Fuck you

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Ella's POV
Next morning
I wake up and look around confused then memories of last night came flooding into my mind. I smile and look down at myself I'm still wearing the shirt Carl gave me. I get out of bed get ready for the day and start walking down stairs I see my mom in the kitchen and give her a hug "good morning mom" I say happily grabbing and apple. "Someone's in a good mood" she says back smiling I nod "have you seen Carl" I ask her "last time I say him he was with his dad" she says i nod and walk to the door.

"Before you go out can you go tell Carol I said I need her she's in the other house" mom says "sure" I say walking out. I walk to the house Carol does most of her cooking in and see her making something. "Hay Carol" I say she smiles "Hey ella" she says back "my mom says she needs you in the other house" I say she nods "hey can you..do something for me" Carol asks "of course what is it" I ask. She looks like she's debating on asking me "can you check on your friend Ron and his mom and brother" she ask I nod.

"Any reason why" I ask she sighs "Ok you parents don't think I should tell you this so don't tell them I told you but last night I was in the armory and Sam asked me for a gun to protect his mom from his dad so I think Pete is abusing Jesse, Sam, and Ron" Carol says quietly. I look down with a frown "I knew the was something wrong with him" I mumble "what" Carol asks "the first time I was over at Ron's house his dad told me and everyone else to leave but I felt like something was wrong cause Ron looked like he didn't want to be alone with his dad" I say.

Carol nods "Ok thank you for telling me and try to stay close to Ron and Sam Rick will worry about Jesse and don't tell Carl any of this ok" Carol says I nod and start my walk to Ron's. I get to his porch and knock his mom opens the door and smiles when she sees me "hi Ella I wasn't expecting to see you" she says kindly "just got bored and wanted to see if Ron or Sam would be able to  hangout or maybe we could get to know each other y'know" I say smiling "that would be nice Ron's hanging out with Enid at her house and Sam's at school so ya it would be nice to get to know each other" Jesse says opening the door so I can step in.

"Awesome" I say walking in I sit on the couch and she sits across from me "so how long have you been here" I ask "since the beginning" she say I nod "what was your like like before this" Jesse asks me. I frown "my mom died before any of this and my dad...was an abusive drunk I don't really know if he's alive and I don't really care and Glenn and Maggie adopted me and Attta " I say. Jesse sits next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder "I'm so sorry and I'm here if you need anything ok" Jesse says "ok thank you and don't be sorry you didn't do anything" I say. She smiles and hugs me I hug back and we stay like that.

"I didn't know we had company" both of our heads snap to the owner of the voice and I visibly frown. "Pete i-i didn't know you were home" Jesse says standing up Pete has his signature creepy smile on his face that would make anyone uncomfortable."What is she doing here" Pete says looking at me "sh-she" I cut off Jesse "I just wanted to stop by and see if I could hangout with Sam and Ron but Jesse said they weren't here so I came in to wait" I say looking at Pete with hatred in my eyes "They aren't gonna be here for a while so you might as well leave" Pete says still looking at me.

I nod and walk to the door smiling at Jesse on my way out right after I get out I sprint to find Ron. I find him walking down the street "Ron!" I say he turns around and smiles at me "hey El" he says I nod "listen we need to talk now it important" I say with urgency in my voice "of course what is it" he says "we can't talk here" I say he nods and leads me back to the house we had our welcome party at. "Ok what's up" he say sitting on the couch.

"It's about your dad" I say his jaw tightens "what about him" he says I look down "i-i know he what he did to Jesse a-and Sam...you" I say looking back up "no you don't know" Ron says standing up "No Ron please just listen please" I say blocking his way out. "Please" I say again looking him in the eye. "You have 5 minutes" Ron say sitting back on the couch "Ok so I know that Pete...did terrible things" I say.

Ron nods "and I think you Jesse and Sam should come live with us or ask Deanna for another house. I say Ron scoffs "you don't get it do you" he says "what don't I get" I say "we can't just leave him he'll be all alone" Ron mumbles "I wouldn't expect you to understand" he says. "I understand" I mumble Ron looks up at me "you don't have the full story" I say "then tell me" Ron says I sigh.

"My life was perfect I had a loving family, good grades, a best friend and everything else a 8 year old would possibly want..but then when I turned 9 my mom was diagnosed with cancer and soon died because of it. Me and my dad where heartbroken it broke my dad so much that he started to abuse me and drink I always thought about calling the cops on him but he would always trick me into staying cause he got me to feel bed for him. I always went to Attta's to block out my terrible life and it worked then one day all this started" I finish telling him and he's speechless.

"D-do you have any scars" he mumbles I nod and show him my right shoulder. "What happened" he asks just staring at it "he got drunk and threw a beer bottle at my head but I moved so it hit my shoulder instead of my head" I mumble a few tears falling at the memory he nods "i-i gotta go" he says walking out. I walk out after about 5 minutes and something catches my eye I see Carl jumping over the fence.

I decide to follow him but quickly lose him and start wandering through the woods. I find him on a rock and Enid on top of him kissing him he forces Enid off of him then sees me. Enid just smirks evil and Carl looks at me and shakes his head "i-its not what you think" he says "Fuck You" I mumble as I walk away he follows me trying to get my attention finally he grabs my arm "El it-" I cut him off "NO CARL" I scream at him he let's go of my arm and looks down. I hear Enid laughing and I loss it I storm over to her and punch her square in the face.

She falls to the ground but I don't stop I get onto her and start punching her repeatedly in the face. I feel Carl pull me off of her and I jump from his arms "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME" I scream "don't talk to me don't look at me don't think about me stay 100% away from me and go fuck Enid cause guess what I don't care" I say before walking past him purposely bumping his shoulder.

I get home and knock on Attta's door "come in" I hear her say I walk in and see her on her bed sketching she smiles but quickly frowns when she sees what I look like. I plop down on her bed and cry she shuts the door and starts rubbing my back shushing me. "what happened" she says calmly "I saw that b-bitch on C-carl then I w-went off on h-him" I mumble. She doesn't say anything she just sits there and ruds my back saying sweet nothings. I sit up "a-and the worst p-part about i-it is w-we had s-sex last n-night" I mumble "I guess it ment nothing" I mumble getting up "I'll be back in a little bit" I mumble.

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