02. A pair of brown eyes

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"Three Tequila shots please

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"Three Tequila shots please." Isabelle orders over the loud music of the club, while knowingly leaning against the counter to flash the "smoking hot bartender", like she said, with her boobs. I catch him staring for more than a second, a smirk growing on his face before he gives her a wink and turns around to get the shots ready. Isabelle gives me a quick look and mouths "hot" to me, before putting her focus back on the man.

I roll my eyes and let out a chuckle, but just then I realize one thing...

She orders tequila shots. TEQUILA ! Bloody hell, I hate that and she knows it damn well. It always makes me feel nauseous, or rather drunk quickly and I always end up regretting what happens the same night I take one.

Just then a shot is shoved into mine and Tom's hands, Isabelle widely smirking at us before handing us a slice of lemon each. I know the drill, so I lick a part of my hand before spreading some salt on it and wait for the both of them to do the same.

"Let's enjoy the night, shall we ?" Isa yells over the loud music and we all make a toast before licking the salt, downing our shots, and biting back on the lemon. I can't help to grimace because of the awful taste, which makes Tom send me a mocking smile.

"Come on it's not bad, stop overreacting." He comments, which earns him both of my middle fingers up. He shakes it off, before running a hand through his blond hair and suggesting us to head to the dance floor. Without any further need for an explanation, Isa and I nod our heads, and a minute later we find ourselves squished between hundreds of bodies while dancing to the beat of the music.

After what I think is my third drink of the night, I head to the bar again to grab a new drink. I leave Tom and Isa behind me, as they both seemed to enjoy themselves back there and slalom my way toward the bar.

Not feeling drunk enough to be here and keep my mind off of school, I order a simple gin&tonic. It's strong, effective, and tasty.

Everything that I need right now.

I thank the bartender once he hands me my drink, and turn around to go back into the crowd, but somehow I just feel the need to settle down for a second. I don't spot Tom nor Isabelle from where I left them earlier and frown, before letting out a sigh and sitting down on one of the high chairs of the bar.

I slowly sip on my drink and feel my shoulders relax as my body moves to the rhythm of the music. Halfway down my drink, I sit up again and decide to head back to the dance floor, no matter if I see Tom or Isabelle. In the worst-case scenario, I can just dance by myself after all.

I slightly stumble once I stand up and bite on my inner cheek to stop a chuckle from escaping my lips, before making my way back to the dance floor. Except my idea doesn't go as planned, as someone hardly rams into my chest making me fall backward.

Luckily I manage to grip onto someone's shoulder to prevent a humiliating fall on my butt and I quickly apologize to the girl that luckily seemed too drunk to have noticed what just happened. I brush that off and immediately shift my attention to the guy who nearly knocked me over and that didn't bother excusing himself.

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