The church and Priest

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Same day
Ella's POV
I hugged Attta like my life depended on it and she hugged me equally as hard our parents came over and it turned into a family hug. "Whos that" I say pointing to the girl "her names Tara she's from the governors side but shes a giod one" tyrees say i nod "Where's Beth" Attta asks looking at us we look down "we don't know hun" our mom says Attta let's out a few tears "it was my fault" we hear Daryl mumble "what do you mean by that" Attta ask him he let's out a sigh "me and her escaped out of the prison together and we stopped at a place but there was walkers a bunch of em I told her to run and when I was done getting rid of the walkers I went outside and saw Beth unconscious with people loading her into a black car with a white cross thing on the back I tried to go after it but I wasn't fast enough.

He finishes his explanation and Attta goes up and hugs him "I know you tried your best to get her back" she mumbles. Daryl stiffened up but relaxs a little and Attta let's go and looks at us "so where to now" she asks. We all look at Rick waiting for what he has to say "we go where ever is safe right now we got get as far away from this place as possible." We nod and start our journey we start walking the tracks again heading away from what was left of Terminus. Me and Carl were in the back of the group holding hands now that our secret was out and it was funny cause at first my dad kept giving Carl death glares and it was hilarious. "Hey baby" I hear Carl say "ya" I say he stays silent for a minute "I'm sorry I wasn't able to get to you in time" he says looking at me with guilt.

I make him stop and stand infront of him grabbing both of his hands "hey what happened to me happened there was no way you could've stopped it so don't go blaming yourself" I say looking him in the eyes he lazily puts his hands on my waist. " I love you so much" he says smiling "I love you too" we starred at eachother and then we heard a scream me and Carl look up and he runs towards the scream I run after him with my gun raised. I hear everyone shouting our names but I could care less I wanted to make sure Carl was ok. We find a man on a rock surrounded by walkers my and Carl kill the walkers and the man looks thankful.

The rest if the group comes and holds up guns to the man he puts his hands up in fear and I feel my dad pulling my back towards him. I look the man up and down and he is wearing priest clothing "who are you" Rick asks the man he holds up his hand and throws up everything he's ate in the past couple hours he wipes he mouth off with his sleeve and looks back at Rick. "I'm Father Gabriel" he says "father?" I ask looking at him "Yes I'm a priest" he says "huh haven't seen any of those in a while" I mumble "how many walkers have you killed" Rick asks Gabriel "non" he answers "how many people have you killed" Rick asks him "non" he answers again "why" Rick asks "because it's against God's commandment that says thou shall not kill" he answers looking at us all.

"Do you have a camp" Rick asks him "yes I um have a church you and your people can stay in please follow me" he says walking I look at Carl and he nods I take Judith from Attta and his hand and start walking.

10 minutes later
Ella's POV
We made it to the church and it was well a church it was really nice and once you've stepped inside it you almost forget what's happening in the world. "Did you ever go to church" I snap out of my thoughts and look at Carl "I did before my mom past" I say remembering going to church with my mom "did you" I ask him "yea" he replies. I walk off and sit in one the front row bouncing Judith on my knee making silly faces at her "that's a beautiful child you have" I hear Gabriel say looking at me and Judith. "O um s-she not mine" I say "then where's her mother" Gabriel asks I open my mouth to answer and relize I don't know I shrug my shoulders and walk away. I give Judith to Attta abd walk outside I find Carl sitting on the steps alone I sit next to him and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Hey baby" he says putting his head on mine "I have a question" I say "what's that" he asks I stay quiet for a moment debating if I should ask. "What happened to your mom" I ask he flinches at the mention of her he sighs. "My mom died giving birth to Judith back in the prison about 3 months before you and Attta came" he says I immediately regret asking "I'm so sorry" I say "it's ok I asked about your parents and you asked about mine." He says I let out a soft laugh "I guess your right" I say

"That's cause I'm always right" he says with a cocky smirk "I would be so sure about that Carl" I say smirking back. "O really" he asks like he challenging me to say something "yep" I say popping the "p". He leans down and kisses me I close my eyes and kiss back right as I kiss back he pulls away. "I know your pissed at me for teasing you and i better run if i value my life" he says raising his eyebrows and running off inside. I jump up and run after him. Ok your right about that I think before getting ahold of him.

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