Truths out

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Ella's POV
2 days later
"Ella you gotta get some fresh air it's not good to stay cooped up in here" my dad mumbles I shake my head. "I'm not leaving until he's better" I say not looking away from Carl. "He's ok Denise said it would just be a while before he wakes up" my dad reassures putting a hand on my shoulder. "What if something happens and no one's in here" I say "or what if..he doesn't..." I couldn't finish my sentence. "That's not gonna happen I promise" my dad says "you don't know that" I mumble.

My dad stays quite "Well how about you take a shower" he says "I already took on and got all the walker blood of me" I say. "I know but you know what they say it's important to take a shower everyday" my dad says trying to lighten the mood. "No one says that and I'll be fine" I say my dad sighs and leaves the room. "Carl please wake up soon" I mumble kissing his head" I start to get tired and soon fall asleep in the chair.

Carl's POV
I feel a kiss placed on my head then about 5 minutes later i hear soft snores. This has happened to me only once before when I was about 13 and i got shot in my stomach. I can hear everything around me but can not see anything it pisses me off I can't tell Ella or anyone else I was ok and by the conversation she had will Glenn she's only left my side once get all the walker blood off. I was surprised she hasn't left but it filled me with a warm feeling knowing she actually cares. I hope I'll be able to wake up soon.

To tell her that I love her and that I'm ok and she doesn't have to worry about anything harming her or the baby. That's another topic the baby I don't exactly know when the baby bump starts to show bot I know we have to tell everyone before then. How is definitely a big question I don't wanna tell anyone but I don't want them to find out by Ella's stomach starting to grow. When I wake up ill ask her when she wants to tell everyone but if I'm being honest I think it would be a good idea to tell them now.

2 hours later
Ella's POV
I wake up and run to the bathroom again this is 4th time I've puked today and it's only 11:00. I stop puking and sit up waiting for my body to relax a bit. I take deep breaths and stand up I walk back to my chair and sit down looking at Carl. He looks so peaceful while he sleeps I move a piece of hair out of his face and grab his hand. "I don't exactly know if you can her me but...I love you and I can't wait for you to wake up" I say smiling. I feel his and slightly move and I gasp he moved HE MOVED I smile and let a stray happy tear roll down my face.

"Does that mean you can hear me" I say with hope the smile not leaving my face his arm moves the slightest. "Your gonna be ok," I say grabbing his hand "I can't wait to be able to talk to you again" I mumble smiling. "Is he doing any better" I turn around and see Rick I look him in the eyes and see nothing but emptiness I nod "yes" I say "He moved his arm twice I don't know if he could do it again but he definitely can hear us." I say hope lacing every word.

Rick sits down in the chair next to me and looks at me "Ella" he says "yes" I answer "Remember when he group got separated after the prison and you, me, and Carl got stuck together" he asks me I nod. "I don't know if you remember this but I asked you that when I died would you take care of Carl you promised you would" he says I nod again "Are you still keeping that promise" he asks "yes" I mumble.

He nods "ok" he says "your a good person and I think your gonna be a great mother" Rick mumbles my eyes go wide. "W-what do you mean" I say trying to play dumb "it's obvious your pregnant just somehow me and Michonne are the only ones who figured it out" Rick says laughing. "Y-you didn't tell my parents right" I ask "My sons still alive isn't he" Rick says I nod and chuckle a little. "Hiw did you even find out" I ask.

"You've been throwing up alot, your emotions have been all over the place, Carl is definitely much more protective of you, and he barely let's you out of his sight." Rick finishes. I nod "and my father sense" Rick adds on I laugh a little and smile. "How did Michonne find out" I ask "I told her" he answers "why" I ask he shruggs "I felt like it" he say I nod. "I know you have done the same thing if you found something out you would rush to tell Carl" Rick says smirking.

"No I wouldn't" I say he rolls his eyes playfully "sure" he says. "When are you two gonna tell everyone about the baby and are you keeping it" Rick asks. I nod "we decided to keep the baby and I don't know when we're telling everyone I'm gonna wait until he wakes up to find out when we're telling everyone" I say Rick nods. "You gotta do it soon or the baby's gonna tell everyone for you" Rick says gesturing towards my stomach. "I have about 3 and a half months before the baby bump starts to grow" I say he nods again.

Me and Rick chat a little longer before we hear Carl shuffle we both go quiet and turn outer attention towards him. "C-carl" I mumble me and Rick look at eachother then quickly look back to Carl. His eye opens slowly and he smiles when he sees me and Rick. I don't say anything I just wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me. Rick sits there and smiles at us "I heard that my dad found out" Carl says putting my on his lap. "Yes I did and we have a lot to talk about young man" Rick says in a stern voice. "In fact I'll go get everyone so you can both tell them" Rick says "wait" I say.

He looks back "Can we do it outside where Carl has a better chance at running and make sure my dad doesn't have a gun" I say Rick nods "meet all of us in the house in 5 minutes" he says we nod and he walks out. "I missed you" Carl says kissing me I kiss back and he grabs my hips turning me so I'm straddling him. He starts kissing down my neck and finds my sweet spot he licks and sucks at the skin. I throw my head back to give him better access and put my hands in his hair. He smirks and pulls away I put a pout on my face "we have to go give the news" he says pushing me off him gently.

He gets puts his feet on the floor and stands up he's a little wobbly but starts to walk around and get used to being on his feet again. "We'll continue later" he mumbles putting a kiss on my forehead "o and you might wanna zip your jacket up a little more" He says smirking. I roll my eyes and zip it up to hide tye hickeys I know are there. "Let's go" he says grabbing my hand.

I take a deep breath and look at Carl he nods and I open the door. Everyone is in the kitchen sitting down talking the they go quite when they see us. Everyone smiles some people give Carl a hug otherrs shake his hand and say how glad they are that he's ok. Everything goes silent again "Rick said you two had something important to tell everyone" Carol said I sigh and look at Carl "You better get ready to run" I mumble in his ear he shakes his head and snickers. "So what's the news" Daryl says. "I-...i-im...pregnant"

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