The governor

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Ella's POV
1 month later
Me and Attta have been her for about a month and people actually trust us I've tried to keep my distance with Carl because I still like him and I don't need to get another attachment in my life when I have Attta to worry about. "Hey can we go on a run later just us like it used to be" I hear Attta say I smile at the thought we haven't been on a run together in a long time "yeah that would be awesome" I say with a smile. "Well we already got outer guns and knives so let's go" Attta says "Ok I'll go get bags and meet you by the gate" I say

I get the bags and start walking to the gate with Attta we get to the gate and we see a familiar looking face that I was trying to avoid. "Hey where do you think you two are going" Carl said looking at me and Attta "we're going on a run" Attta says "Alright then I'm coming" Carl said "no I'm not gonna be responsible for you" I say to Carl "what do you mean by that" Carl says with a little anger "if you get hurt it's gonna be on us and I'm not going to get blamed for it neither is Attta so back the fuck up and let us go Carl" I snap at him

Carp looks alittle hurt cause that's the first time I've ever said his name and have a full conversation with him and I was being mean I felt bad but I didn't show it cause I refuse to show any of these people weakness. "K" is all he said and he opened the gate looking at the floor ok now I felt really bad "we'll be back in about 2 hours" I mumble.

Carl POV
I watch them leave but I'm not gonna listen ya I was hurt the girl I liked snapped at me but I don't care imma make sure they both stay safe. I grab a bag and sneak out the gate following them but making sure they can't see me.

Attta's POV
Me and Ellla were walking in silence and I hated it she's been so overprotective and skeptical since we've been here I feel bad for her "why didn't he just stop and let us go" I hear Ella ask I shrug my shoulders but I think I know the reason but I won't tell her I think it's cause he likes her but that's for him to tell her not me. "I'm sorry I've been such a bitch since we've got here I just don't want anything bad to happen to you or me" I hear Ellla whisper to me "it's fine don't be sorry your just scared buy I have a good feeling about this place and these people so how about we just try to make friends" I ask her she nods and gives me a hug. We walk about 5 more minutes and we find an abandoned general store we walk in and start looking for stuff.

Carl's POV
I see them walk into a general store and I deside to stay out here in the woods so they don't know I've been following them but if I hear a scream I'm bolting inside. 
I heard the conversation they had one the road I know it's wrong to listen to there conversation but I couldn't help it I felt bad for them but atleasr now I know a little bit of why Ella's so overprotective and skeptical. I would be to if I was her but now I'm making it my mission to make her as comfortable as possible in the prison even if it's the last thing I do.

Ella's POV
The general store wasn't loaded but it also wasn't empty we found a couple thing that could be of use to use like ducktape,rope,pocketknives and other thing like that. We were about to leave when we saw a truck pull into the parking lot me and Attta looked at eachother and ducked down behind a shelf the doors opened and we heard footsteps "get old the stuff you can find" I males voice said we tried to move slowly toward the door but it didn't work a man stood right infront of us trying to grab me but I beat it to him and I shoved my knife into his skull his body fell with a thud then I felt hands grab me from behind I was held by a very tall strong man and so was Attta I look at her fearing for her "Well well well what do we have here" I heard someone say a man was smiling at us with a very creepy smile he looked up and down at Attta then he did the same to me I felt so uncomfortable as he starred at me "he walked very slowly towards me and Attta.

He went touch Atttas face "get the fuck away from her you slimy creep" I growl out the man looks at me in surprise and amusement "you can't be talking when you were the one to kill one of my men little girl" he said with a smirk on his face "I was planning on killing you both but you two are just to pretty to kill" he said I was about to say something when Carl came in with a gun shooting people "GO GO LEAVE THE BOY AND GET THE GIRLS TO THE TRUCK" The creepy man said the man holding started to run I struggled against him but it didn't work they put us in back of the truck I wiggled and wiggled I finally got free I fell out of the truck but I didn't mean to I see Attta smiling at me from the back of the truck. Tears come to my eyes and I run for the truck "NO ATTTA COME BACK NO NO IM GONNA SAVE YOU I PROMISE" I scream out while sobbing I fall to the ground and feel someone pick me up I sobbed into the chest while the voice whispered sweet nothings into my ear I look up to see Carl and I go back to sobbing into his shirt.

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