The second Attack

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1 weeks later
Attta's POV
Its been a week since the virus 3 days ago someone burnt karen and another person i didnt know i felt bad for Tyrese and Carol was sent off for some reason. I was sitting down bouncing Judith on my knee. It's been pretty peaceful here everyone that had the virus got better. And I've been doing pretty good myself I haven't thought of him that much and Ella and Carl have been inseparable ever since we got out of quarantine. It's funny cause no one's notice that they've been sneaking off. "Hey have you seen your grandpa" I hear my mom say. "No sorry" I say she sighs and crosses her arms over her chest. "Hey I'm sure he's fine probably helping someone" I say

She sighs again "ya probably" she says chuckling lightly while shaking her head. "I'll tell you if I see him" I say she nods her head and gives me a kiss on my head "love you see you later" she says walking off before she stops and turns to me. "O and before I forget have you seen Ella I've been looking for her all over the place" she asks I smirk and shake my head. "she's been all over to place since she got out of quarantine" I say leaving the part about her going off to probably make out with Carl out.

"O ok if you find her tell her that she needs to start telling me where she's going before she runs off so I know where she is or she's grounded." Mom says looking serious "Ok I will" I say "Ok bye see you later" she says before walking off." I smile shaking my head "should we go find our siblings?" I say in a baby voice looking at Judith she gurgles and I take that as a yes the first place I go is Carl's cell and didn't find them. I think for a moment and smile.

I think I know exactly where they are I walk with Judith to the guard towers but this one's behind the prison so no one really comes here. I walk up the steps and make it to the top and I walk in "SUP BITCHES" I  scream but not loud enough to scare Judith. They both jump apart and Carl accidently fell on the floor I laugh and he looks at me with a frown. "What are you doing here you almost gave us heart attacks" Ella says looking at me with a playful glare. "Well 1 mom wants you to stop going places without her knowing or your getting introuble B I can do what I want and C you guys wouldn't have been so scared if you guys weren't making out up here." I say looking at both of them with a smirk.

Ella's POV
I start to blush and look at Carl I see his ears red and so is his face. "Well can I at least have my sister" Carl says picking himself up off of the ground. "Ya sure now let's go" Attta say handing Judith to Carl. We walk back to the prison and sit inside just talking then we heard a big boom we run outside to see one of the guard towers on fire. I look at Carl and he grabs my hand I see Rick come out and he saw the same thing we saw. There is an army tank with alot of cars and alot of people and the worst part about it was the Governor was standing on the tank. "Rick come down here we need to talk." The governor yells.

"It's not up to me anymore we have a council now they run this place." Rick yells back "Is Hershel on the council" he says while people bring him out and put him on his knees. I look horrified and so does my mom sister and aunt. My mom and aunt are hugging each other whimpering with tears in there eyes I look at Attta and she hugs me "what about Michonne" they put Michonne on her knees to "is she on the council too" he says. Rick goes quite before saying "I don't make decisions anymore".

"You're making decisions today Rick. Come down here and let's have a little chat." The governor says Me Carl and Attta all look at him with hatred. Rick takes a deep breath and looks at Daryl he nods and Rick walks over to Carl and put his hand on his shoulder whispering something in his ear Carl nods and Rick starts walking to where the governor is while Daryl and Sasha start talking about getting people out of here. Daryl starts handing guns out to everyone guns and we aim the out of the holes in fence me Carl and Attta all point our guns straight at the governor. I can't here what there saying but it looks like Rick's trying to negotiate with him but by the looks of it the governor doesn't want to and by the way this man is he's not leaving till he's satisfied.

"We gotta do something" Carl says to Daryl "ya why don't we just kill this asshole now" I hear Attta say. "Your dad's got it" Daryl says to Carl "Their talking we could kill the governor right now" Carl says to Daryl "from fifty yards" Daryl retorts back "I'm a good shot I could end this now" Carl says "or ya could start somthin else ya gotta trust your dad" Daryl says to Carl "but he doesn't deserve to live no he deserves to be eaten by the walkers and die painfully slow" I say remembering what he did to Attta and almost did to me. Carl squeezes my hand trying to reassure me. "Ya I know but we gotta trust Rick" I was about to say something else but the governor hops off the tank and grabs Michonnes sword holding it to my grandpa's neck I gasp and so does my family then he swings the sword and all hell breaks loose he cuts my grandpa's head of and a few tears escape my eyes before I wipe them away.

Me Carl Daryl and Attta all start shoting people through the fence until the tank goes through the fence then we get down to the field and start shooting again. "Stay right next to me understand" I hear Carl say I nod and run behind him while shooting as many people as I can. We make it to the governor and Rick I shoot him in the stomach repeatedly and scream while Carl picks up Rick "let's go now" I hear Carl say before I go I bend down to the governors level "You deserve this you deserve every bit of this and I'm not gonna kill you no" I stop my sentence to chuckle "no imma leave you here and let the walkers have you for what you've done" I saw before running of to Rick and Carl. I help Carl carry Rick and we walk but we stop and I hear Carl sniffle right infront of us was Judith's car seat with  guts and blood in it.

I start to cry to cause I loved Judith and she was just a baby who didn't deserve that and I remembered I didn't know where any of my family was. We start to wall away from the prison I look back one more time at the place I used to call home "good bye" I whisper to the only place I truly felt safe.

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