The shuffle

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Ella's POV
Next day
Carol and Daryl are still missing Abraham ,Rosita Eugene ,and a couple of our people are going to Washington cause apparently Eugene knows the cure. My parents decide to go and help. Me and Attta didn't like it but respected their decision we said our good byes and they were off. Me and Carl were walking in the woods holding hands "hey I bet I can run faster then you" I say smirking "what makes you think that" he says "I ran track before all of this" I say "I don't think you can" he says

"Well let's test that theory" I say smirking "first one to that tree wins" Carl says pointing to a big tree "fine" I say. "3,2,1 GO!!"Carl screams I run as fast as I can and I get infront of him but my clumsy ass tripped and fell before I could touch the tree. Carl gets to the tree first and helps me up "I win" he says smirking. "Cause I fell" I say "suuuuure" he says I rol my eyes playfully. "Now what do I get for my prize" he says smirking "my love and affection" I say standing on my tipy toes to kiss him he kisses back grabbing my waist. He pushes my against the tree and licks my bottom lip asking for entry I keep my lips closed to make him mad.

He groans and pulls away " now that I think about it you owe my for our train track bet." He say looking down at me "hm I guess I do" I say smiling I kiss him again and open my mouth and we fight for domonice he won sadly. He moves his hands up my shirt to my ribcage and starts to rub tiny circles there tiny moans leave my mouth as he sucks and bites lightly on my neck as one of his hands travels down to my thigh and he pinches it "jump"  he mumbles not taking his lips off my neck I obey one of his hands are holding my up by my butt and his other is rubbing my skin just below my bra.

He squeezes my butt and I moan a little he smirks and tugs at my bra a little asking if he could take it off I nod and he goes to unclip it but a shuffle in the woods makes us stop. I jump down and we pull out our guns "maybe it was just an animal" he says putting his gun down slightly I shake my head "no it sounded to loud and heavy" I say "would it make you feel better if we went back to the church" he asks putting a hand on my arm. "Yes please" i say.

We start walking back to the church "that was fun" Carl says "before we heard the shuffling in the woods." He says smirking. My cheeks heat up and I look down "stop doing that" I say he comes over and puts his arm around my shoulders. "What? You mean stop making you moan" he says whispering the last part "you are a child" I mumble "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be a child" he says with a smile we stay in a conformable silence "if I continued would you have let me" he mumbles my cheeks flash red.

"Y-ya" I mumble out he smiles "I love you" he says "I love you to Carl." I say back. We get to the church and kinda just sit around doing nothing. "Hey imma go outside" I say looking at Carl he nods and I walk outside I walk to the back of the church and I sit down listening to the nature around me. But I hear it again the shuffle I stand up quickly and point my gun to the woods "who's there" I say I look around and freeze Gareth was standing in the woods watching me I stop moving and my mouth goes dry.

A hand goes to my shoulder and I immediately put my gun to the persons head and see it was just Carl. "Wow calm down its just me" Carl says with his hands up I put my gun down immediately "O my gosh Carl I'm so sorry" I say "it's fine I shouldn't have snuck up on you" he say I look back to the place I saw Gareth and he was gone. "Carl" I say with worry in my voice "what's wrong" he says "G-Gareth is alive and he was over there watching me like 2 seconds" I say pointing to the place I saw him.

He looks at me and shakes his head "I'm so sorry" he says "why" I ask confused "I think your experiencing truma" he says putting his hands on his head. "What makes you say that" I ask "because of what I did" he says I look at him confused. "I touched you in almost the same ways he did" he says "no I gave you consent so it can be trauma" I say "it could've triggered something in you and that's probably why your being so scared" he says "no it's not" I say "I know what I saw and I saw him" I say walking away I walk in the church and sit down putting my hands in my head replaying what I saw.

"Hey have you seen Bob" I look up at Sasha and shake my head she nods walks away. I put my head in my hands again and sigh. "Hey sis" Attta says sitting next to me "hey" I mumble we stay silent for a minute before she hugs me. "Whats wrong" she says I stay quiet for a minute "I saw someone that I thought was dead in the woods and Carl thinks I'm just imaging it" I say "who" she asks "Gareth" I say quietly. "Whos that" she asks "A really bad person" I mumble she nods her head "I don't think you imagined it but I think you and Carl should make up." She says.

I nod my head and sit up she smirks and looks at me. "I have a question" she says I nod me head and look at her "did you do the dirty yet" she mumbles to only where I can hear my eyes go wide. "Attta what the fuck" I whisper scream she laughs "I just wanted to know if I'm an aunt" she says I blush and walk away.

I go back outside and see Carl looking off into the woods. I come up behind him and put my arms around his arm he looks down at me and pulls me into his chest. "I'm sorry" he said "you have nothing to be sorry about " I say "I'm still sorry" he mumbles "no more sorrys are aloud to leave your mouth" I say looking him in his eyes he smirks and I kiss him. He kisses back and I wrap my arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around my waist. "DOES THIS MEAN IM GOING TO BE AN AUNT" we pull away and look at Attta. "If it's a girl the name will be Attta and if it's a boy I want the name to be Eli" she says while she walks away. I turn red and hide in Carl's shirt he chuckles and kisses me on the head.

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