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2 days later
Ella's POV
It's been 2 days since Gareth and his people tried to attack us and 2 days since we killed them. I don't know if this is wrong but I had a sense of realif knowing Gareths dead. "ELLA" I hear Attta scream at the top of her lungs I walk over to see her looking daggers at Carl and Carl looking back at her with the same expression. I sigh "what is it now" I say "tell Carl that I get to name your baby" Attta says "no you don't if me and El have a kid WE will name it" I look at them with a dumbfounded face. "Are you both really fighting over who's gonna name a baby that doesn't even exist" I say "yes" Attta says with confidence.

"Carl stop fighting with my sister and Attta stop talk about a baby that doesn't exist" I say looking at both of them. Carl walks up to me and puts his hand around my waist and we walk off. "YOU MEAN A BABY THAT DOESNT EXIST YET" We hear Attta scream to us. I sigh and Carl let's out a little laugh we sit down in a comfortable silence "I wanna show you something" he says breaking the silence I nod my head. He smiles at me and takes my hand "do you trust me" he says "yes" I say back.

He runs off into the woods still holding my hand. I get beside him and smile I haven't felt this alive in weeks I think. We start laughing together until he comes to a stop. I look at where we're at and all I see is a big hill that looks almost mountain like. I look at him confused and he just smiles back "your gonna love this" he whispers. He grabs my hand again and takes me up the hill.

When we get to the top I gasp. Just below us was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. There was a perfect view of the sun and just below that was a beautiful pond and grass that looked like it was on the movies like if I touched it the grass would feel like silk. "We are gonna stay here until the sunsets because it is absolutely beautiful" Carl says smiling at me "but it's not as beautiful as you" he says. I laugh "I didn't know you could be so cheesy cowboy" I say " o I have my moments" he says with a smile I roll my eyes playfully and we sit down on the hill.

"When and how did you fing this place" I ask " I was hunting and I stumbled up the hill about 2 weeks ago" he says "aww then why didn't you take my sooner" I say with a pout he smiles at my childly behavior. "Because you where really skeptical about everything and I didn't want to put you in a situation where you would feel uncomfortable" he says with a shrug. "I'm sorry" I say "for what Carl asks confused "for everything" I mumble he takes my face in his hands. "Ella West you are not aloud to let the word sorry leave your lips from this point on" Carl says with a serious tone.

"But-" I start "no buts" he says cutting me off I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "I can't promise that" I mumble "well ill help you not say it" he says "how did you know my last name" I ask with a laugh. "Attta" he says "figures" I say "what's your middle name" he asks I shake my head. "No sir you gotta wait to find out the middle name I say standing up.

"Awww whyy" he says with a little whine I laugh at his childness. We sit in a comfortable silence just staring into eachothers eyes. He starts to walk closer he stops just a few centimeters away and plants a kiss on my head. He smiles and starts to slow dance with me twirling me around and humming I giggle. "Remember when we first saw eachother" Carl says.

"How could I forget" I mumble "We held eye contact then I ran taking Attta with me" I say laughing at the memory. "Why did you" Carl asks softly I go quite not wanting to talk about them. "Look the sun is setting" I say changing the subject and pulling away from him to look at the sun setting.

"Wow it really is beautiful" I mumble "ya it is" Carl mumbled staring at me. I close my eyes and put my arms out I feel the sun reflecting off my face and the wind going through my hair. I let out a sigh of relief and smile I feel Carl tugging on my waist "time to go" he mumbles into my ear. I let out a little pout and start to follow him back to the church.

After about 10 minutes of walking we get back to the church and it's dark. We walk inside and sit down with the others to eat. "So where did you to go" Attta whispers to me with a smirk. "He took me to a stop in the woods" I whisper back "oooooo what did you guys do"she asks I roll my eyes playfully "we watched the sunset" I say "so you just watched the sunset" she said with an eyebrow raised I nod my head.

Me and Attta got up to go lay down when we hear a loud and heavy bang on the door. Everyone turns their focuse to the door and grabs weapons. I grab my handgun and go to the door hiding behind it ready to open it. I look at Rick and he nods I open the door and everyone points their guns at Daryl? "Wow it just me" Daryl says putting his hands up. Everyone smiles and puts their guns down "who's this" I say coldly pointing my gun at a boy about 17 maybe 18. He puts his hands up "relax he helped me get out and his names Noah" Daryl says "wait where's Carol" Attta asks from behind me. "She's in a hospital run by cops and Beth's their to Naoh told me all about it cause he used to stay there" Daryls says. Mine and Atttas eyes light up

"we need to go get her" we say at the same time "no it's dark and the hospital is in the city we gotta wait till tomorrow" Daryls says leaving no room to argue. "Fuck you that's my fucking aunt and you expect me to just sit here and not know if she's ok" I say with anger "their both in a good place that's taking care of them" Noah says trying to calm me down. "Then why did you try to leave" I said looking at him "because that place is stupid" he says. "How the hell can we trust him that their ok" I say not trusting Noah one bit. Carl wraps his arms around my waist "how about we just sleep on this one and hope that their ok" Carl says pulling my away.

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