The sickness

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Me and Attta have to go into quarantine because we came into physical contact with Patrick before he..ya know. I'm laying on the bed as Attta lays next to me staring into space we haven't spoken since yesterday because of how much mental pain Attta was going through. "Why does everyone I love leave me" I hear Attta whisper I hug her to comfort her "you won't lose me" I say to her she nods and and shuts her eyes i pull a blanket over her and smile she hasnt been sleeping properly ever since it happened. I decide that imma go get us some food cause I know she needs it.

I walk to the glass and see Carl sleeping in a chair next to it. I smile and knock on the glass causing him to jolt awake and look around then he sees me and smiles I pick up the walkie talkie to talk to him and he does the same "hey beautiful" he says I blush at the nickname "hey I was wondering if you could get me and Attta some food" I said "sure but before I do is she doing any better" he asks I shake my head no and he nods he puts his forehead against the glass and I do the same.

We stay like that for a minute before he goes to get the food I asked for about 5 minutes later he comes back with 2 bowls of oatmeal and he slips it under the little flap thing I take it and blow a kiss to him and he goes back to sitting in his chair. I go back to the cell Attta's in and see her still sleep I put her oatmeal on the chair and gently shake her "Attta you need to get some food in yous system come on" I say she turns over to look at me "I'm not hungry"" she mumbles before turning back to face the wall.

I sigh and lay next to her "He wouldn't want you to do this to yourself" I mumble to her she turns over to me with tears in her eyes. "Everytime I close my eyes I see him." She says her voice creaking at the end "and I hate myself for it it's my fault he's sick I should've known something was wrong with him but I didn't and know he's gone" she finishes looking off into space I look at Attta with worry "it wasn't your fault no one knew it wasn't anyone's fault but we both know he wouldn't have wanted you to do this we know he would have wanted you to move on" I say looking at her.

"I don't know how" she whispers looking me in the eye "Attta i promise you'll get through this and I'll help you." I say hugging her she hugs me back and I sit her up "now please eat the food I promise I won't ask for anything else" I say she nods and we eat our oatmeal in a peaceful silence.

I take the now empty bowls back to the little flap and see Carl sitting there reading a comic I pick the walkie talkie up and he still hasn't notice me standing there and I decide to give him a little spook. "Hey isn't that my comic" I say he jumps and the comic lands on the floor I smirk at him and when he realizes it was my he picked up the walkie talkie "how dare you disrupt me reading my book" he says with a playful glare "Ok A that's a comic not a book and B your not even reading the book your looking at pictures" I say with a smirk "damn why you gotta expose my secrets like that" he says putting his hand on his chest like he was hurt by my words.

"you are so overdramatic" I say rolling my eyes playfully "and? Your a big meanie and I don't hold that against you" he says with a smirk I glare at him playfully "just go give those to carol and go back to reading your picture book" I say "there not picture books there comics there's a difference" he says "can you get my mom and dad" I ask him he nods and turns to leave "and there's no difference between a picture book and a comic" I yell through the walkie talkie before he leaves "Yes there is" I hear him yell back. My parents walk in and my mom sits down in a chair and my dad stands next to it with a smile "hey El how is it in there" my mom says "boring" I answer back.

"Rick said you and Attta can come out in a week since you guys didn't have it and were just exposed to it" my dad says. "Speaking of Attta where is she" my mom says trying to look beyond me "do you want me to go get her" I ask they both nod and I get up to go get Attta "hey mom and dad are here and they wanna talk to you" I saw sitting at the edge of the bed putting a hand on Atttas shoulder "Ok" she mumbles getting out of bed her eyes were red and puffy from crying nd she really pale and shes starting to lose wait cause of how muchshes been putting her food to the side I frown at how terrible she looks right now.

"Hey mom hey dad" she mumbles sitting in the chair "o honey" mom says reaching for Attta. Dad looks just as hurt as mom does "I wish I could give you a hug" I hear mom say. She reaches her hand under the flap and takes Atttas hand in her own "it's gonna be ok hon" she says rubbing soothing circles on the back of Atttas hand "ya me your mom and sister are always gonna be there to pick you back up" Dad says with a smile. Attta cracks a little smile and I look at me parents and smile. This is the first time she's smiled in weeks.

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