Found you

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"H-how-" he cuts me off "You should have known I was gonna find you on way or another" he says "now why don't you be a good kid and help me out of these ropes" he says I shake my head and pull my gun out. "You took her away from me" I say with anger he looks amused "you won't" he says smirking I cock my gun. "Ella get the hell away from him" Daryl takes my gun and pulls me away from him while tears run down my face. "G-give me my gun i-it had to be right h-he needs to die" I say reaching for my gun. Owen laughs "o Elle you have definitely matured over the years" he says.

Daryl looks at me confused "you know him" he says I shake my head "I saved her" Owen says. I punch him in the face "All you did was make my life worse" I say with hatred "when you where little you didn't think so but Attta defin-" I punch him again and grab him by the shirt "never speak about her again your the reason she's gone" I say "o no Ella you are" Owen says I let go of him and shake my head "yes Ella you where the one who drove her away you where the one that-" I cut him of "SHUT UP" I scream covering my ears.

Daryl leads me out of the room and I hear Owen laughing I start sobbing uncontrollably Carl comes in from upstairs "hey what's all- Ella" he says running to me. "G-get me out o-of here p-please" I say squeezing my eyes shut. Carl picks me up and takes me to his room "shhh shhh calm down no one can hurt you now" Carl says hugging me as I cry.

Carl lays there hugging me and whispering sweet nothings into my ear "h-he needs t-to die" I mumble looking at Carl. "Who" Carl asks softly "t-that fucking a-asshole that D-daryl is guarding" I say "h-he had t-them kill h-her" I add on. Carl holds on to me tighter and kisses my head "try to get some rest ok" Carl mumbles I nod and fall into a troubled sleep.

Carl's POV
I watched Ella as she slept in my arms occasionally she would move around and say Attta's name. Attta...I didn't now what to do about her she was my best friend and now she's gone. I miss her so much but I have to stay strong for Ella. She starts stirring awake and then bolts out of my bed. She rushes to the bathroom and I hear her start to throw up I run to her and hold her hair out of her face and start rubbing her back. She stops puking and sits on the wall next to the toilet and starts crying. "Ella baby what's wrong" I say worried "I'm a fucking mess" she mumbles hiding her face "baby don't hide you beautiful face and you not a mess" I say.

"Carl look at me i lost my sister me and my parents are losing hope and I'm pregnant" she says shaking her head. "D-do you wanna get rid of it" I mumble scared for the answer she shakes her head. "Remember at the church when she said she wanted to be an aunt" she mumbles I nod "I wanna keep it for her and because I want a kid of my own but only if you want it to" Ella says placing her hand over mine. "Do you want to keep it" Ella mumbles I nod and she smiles slightly "your gonna be a great dad" she mumbles putting a hand on her stomach.

"Your gonna be a great mom" I mumble kissing her hand I pick her up bride-style and put her back in bed. "Do you need anything" I ask her she nods "can we go see Ron, Sam, and Mikey" she asks I look down. "What" she asks looking at me with confusion "Ron and them...kinda hate us now" I sat. "Why" Ella asks I sigh "Ron thinks was trying to take Enid from him and my dad killed his" I say. "So Pete's dead" she mumbles I nod. "Why did Ron think you where trying to steal Enid from him" Ella asks.

I sigh "after you saw Enid kiss me outside I came back with Enid following me trying to get me to date her but I refused Ron saw Enid following me and asked her why she was then Enid told him that I kissed her and she wanted to be with me. Ron didn't take it so well" I mumble the last bit Ella nods "Carl can you promise me something" she asks. "Of course anything" I say "promise I'm the only one" she mumbles I kiss her passionate and she kisses back. I pull away and smile at her "Ella West your the only girl I want and love" I say kissing her again.

We end up making out until my door opens and my dad walks in I jump back "jesus christ" he mumbles "Ella I need you" he adds on. "Why" she asks my dad stays silent "your the only one the W man is willing to talk to" my dad says. She goes silent for minute before she nods "Ok I'll be there in a minute" she mumbles my dad nods then walks out. Ella starts getting out of bed before I grab her wrist "you don't have to do this if you don't want to" I say trying to figure out what she's thinking "I have to for her" she says walking out.

Ella's POV
I take a deep breath and walk on the room Owen smiles at me "you gonna try to kill me again" he says teasingly. "It depends" I say staring at him he chuckles "Why are you here" I ask "we just getting right to it I see" Owen says with that stupid smile. "Listen asshole I'm not in a very good mood right now and if you continue to keep pissing me off I will shoot you without another word said" I say putting my hand on my gun. He looks at my gun then back at me we stare at eachother for about a minute before Denise walks in. "Sorry to indurpt but I need to give him a check up" she says walking in I nod and let her do her thing.

I didn't even get to comprehend what happened next Owen had a knife to Denise's neck while Carl, Rick, and some other had guns pulled on Owen. "Don't do anything or she dies" Owen says i try go to put my hand on my gun and Owen stops me. "Give me the gun and follow me" he says I take my gun and hand it to him as he smiles. "Good now let's go" he says "There's to many Walkers we won't make it out of here alive" I say. "Do as your told or Denise will be feed to them" he says pushing me infront of him still holding the knife to her neck.

I walk past Carl and Rick and look at Carl "i love you" I mouth to him he shakes his head "don't go" he mumbles barely audibly. A tear slips from my face before I feel a gun pressed to my head "walk before I put a bullet through your head" Owen says. I start walking to the side door and look at Owen before I open the door.

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