The after shock

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1 week later
Maggie's POV
It's been a week since all of it happened Attta still hasn't woken up and I've had nightmares keeping me up at night since she died. I'm sitting with Ella Glenn and Attta non of us are speaking to hurt to speak but somehow we know what eachother is thinking. Ella told us that when she went to see her that she heard her speak and she said that she loves us all and she said to never give up. I wanted to cry when she said that I don't know if she imagined it from the pain or if she really heard it but I know that her,Ella,Glenn,and Attta are the only ones keeping me from goin insane.

Ella's POV
I look at Attta's body and the only way I can tell she's alive is when her chest goes up and down. Other then that she's lifeless i havent slept in days cause of this and Beth's death. Austin said she gonna wake up soon I don't know if I trust him but he did come from a hospital and he does have a lot of equipment. So I think his word and the shallow breaths coming from her are the only things we got. I hear someone clear their throat  me my mom and dad turn around to see Rick and Carl looking at us.

"What" I say but I don't recognize my voice before it sounded normal now it sounds raspy and dry. I cringe at the sound of my voice "um I don't think your gonna like this but we gotta keep people safe" Rick says looking Guilty. He holds up his hand and we see a pair of handcuffs "you really wanna handcuff her" i say trying to make it sound as mean as I can. "It's just for saftey purposes" he says trying to calm me down "fuck you and your stupid saftey purposes" I say "we don't need them she's gonna wake up" my mom says her voice sounding as raspy and dry as mine. "Maggie we need to protect our people I know she's special to you  Glenn and Ella but we need to be safe please" Rick says with pleading eyes.

My mom looks off into space for about a minute then she takes the handcuffs giving them to my dad. He cuffs one of Atttas hands to a pipe."there now leave" my dad mumbles Rick walks away but Carl stays put he looks at me whispers something that I can't hear and walks away. I kiss Atttas head "I'll be back soon" I mumble I look at my mom "please come get me if she wakes up" I mumble she nods. I get up follow Carl outside "what are you doing" I mumble Carl turns around and smiles when he sees me.

"Hi beautiful" he says coming over to hug me I hug him back and sigh "I want her back" i say "I know you do" he mumbles to me. We stay quiet for a minute we release eachother and start walking side my side. "What did you whisper in the church" I ask "I said that I hoped she was ok" he answers "she's my best friend now and I don't wanna see my best friend in pain or see my girlfriend in pain" he says I nod my head and we keep walking.

Attta's POV
I wake up from my sleep well kinda my minds awake but I'm surrounded by darkness. I can hear and feel everything that's going on around me. I feel someone holding my hand and someone playing with my hair. "when is she gonna wake up" one if the voices says "I don't now" the other one mumbles to the first voice. I recognize the voices as my parents im happy their with me but where is Ella. I want to comfort both of them and tell them I'm ok but some force won't let me open my eyes. It's like my eyes are carrying weights that are a ton on each eyelid. I try moving my body at least just a little but it feels like I'm glued to the floor.

I try making noise but the doesn't work either it feels like someone is just stopping me from making and contact with anyone without even touching me. I hear someone clear there throat and I stop think to listen. The voice sighs "what do you want Rick" my dad says everyone's quiet for a minute "if.." Rick stops. "if she doesn't wake up soon...we gotta" Rick stops talking and I think everyone knows what he's trying to say. I hear something crash somewhere like someone dropped something "w-what" a voice mumbles out. "Ella" Rick says in a way and I hear him walking towards her "NO" She screams "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY FAMILY" she screams.

Ella's POV
Rick looks at me with guilt and sympathy "I mean it Rick get away from us". I say he sighs and leaves I drop to the floor on the otherside of Attta. "He won't hurt you I won't let him I promise" I whisper into her ear. Carl comes up behind me and I walk away he follows me all the way outside before he grabs my arm. "What do you want" I snap at him he looks at me confused "don't acted like you didn't hear what your dad said" I say with anger in my voice "I know what he said but why are you mad at me" Carl asks me.

"Because your dad tells you everything and you knew about what he would do to Attta if she doesn't wake up" I say with venom lacing my tongue. His face goes to confused to angry and hurt. "First of all no he doesn't tell me everything and I didn't now what he was gonna do and second of all Attta is my best friend so if he did tell me he was gonna do that I wouldn't let him and third of all I would've told you" he says his face holds anger as he shakes his head and walks away with out another word. I drop to me knees and cry I lost my aunt,I could possibly loss my sister,and I just lost me boyfriend all because i screwed up.

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