life with a family

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Ella's POV
1 week later
I woke up with a smile on my face and yes it's a genuine smile I brush my hair and head to my mom and dad's room. Yea mom and dad something I never thought I would ever have same with a sister Attta and me always said we were like sisters but now we really are and it's awesome. O and Beth's also my aunt she's definitely the fun one but don't tell my mom I said that.
I walk in the room to see my parents holding a Polaroid camera. "Hey mom hey dad" I say to my parents "hey kiddo" My dad says "where's Attta me and Glenn wanna get a family photo with the whole family." my mom said "hey fam" I hear Attta say from behind me "found her" I say pointing at Attta.

We all break into a fit of laughter and get the picture taken and it comes out looking amazing. "Hey imma go find Patrick love ya guys see you later." Attta says o and I forgot to mention Patrick and Attta are dating now at first I was a little.....overprotective you could say but it's fine that was 3 days ago. Now me and Pactrick are cool me and Carl on the other hand I don't know what to say we haven't talked about the kiss he gave my on my birthday and no one knows it happened not even Attta. I walk to the place where breakfast is set up and get a bowl for myself I was about to walk away but carol asked me to take a bowl up to Carl o great this is gonna be fun. I walk to Carl's cell to find him reading a comic book "hey carol said to give this to you" I say trying to get out of here as fast as I can he looks at me and holds out his hand I give the food to him and turn to leave.

"Wait can you stay" I hear Carl say I turn around and look at him then sit down. We sit there eating in silence not looking at eachother."umm can I talk to you about what happened on your birthday" I hear Carl say I nod in response and hear him sigh. "Do you wish you could take it back" I hear him say softly I look him in the eye "do you" I ask he shakes his head no and I smile. "No I don't regret it" I say

1 hour later
Ok sooo now Carl and me are secretly dating and I love it. We walk through the field with Attta and Patrick to go see why the kids are by the walkers. As we start to get closer we can hear the kids naming them? "What are you guys doing" Carl said all the kids turned to us "that one has a name so we think that all of them should have a name" one of the kids said pointing to a walker with a name tag on it. "Well there not people anymore their killers so don't name them." Carl said "they are people their just different" lizzy says Carl looks at her with anger and an annoyed expression "no there not they eat the living" Carl's says angerly"anyone can do that" lizzy snaps back. I get Carl to walk away and we're now kicking a soccer ball "hey guys we're gonna go to story time" Attta says grabbing Patrick's hand "bye" Patrick says as they walk off.

Me and Carl ended up going to story tim sitting behind the bookshelves just incase we don't like it carol is reading a book but stops reading it when the last adult leaves the room" carol pulls a box out from under her chair and opens it and pulls out a knife. Before she says anything Patrick raises his hand "miss can be dismissed I'm not feeling well" he say "Patrick this is a very important lesson that you shouldn't miss" carol said "I know but I just don't wanna accidentally barf on anyone" he says as some kids move away from him. "Ok your dismissed" carol said "Today we're going to be  learning about knives how to use them and how to stay safe with them" she said me and Carl we're still hiding behind the corner then a book fell and everyone looks at us "please don't tell your father" carol says looking at Carl. "Let's go" he mumbles to me we walk out of the library and I follow Carl "imma go talk to my dad I'll talk to your later ok" Carl says looking at I nod my head and he kissed my head and walked away.

Now I'm off to find Attta cause I wanna tell her about mine and Carl's relationship cause I know she'll keep it a secret. I find her in the main area holding Judith Carl's baby sister "hey" I saw looking at her "hi" she says looking at me I hold out my hands to take Judith and she gives her to me Judith starts to smile and play with my hair when I put her on my hip. "I wanna talk about something but you gotta keep it a secret" I say looking at Attta she nods her head and we go to out cell and sit on my bed. "So what's the secret sis" Attta say smiling at me.

"Well um I kinda am dating Carl" I say whispering the last part she let's out a squel and we both laugh. Judith starts to cry so I get her a bottle and she starts to fall asleep in my arms I lay her in between me and a pillow so she doesn't fall and Attta gets on her bed and we go to sleep.

Next day
Ella's POV
I woke up to people screaming and I immediately grab my gun and hold Judith to my chest and look at the top bunk but there's no Attta. I get worried and run out to see our people shooting walkers I run outside to get Judith away from the loud noise cause she hates the sound of gunshots. When I get outside I see Attta and Carl looking scared but then relax when they see my holding Judith.They run to be and hug me "thank god you 2 are safe" I hear Carl mumble to me "Ya never scare me like that ever again" I hear Attta say we pull away when we see Rick come out "what happened" Attta asked "Patrick got sick last night and died and he wiped out cell block D" Rick answered

Attta looks at Rick with tears in her eyes "Wait so Patrick's dead" she said sounding broken Rick nodded his head and she feel to the floor and sobbed I gave Judith to Carl and gave her a hug as she sobbed into my shoulder.

Good bye Patrick

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