say he nods quickly puts a condom on and slowly enters me. I gasp at how big he is he starts moving slow at first it hurts like hell but the pain slowly turns into pleasure. "F-faster" I moan out.

As soon at taht word left my mouth he pounded into me with no mercy. "C-carl" I moan out as I throw my head back in pleasure. "Fuck baby moan my name again" I do as I'm told and moan his name again and again. "I-I'm gonna c-cum" I moan out "same" Carl grunts. After a few more thrust we both come and he pulls out of me gently he puts the condom in the trash and lays next to me.

"Im gonna get cloths I'll be right back" I say grabbing a blanket and sitting up "ok" he says. I stand up but my legs give out and I fall to the ground I hear Carl holding in a laugh behind me. "Stop laughing at me and help me up" I say looking at him "why" he asks I sigh "because your the reason my legs turned to fucking jelly you asshole" I say he starts dieing of laughter "but that means I did a good job" he says picking me up bride-style. "Ok bitch" I mumble as he puts me back in the bed. "I'll go get you some cloths from your room and you can wear one of my shirts" Carl says. "Why can't I wear my own" I ask "because I want everyone to know you mine" Carl says winking at me as he walks out. "Chessy bitch" I mumble.

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