Good bye Beth

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Attta's POV
1 bullet was all it took and I was on the ground. 1 bullet was all it took to kill Beth. "ATTTA" I hear a voice sob I can identify the voice as Ella's "NO PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME HERE" I hear Ella again "Y-YOU P-PROMISED ME YOU W-WOULDNT L-LEAVE"Ella sobs these words over and over again. I can feel someone pick me up and I can still hear the voice sobbing. The person carrys me for a little then I hear more sobs "NO" I hear a my mom scream. I feel so bad I can't even tell my family that I'm alive.

I'm put in someone else's arms and I hear silent cries coming from the person carrying me "no please just don't go just hold on a little longer honey I promise we will save you" I hear my dad say stumbling over his words. I'm put in the back seat of a car with Ella. I can hear her silent sobs coming from her.

"Drive faster" she says "I said drive faster" she said trying to choke down her cries. I feel a jolt meaning we're driving faster much faster. Within a few minutes the car stops and I'm carried into a place which was probably the church and put on a makeshift bed on the floor. "Get help please" I hear  Ella say choking out the last part. I feel someone sit next to me and I hear stuff being moved around. "Ok this is gonna hurt her but I need to get the bullet out or she isn't gonna make it so I need you to hold her down"

I feel someone grip my arms and legs then I feel someone put something in my chest I scream in pain and try to move but I can't "STOP YOUR KILLING HER" I hear Ella say then the pain stops. "Listen if you can't handle seeing her like this then leave so I can make sure this girl lives." I hear a voice that I've never heard before say. Ella goes quite for a minute then I feel her grip my arms again "I'm sorry" she whispers then I feel the pain again. This goes on for about 10 minutes then it stops "Ok by the looks of it she's making a fast recovery so she'll be able to move around in about a week" I hear the person say "Ok is there anything I can do to help" I hear Ella say "just let her rest" is the last thing I hear before I knock out.

Ella's POV
Austin left me with Attta after he got the bullet out of her chest to go get something and I couldn't stop staring at the little hole in her chest. I start to feel the tears come to my eyes as I replay what happened.

Attta went to the floor and I shot one of their people as I go down to the floor with Attta and start sobbing my  eyes out screaming things out to her. Both groups pull out guns then the women we help hostage stopped it. Rick asked any of the people from the other group if they wanted to come only one did.

He had a bag full of something and we left Rick was carrying Attta out in his arms while Daryl was carrying Beth. When my mom saw Beth in Daryls hands and Attta in Ricks she lost it she started sobbing uncontrollably and my dad ran up to us trying to hide his tears. He took Attta from Rick and started whispering stuff to her. I go over to my mom and hug her as tight as I can while we both cry our hearts out after loosing 1 family member and possibly loosing another.

End of flashback

Ella's POV
I feel tears in my eyes but quickly wipe them away cause I need to be strong for Attta. I grab her hand and hold it in both in mine praying she'll be ok. "Put this on her bullet wound it'll help" I take the stuff from Austin and gently rub it on her wound. He takes a wrap and put it around her bullet wound "how long will she be like this" I mumble "I don't know it could be weeks, days,months...years" he mumbles the last word but I hear it "but she got really lucky a couple more inches and that bullet could've ended up in her heart" Austin says with a sad smile. He put his hand on my shoulder and walked off.

I feel someone wrap their arms around me and I immediately know it's Carl I lean into him and bury my face into his neck wishing that this was all a really bad dream. He rubs my back trying to sooth me "p-please take me away i-i can't see her like this anymore" I mumble he nods his head and picks me up. He takes me outside and sits me on the steps. We stay quiet for a minute "w-why" I mumble out Carl puts his arms around me. "F-first we lose the prison a-and pretty much half of us a-along with it t-then we almost get raped a-and now all of this" I say letting all of my emotions out.

"I know baby I know" Carl says rubbing circles on my arm and kissing my head. "I-I want all o-of this pain to g-go away" I say "s-she didn't d-deserve this n-neither did a-anyone here"i say shaking my head. "She'll make it I promise" Carl says "how do you know" I mumble "because she won't die without a fight that much I know" Carl says with a light laugh. We spend about an hour telling funny stories about Attta trying to make ourselves feel better. "I wanna go see her ill see you later" I say kissing Carl's cheek.

I walk inside and see our parents sitting by Attta dads holding her hand and moms playing with her hair. I walk over to them and sit in between them "we um w-we finished b-buring her" Mom chokes out. I know she's talking about Beth but she doesn't wanna say it. "I-im gonna go see her" I say getting up to go to Beth's grave. I walk outside and see a fresh patch of dirt with a cross a few feet away with flowers around it she loved flowers I walk over fall to my knees and cry my heart out while holding onto the last thing Beth gave me her favorite bandana. "I l-love you" I mumble after about 10 minutes "a-and I'll never f-forget you I promise" I say closing my eyes and holding her bandana to my heart picturing her standing infront of me. Thank you tell our family I love them and never give up the wind whispers to me another tear leaves my eye "ok"

Really upsetting chapter defiantly and the introduction to a new character and yes I know the wind can't talk to you but i thought it would be sweet for Ella and Beth to have one last conversation

Austin Spinns.                          Jace Norman

                          Jace Norman

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