New Problem

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Ella's POV
"So...who's the girl" I ask with a smirk "yea Austin who's the girl" Carl asks putting his arm over Austin's shoulder. Austin rolls his eyes "will you two drop it" he says we both shake our heads "fine she just got here a couple days ago and I was showing her around and it just happened" Austin says sinking in his seat "do you like her" I ask he puts his hands on his face and nods "awww Austin's in love" I chant Carl starts joining me and Austin gets annoyed so he puts his hands over our mouths.

"Shhh" he says "I don't want anyone else knowing" he says "Well you should have thought about that before you walked out your room with no shirt and and a girl peaking out from behind your door" Carl says with a scoff. "Whats her name" I ask "Naomi" Austin says "awwwww AUSTINS IN LOVE WITH NAOMI" me and Carl scream together. Austin puts his head in his hands "I fricken hate you two so much sometimes" he says "aww no you love us" I say with a smile. We here a knock on Austin's door "who is it" Austin asks.

"It's Rick we all are having a meeting in the kitchen so come downstairs" Rick says walking away. We all start walking downstairs and see everyone at the table even the stranger "what even is his name" I ask "just call me Jesus" he says I nod and sit down. "So whats going on" I ask "we have a new problem" Rick says I groan "what is it this time" I say with annoyance "a group" Rick says "haven't had on of those problems in a while" I hear Austin mutter. "Anyways this guy named Negen has a group and according to Jesus he takes peoples supplies and if they don't listen he has them killed" Rick says.

My body stiffens "what was the name again" I ask "Negen" Rick answers I think really hard. Where have I heard that name? Carl puts his hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my daze "El are you ok" He ask with a concerned look I nod "anyways I was thinking some of us should go to Jesus's camp called hilltop to see if its real and to maybe get a deal" Rick says "what kind of deal" I ask "we get rid of negan and they give us food" Rick says I nod.

"Well let's go I guess" I mumble walking outside we felt up to the gate and everyone's getting ready for the road. I'm sitting by the door looking off into space "hey dad can I talk to you" I hear Carl ask Rick nods and they go behind the truck. I know it was wrong but I couldn't help but listen in "what do you wanna talk about" I hear Rick ask. It's silent for a while "I don't think I should go to Hilltop with you all" I hear Carl says I squint my eyes in confusion "why" I hear Rick ask. "I don't think a kid with a messed up eye will make a good first impression." I hear Carl say.

Rick's silent for a moment "Ok but be safe take care of everything here" Rick says I move away from my spot to make sure it didn't look like I was listening in and I get an idea. "Rick" I say Rick turns to face me "I don't think I should go to hilltop" I say he looks at me confused "why not" he asks. "Well I'm a pregnant teenager I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about us" I say Rick nods "Ok Carl's also staying here make sure he stays out of trouble" Rick says I nod and walk of to the house.

I walk in the house and go up to Carl's room I knock on the door "come in" I hear Carl sat I walk on and see him on his bed looking at a comic. He looks up and see me he has a confused look on his face "they're leaving any minute" he says I nod "I know I didn't go" I say sitting on his bed he nods. "How come" he asks "I didn't think a pregnant teen would look to good on us" I say "why didn't you go" I ask "a kid with a messed up face won't make a good first impression" he says. We sit in silence "how come you so insecure all the sudden did someone say something" I ask.

Carl stays silent "I didn't tell you this but yesterday I saw Enid when I went to the bathroom to change when i walked in Enid was by the window she started telling me things" Carl says my eyes go wide."I thought she was dead" I say "ya I thought that too" Carl mumbles "what did she say" I ask "she kept telling me that no one would ever love me that I no one could ever love a one eyed freak like me and that your only staying with me cause you feel bad for me." Carl says a tear slipping from his eye I put my hand on his face and remove the tear from his eye. "Carl forget about that bitch she was trying to hurt you and she's wrong" I say.

Carl grabs my hand "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say smiling. "Ella I have a question" Carl says I nod "why did you react the way you did when my dad said Negen" Carl asks. I sigh "I have a feeling like something bad is gonna happen and I don't think we are gonna win this fight" I say Carl nods "Ella I promise whatever happens I will protect you and this baby no one is gonna harm either of you" Carl says pulling into his arms kissing my head I nod "just promise me that you'll be careful to" I say "I promise" he says.

A few hours later
Ella's POV
The front door opens revealing everyone that went to hilltop "So whats the situation" I ask "The leader is gonna give us food in exchange some of us are working there and we have to get rid of Negen and his people" Rick says I nod "Ella we have something to show you" my parents come over to me and Carl with a picture in the hands I look at them confused and my mom gives me the pictures. The pictures are of an ultrasound I put a hand over my mouth "t-this is my sibling" I ask a happy tear rolling down my face my parents nod.

"How" I ask "hilltop you can get one too" my mom says I look at Carl and he nods "I can take you two there tomorrow I have to go back there to work" my dad says "really" I ask he nods smiling. I hug Carl and he hugs back kissing my head "do you know the gender or are you waiting" I ask "it's a boy" my mom says I smile. "We're gonna head upstairs maybe go annoy Austin a little" Carl says helping me up some people say goodnight as we walk up the stairs.

We stop by Austin's door and knock we here shuffling and shushing then Austin creaks the door open. Me and Carl look at eachother knowing what's going on "I bet Naomi's in there" I say smirking at Austin. He rolls his eyes "so can we come in or are you guys messing around" Carl ask Austin's face goes red and he opens the door. We see the girl that we say this morning sitting on Austin's bed with a shy smile on her face fiddling with her fingers "hi" we here her mumble.

"Hi I'm Ella and that's Carl I don't think we properly met" I say she smiles at us and waves "so are you two a thing" Carl asks Austin nods kissing Naomi's head she blushes darkly when he does" "well we just wanted to properly introduce our selves and if dumbie over there gives you any trouble just tell us" I tell Naomi she chuckles a little "Ok it was nice meeting both of you" she says and we walk out back to Carl's room. We lay in bed and cuddle close "you should just move into my room since you barely use yours" Carl says I nod "that's a good idea after we get the ultrasound for the baby then we'll move all my stuff" I say slowly driving off into sleep.

Ok this is actually insane we have 136 reads...I still can't believe it that is insane I wanted to thank you all and remember your perfect just the way u are by peoples and don't forget to get enough food and water

I still can't believe it that is insane I wanted to thank you all and remember your perfect just the way u are by peoples and don't forget to get enough food and water

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Naomi Peterson Corinna Brown

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