Finding Michonne

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The next day
Ella's POV
Rick is up and moving around a little bit and it great right now me and Carl are laying in the bed of the teenage boys room Carl's reading a comic and I'm laying down next to him thinking about everything that happened so far. "Do you think we'll ever find any of the others" I mumble to Carl he puts his comic down and lays next to me with his arm over me "ya I do" he says smiling "do you" he asks me "I.. I don't know" I say looking at him "Ok sit up now" Carl says sitting up pulling me up with him "look at me" he says grabbing my jaw and forcing me to look at him "I don't want you worrying about anything else ok" he says looking at me with seriousness "Ok" I say looking at me. "Good girl" he mumbles.

We stare at each other and he looks down at my lips then back at my eyes I lean in and kiss him he kisses me back. We've kissed in the past but nothing compared to this one this one was full of love and passion. He licks my bottom lip asking for entry but I don't give in cause I want to tease him. He groans in frustration and pulls away "your such a tease" he says smirking at me I smirk back and I was about to say something but then we heard someone knock on the front door. We jump up and run down stairs but also being careful to be quiet Rick looks at us and he nods cocking his gun before looking in the peephole. He chuckles and puts his gun away we look at him confused "it's for you two" he says we walk to the door and open it.

We both smile ear to ear and jump in Michonne's arms she chuckles "I've missed you guys to" she say "wait have you seen Attta or my parents at all" I say hopeing she says yes she frowns and shakes her head no "o-oh ok" I say feeling really sad again. Carl squeezes my hand and whispers in my ear "what did I say about worrying about everything" he says in my ear I look at him and smile "and I promise you we will find your family there all tough just like you and I just know they made it" he whispers to me squeezing my hand in reassurance.

Michonne looks at us and smirks "I knew you two were acting strange back at the prison I just couldn't put my finger on it" she says smirking at us "does anyone else know" Michonne asks "just you Rick and Attta" I say my voice cracking a little as I say Attta's name. "And that reminds me Rick how did you know we were dating and how long have you known" I ask looking at Rick "father instincts" he responds I nod my head and we all walk in the house putting the couch by the door again.

1 hour later
Carl's POV
"Hey Carl I was wondering if you would wanna go on a run just you and me" I hear Michonne say I look at her and nod "let my just go tell my dad and Ella" I say looking at her she nods. "I'll be waiting outside when your ready" she says walking off I run upstairs to the room me and Ella have been sleeping in "hey baby I'm going on a run with Michonne ok" I say looking at Ella she nods her head "I wanna kiss before you go" I hear her say I smirk and kiss he passionately but also quick to tease her. Ella's mouth drops open "fucking tease" she mutters under her breath "it's called payback love" she throws a comic at my head I run out to find my dad and so i dont get another thrown at me "hey dad imma go on a run with Michonne" I say to my dad he nods his head "be safe" he says "I will" I say back walking out the door.

"Alrighty let's go" Michonne says with a smile I roll my eyes playfully at her silliness. We walking a peaceful silence down the road looking for a house to get stuff from. "So how long have you and Ella been a thing" Michonne asks smirking at me. "Since a week after her birthday. We kissed on her birthday then a week later started to date." I explain to her she nods her head and looks at me "i tell you when I come up with a good ship name" she says i chuckle and shake my head "did you only take me one this run to ask me about my love life" I ask looking at Michonne with an eyebrow raised "maybe" she says

30 minutes later
Ella's POV
Me and Rick are just chilling in the house sitting in the master bedroom when we here the front door open. I look at Rick and he pulls out his gun and I do the same we crawl under the bed and a man walks in and goes to the bathroom going through stuff. Rick quietly gets out from under the bed and strangles the man trying to steal our stuff and I put my knife through his head. Rick puts the man down gently and we start to run quietly to the window we jump out and land as quietly as we can on the grass. We see Carl and Michonne come back with confused looks on their faces Rick and me ran to them and I grab Carl's hand as we run away from the house.

I explain to Carl what was going on and now we're walking on the road again. It starts to thunder and we find an abandoned car we crawl in it and decide to sleep there for the night.

Next day
Carl's POV
I woke up with Ella laying on my chest sleeping I smile down at her and look in the front seat looking for my dad and Michonne. But I don't find them there I look out the window to see my dad and Michonne having guns pointed to their heads by men I don't know I start to get scared and Ella stirs awake looking around I was about to say something but then I was yanked my my shirt out of the car. Ella looks panicked and another one of the guys does the same to her they hold us both so we can't get away and I didn't have my gun on me I mentally curse myself and look at Ella to try and reassure her but it's not working.

I look over at her and she the man is eyeing her boobs hungerly I let out a low growl not listening to anything that's going on knowing that someone is trying to touch MY GIRL in that way. She looks scared and has tears threatening to fall from her eyes but I know she won't allow herself to cry infront of these men. Daryl comes out of the woods but I'm not listening then the men start to beat Daryl and he doesn't fight back I look horrified and the only words I did here came from one of the mens mouths "first we're gonna kill the women then fuck the boy and the girl then kill them while you watch then kill you" one of the men said looking at me dad I couldn't stop those words from repeating in my head they were gonna rape us.

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