Separated again

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Long chapter
Attta's POV
2 days later
I open my eyes for the first time in what felt like forever I'm greeted by my family sleep next to me Ella on my left and my parents on my right. My mom has her hand on mine and my dad is cuddling her while Ella is curled up in a tiny ball next to me. I smile and try to move my left hand but I can't I look up and see my hand cuffed to a pipe o right I remember that I think rolling my eyes.

I rattle the cuffs and Ella bolts straight up she looks at me and smiles. "A-Attta" she says in a small voice I nod my head and she hugs me but she careful of my bullet wound. "Y-your ok" she mumbles "yea it takes alot more then some stupid metal to get rid of me" I say smiling she laughs and uncuffs my hand. "Let's wake up our parents" Ella whispers to me I nod my head. I take my hand away from my mom and start tickling her nose while Ella is putting a marker mustache on our dad.

They start to wake up so Ella throws the marker and we wait for them to see me. At first they look around and stretch then they see me awake. Their eyes widen "o my gosh your awake" my mom says with a tear sliding down her face while she hugs me. Our dad looks at me and smiles putting a hand on my shoulder "I knew you could wake up" he whispers so only I can hear I smile. "Can you take me around El pleeease" I ask Ella she thinks for a minute then nods. She helps me up and we go outside.

She helps me sit on the steps then she sits next to me "so I miss anything" I say moving my eyebrows. "O or did you and cowboy have any fun while I was knocked out." I whisper to her her smile turns to a frown when I mention Carl I look at her confused "did something happen between you too" I ask she nods her head. "Did you guys...break up" I ask she shruggs her shoulders.

"You don't know?" I ask she nods again "Ok ok wait back up and tell me what I missed." I say she nods her head and takes a deep breath "well 2 days ago before you woke up Rick was saying that if you didn't wake up soon that he was gonna...kill you for the saftey of our group and my dumbass thought Carl knew about it so I yelled at him and I haven't talk to him since" she says a stray tear rolling down her cheek. "And...I don't wanna lose him but...I think I already did" she finishes whispering the last part.

"Come her El" I say holding my arms out she puts her head on my shoulder. "I think you should find him and apologize" I say "i-i think i-ive done enough to ruin his life" she mumbles. I laugh lightly "El you two are ment to be call it whatever you want but what you guys have is special and you two are gonna beat this world." I say she nods her head and stands up "thank Attie also we have a new guy around our age  named Austin he's a doctor and he is the reason your alive o and he's single" she says whispering the last part then walking off.

Ella's POV
Please be here please be here I think to myself over and over again as I try to remember where our special spot is. I finally find the hill after 5 minutes of running I walk up it quietly to see if he's up here and sure enough he is. I don't think he can see me or he's ignoring me cause he hasn't looked back. I walk slowly so I don't startle him but a stupid twig cracks and he snaps his head my way. I mentally curse myself and I put a small smile on my face he looks at me then looks away without sparing me another glance. I sigh and come sit next to him.

The tension between us is so thick you could cut it "Atttas awake" I mumble he only nods his head in response "a-and she can't wait to see her best friend again" I say smiling to try but fail miserably to break the tension. "C-carl" I say he ignores me "carl" I say again but more clearly he again ignores me tears start to fall from my eyes and I'm not 100 percent sure why "please Carl just look at me" I say grabbing his shoulder. He finally looks at me and I stare into his eyes his full blue eyes their like a sea of beauty that you could get lost in for hours. I'm snapped out of my trance by Carl saying my name. "Did you come up here to yell and accuse me again" he mumbles "i-i didn't mean to i-i was just scared she wasn't gonna wake up and I know that's a shitty excuse but please Carl I lo-" I was cut off by him kissing me.

He smiles and looks down at me "y-you love me again" I say "who said I stopped" he says before pulling me into another kiss. He grabs my hips pulling me ontop of him to where I'm straddling him. He starts to kiss up and down my neck. I move my head back to give him better access I can feel him smirk against my skin he finds my sweet spot and starts licking and biting there I close my eyes and pull his hair causing a groan to come from him as soft moans escape my mouth i start moving my hips slightly then he stops. "Why did you stop" I mumble he smiles at me and starts looking down at my neck. " I want our first time to be special not some quick fuck to apologize" Carl says still staring at my neck and smiling.

I nod my head "why do you keep staring at my neck" I ask he let's out a chuckle. I look at him confused until he pulls a mirror out of his bag and I see what he finds so humorous. My neck is littered with hickeys and bit marks my eyes to wide "what the hell do I tell my parents" I say he shruggs his shoulders but still had that stupid smirk on his face. "Thanks for the help asshole and wipe that stupid smirk off your face" I say quickly standing up. He snickers and stands up with me "hey their a good thing" he says grabbing my hand as we start to walk back. "How's that" I ask "because now everyone will know that your mine" he says smiling I blush and hide my face.

"We don't have to go back right now you know" Carl says smirking "fine but we have to go back when it starts to get dark" I say looking at him with seriousness "yay!" He exclaims jumping up and down I laugh at his childness. "Now let's gooooo" he says pulling me along with him.

5 hours later
Attta's POV
It's been about 5 hours since Ella left to go make up with Carl. Since she's not back yet it can mean one of 2 thing 1 she and Carl made up and are goofing off or something bad happened. But knowing her it's probably the 1st one "hey where is Ella and Carl" Rick asks me I don't wanna snitch "I don't know" I say. He looks at me suspiciously but eventually walking away. A couple minutes later he comes running over to me again "I said I don't kn-" he cuts me off by picking me up. He throws me into the van and turns to run off again but Abraham pulls him into the van I look outside and see there's a whole heard of walkers. "HEY what about Ella and Carl" I say to Abraham as he starts driving away "sorry kid" he says I try to fight Austin's grasp to stop the car. At this point tears are running down my face same with Rick's and my parents. "W-we can't leave them behind" I choke out cuddling onto Austin please please be ok I think over and over again

Same time
Ella's POV
Carl pulls me away "Ella we gotta go" he says fighting his own tears "n-no they n-need us" I choke out trying to stop me tears. He finally hauls me over his shoulder and starts running I cry in protest but he doesn't stop. We get to the road and he puts me down I stand up anger filling me I start hitting his chest over and over again yelling things that came to my mind. He stands there taking all that I'm throwing at him not trying to stop me or hurt me. After about 5 minutes of me doing this I start to slide down to the ground Carl goes to the ground with me holding me and whispering sweet nothings into me ear.

"W-why if they d-didnt get out i-in time" I choke out he shakes his head. "Trust me their strong they definitely got out" Carl mumbles "t-this is all m-my fault if I d-didnt accuse you of w-wanting Attta dead then you wouldn't have been up there a-and we would be with them" I say shaking my head. "No baby no this isn't your fault it's no one's we didn't know this would happen" he whispers in me ear. "B-but" I try to say "no buts" he says "now we have to get in a car or something so we can sleep" he says I nod and we start walking for a little.

After about 5 minutes we find an abandoned car with a water bottle and 2 protein bars in it we climb in and lay down. "Good night El" Carl says kissing me on my head "night" I mumble laying me head on his chest.

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