Birthday and the kiss

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Ella's POV
Maggie and Glenn were missing but we got the back and we also have a new girl her name Michonne and Rick was beyond pissed off when we came back the next day but him and everyone else was thankful that we got Glenn Maggie and Attta back home safe and sound I was talking to Beth when I heard Attta running over to me scream my name I look over at her and smile she grabs my shoulders and says "Happy Birthday Ella" she say i look at her and smile "happy birthday to you too Attta" I say we hug each other them let go and look at Beth "WAIT it's your guys birthday today and you guys were born on the same day" Beth asks looking excited "yep" we say smiling at her "you guys really are best friends" she says making us laugh

"Everyone it Attta and Ella's Birthday today" Beth screams out everyone turns to us and tells us happy birthday. Carl comes over to us with his cowboy hat on "hey cowboy" I say "hey" he answers "imma go get something" Attta say before looking at me winking then leaving gosh I hated her sometimes "so how old are you now" Carl asks looking at me "I'm 14 now" I say "I'm 14 too" Carl says smiling we look into eachothers eyes and we don't look away I start to get this werid bubbly feeling in my stomach he leaned in the slightest bit then... "CARL,ELLA I NEED YOU TWO" We both jump back and look at Rick. "What is it dad" Carl said all of his attention on his dad

"The governor put a truck full of walkers on the field and exploded a guard tower and I need you 2 to help me get rid of the walkers." Rick says me and Carl look at eachother then run to help Rick me,rick,and Carl are shooting down walkers left and right until there all gone. "Good job you 2" Rick says looking at us "Thanks" I say I look at Carl and smile "imma go find Glenn and Maggie" I say to Carl "Ok bye" he says "bye" I say I find Glenn and Maggie in there room (Daryl and them have there own rooms in those guard things) "Hey guys" I say Maggie and Glenn look up and smile at me "Hey kid" Glenn says "what are you guys doing" I ask coming to sit next to Maggie.

"We're getting ready to go on a run" Gleen said "can I come" I ask "no it's your birthday today so me and Maggie are going to find a gift for you and Attta." Glenn says "Damn" I say say "hey watch your mouth young lady" I hear Glenn say I look at hima and start laughing and so does Maggie "Ok El you gotta go cause we're leaving to go on that run" Maggie says "Ok have fun and be safe please" I say to them the nod their head and I give them both hugs. I decide that I'm going to find Attta and hangout with her. After 5 minutes of looking for her I find her in our cell with a boy that I don't know. My instincts kicked in and held my gun up to the boy "who the hell are you and how did you get in here i say very rudely to the boy.

Attta looks at my with wide eyes and jumps infront of the now scared boy "Ella calm down this is Patrick." Attta says holding out her hand signaling for me to put my gun away. I hesitantly put my gun away but didn't clip it in just incase. "How did you get in here" I ask Patrick he stays quite then says "I came here from Woodbury." I look at him with a glare not trusting him. "Ella can I talk to you for a minute" Attta asks me I nod my head and we walk out of our cell.

"Can you please stop trying to kill Patrick" Attta said looking at me "why is a person from Woodbury here" I asked Attta she looks at me confused "didn't you hear Rick let people from woodbury her cause apparently some of the people from Woodbury didn't now that the governor was doing all of this" she explained to me I make an O shape with my mouth and look down. "Sorry" I mumble "it's not me you should be apologizing to" Attta said jestering towards Patrick who looked at me with fear in his eyes. Before I walk into our cell Attta takes ahold of my arm "please be nice to him cause I kinda like him and I don't want him to think that my best friends a psychopath." I roll my eyes and walk towards Patrick "I'm sorry I pulled my gun on you I just didn't know you and got scared" I say before walking out.

I walk around the cells until i find a certain boy with a cowboy hat on reading a comic. I walk in and Carl looks up at me "hey " I say "hi" he says back "I heard you meeted the Woodbury kids" he says smirking at me "Hey it was personal defense" I say throwing my hands up in the air. "O ok El" Carl says rolling his eyes playfully we both start laughing uncontrollably then suddenly we both go quiet.

"I wanna try something" Carl whispers softly to me "ok" I whisper back as he starts to lean in slowly I flinch back alittle and he looks at my eyes then my lips I nod giving him consent and he closes his eyes and kisses me I close my eyes a kiss back. Then I flinch away he looks at me and smiles and I blush "you look adorable when you blush" he whispers to me I look at him and let out a little laugh he puts his forehead against mine and whispers "happy birthday Ella"

I hour later
Attta's POV
We're having dinner and Glenn and Maggie won't tell me or Ella what they got us for our birthday that we'll find out after dinner and Ella and Carl have been very close and when I say close I mean like they act like there attached by an invisible rope I'll have to ask Ella about that later. "Attta,Ella come here me and Glenn wanna show you 2 the gifts we got you." I here Maggie say I walk over them to see Ella in tears but nit sad tears happy tears. I look at Glenn and Maggie and the both look down at me and both of them are holding one of my hands I look at them confuse then Glenn gets on one knee and looks at me "Attta..I'm aware you and Ella don't have a family to call your own so I was wondering would let me and Maggie adopt you." Glenn said I look at him with happy tears and I start to cry and hug him and Maggie.

"Yes please" I say with a smile on my face me,Ella,Maggie,and Glenn get a family hug and everyone claps and congratulates us. "We have one more present" Maggie says she pulls out 2 necklaces and put them one me and Ella they were sister necklaces and I was so happy. This was definitely one of the best days of my life

If u wanna see what the necklaces look like look at the picture at the top
Ella has the black one and Attta has the white one.

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