Their Visit

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The next day
Carl's POV
Me and Ella are sitting outside and enjoying the nice weather. She keeps looking at the woods with fear in her eyes "baby what's wrong" I mumble pulling her towards me. "Something bad is gonna happen I can just feel it ever since I saw Gareth in the woods I've had a bad feeling and with bob gone it makes me worry more" she says looking at the woods. "I promise that no one can hurt you I'll protect you until the day I stop breathing" I say rudding circles on her arm. She nods and closes her eyes.

We sit like that for a little then she stands up "I'm sorry I just can't stay out here anymore" she says walking inside. "Hey is it just me or has Ella been jumpy" I turn towards Attta "ya ever since she saw Gareth in the woods she's been really worried something bads gonna happen." I say she nods her head and sits next to me "what did he do to her" she asks I sigh " he touched her in a bad way and raped her" I mumble. Attta looks off into space "can you promise me something" she says "yeah" I say "promise me that you'll never take advantage of her" she asks I nod my head "I don't think I could ever do that"

Ella's POV
"I don't think I could ever do that" I hear Carl say I turn around and sit down. I hear Judith start to cry and get up to go get her. "Hey Judy" I say in a soft voice i pick her up and cradle her in my arms she puts her hands on my face and giggles. "You silly baby" I say she giggles again I chuckle a little and sit down with her. I start bouncing her on my knees and she smiles at me making baby noises.

"Awww" I look over and see Carl standing there with a smile "I didn't know you liked babies" he says. "Ya I've always had a soft spot for them" I say "and animals" I add on. He smiles sitting next to me "can I have cuddles" he mumbles I laugh "yes you may" I say he smiles and lays down on me. "When am I gonna be able  to be an aunt" "I swear Attta if you don't stop with that imma kick your ass" I say carl chuckles and Attta looks at me with a pout "but I wanna be an aunt" she says I sigh. "Ok ok I'll leave" she says walking away. "Now back to cuddles" Carl mumbles I let out a little chuckle and start cuddling him and Judith.

Dinner time
Attta's POV
We're all sitting down eating canned foods Sasha is refusing to eat cause we can't find Bob and I feel really bad for her. She's been looking for him all day and still no one can find him. I stand up and walk towards Sasha with a can of corn "eat" I say sitting next to her. She shakes her head and turns the other way. "I know how you feel" I say she laughs "no you dont" she says with bitterness in her voice.

"Ya back in the prison i actually had a boyfriend." I say she nods her head "he was a really nice person and he didn't deserve this but a sickness broke out and he passed away from it" I finish "I know it's stupid but I promise you it'll get better I bet we'll find him Sash" I say putting my hand on her shoulder. "GUYS GUYS ITS BOB" we turn around to see Michonne walking in pointing at the door.

Sasha runs to the door and so does everyone else. We all get outside and see Bob almost unconscious on the ground with a leg missing. My eyes widen "o my gosh Bob" Sasha says getting down to his level. Rick and someothers help get Bob into the church and now he laying down in Gabriel's office. We find out that he was already bit befire his leg git cut off and that he was gonna die anyways we give Sasha some time alone with him.

After about 5 minutes we hear a gunshot and Sasha comes out of the room. She walks over to tyrees and silently sods into his arm while he rubs her back we wait for Sasha to calm down a little befire asking her questions. "Who did it to him" Rick said "he said Gareth and the people from Terminus did it and that they're coming here" Sasha mumbles sounding like she doesn't have anything left to live for. I see Ella flinch at the mention of him and Carl put his arms around her protectively.

Ella's POV
20 minutes later
Rick gives us a really good plan and now I'm sitting in Gabriel's office with Carl Judith and Gabriel. Me and Carl have guns just incase things go south. We hear the church doors open and a bunch of footsteps. "We know your in here" I hear Gateth say "we also know that Rick and a bunch of others took most of your guns so might as well just come out now." He pauses "no?" He says "this place isn't very big it wont take long to find you. But guess what Father you can take the baby and walk out of here unharmed right now." He says

"O and I can't forget about my beautiful Ella. Carl just so you know I don't appreciate you touching my things so please help your hands off of Ella" he finishes I don't know if I'm more scared or angry but I just know I want him dead. As if right on que Judith starts to cry "found you" we hear Gareth mumble I stand up and slowly go to the door. Right when it opens I jump on the persons back and the church doors open to reveal Rick and the others.

I use the butt of my gun to knock the person out. I jump off the unconscious person and start shooting. Gareths the last one and we have him cornered with his hands up. He starts to look me up and down and licks his lips that was all it took for Carl to loose it he walks up to Gareth and shoots him in the shoulder. Gareth cries in pain and falls to the floor Carl walks over and starts to press on the place he shot Gareth with his foot. "1st of all she is not a thing and 2nd of all she MINE not yours" Carl says before shooting Gareth in the head.

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