New Life With Freedom

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Ella's POV
3 months later
I stab my knife into the bitter and turn to Attta "that's the last one" I say "Ok let's get all we can from this place and let's hurry that herd of bitters is about 30 minutes behind us so no messing around" Attta says looking at me with a serious face expression I nod and look around for food. It's been 3 months since we left the Wolves and it's been amazing having my freedom but I also miss Owen he was like a father figure to me and Attta but I was much more attached to him then Attta was I don't know why but I felt safe with him I know it's stupid but I did and I wish he wasn't the leader of those murders but he is so I gotta deal with it I guess."Hey look what I found" I look over at Attta to see her with a smirk on her face my eyes travel to her hand to she she's holding ravioli.

I smile at her and we both start laughing remembering when we pranked our teacher by dumping 11 cans of ravioli in her bag when she went to the bathroom it was mean but really funny. "We can eat taht for dinner when we get home and we can read those comics we found in that abandoned house yesterday" I say with a smile "O my gosh I forgot that we had those comics" Attta said with a smile. We got all the stuff we could find in the abandoned Dollor general and started our walk home. "Remember that time we pulled an all-nighter and were so tired the next day that we kept falling asleep in class and was sent home" I ask.

"O my gosh how could I forget my mom was so mad but ended up taking us out for ice cream" she said with a sad smile we both went silent and looked down that was the first time we brought up Attta's mom because how touchy of a subject it was for her within 10 minutes we where back at the house we had it was a 1 story with 1 bedroom and I bathroom but of course the bathroom didn't work cause we live in an apocalypse but it was still home to us. "Imma go find those comics" Attta says I nod in response and get the ravioli out. We read the comics for the rest of the night and it was peaceful "Attta?" I said "yeah" she said "Do you think the Wolves are ever gonna find us?" I ask she stays silent this is the first time I've ever brought up the Wolves. "No I think that they've given up" she answered "ok" I say softly we sit in a comfortable silence "imma go to bed I think you should do the same El" Attta said "Ok good night Attta" I saw before closing my eyes "good night El" I hear Attta say before sleep consumes me

Me and Attta are in the wood catching rabbit to eat we hear twigs snap behind us and we turn around to see Owen "why did you leave me...I thought you were happy with me I cared about much" Owen said I look at him with tears in my eyes "im...I'm so sorry Owen I cared about you to...we both did..we just weren't free and ..that place was bad " I say pausing after a couple of my words to hiccup. I turn to look at Attta and I let put a scream
It was Attta...but as one of those things I look at Owen for comfort but only find him dead on the floor I lol at myself and I'm covered in blood I fall to the ground sobbing hoping that this wasn't real.

I woke up sobbing with Attta holding me in her arms "Sshhhhhh it was just a dream it's ok I'm here shhhh" she kept whispering in my ear. I finally calm down and sit there hiccuping in her arms "do you wanna talk about your dream?" Attta ask but she said it so soft as if she was scared she would break me if she spoke to loudly. "We were in th-the woods a-and O-Owen came over to u-us and a-ask why we left and he said h-he cared about us then I l-looked at you and u were on of th-those things and I looked back at h-him and he was o-one to and I was c-coverd in your g-guys blood." I say stumbling over my words.

Attta squeezed me harder for reassures "that's never gonna happen El trust me it takes alot more then some dead bodies to get rid of me" she said I laughed a little and we went back to sleep.

Tge next chapter is skipping over 1 year Rick's group lives in the prison but Attta and Ella haven't made it there yet BUT I PROMISE THAT THEY WILL BE but when will be a mystery

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