38. Avidly fight back

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"Oh come on this is nonsense, Louis!" Raya grumbles under her breath, staring straight at the French with a look full of understatements

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"Oh come on this is nonsense, Louis!" Raya grumbles under her breath, staring straight at the French with a look full of understatements.

"You won't find the answer to that stupid enigma by counting the number of letters, nor by rearranging the words. It's useless. Your puzzle is giving me a freaking headache for all it matters."

I chuckle as I watch Louis struggling to find his way through a maze of codes on his computer, while Raya watches over his shoulder.

In the middle of Rhys's penthouse, Louis patiently occupies his hands while we wait for Ostin and Rhys to get ready to leave for the semi-finals.

He has been taking an interest in hacking for the past couple of weeks, and I must say he seems to be getting a lot better at it. He is currently trying to crack a code with a few pieces of information he got from a friend of his to break into the security system of a small business.

He does it just for practice, and won't use it to damage anything, however. Luckily.

And Raya has been bugging him about it for the past 10 minutes, trying to convince herself that she is not in the least bit interested. Her sparkling eyes tell me otherwise.

"Yes, it works Ray." Louis fires back in defence to justify his method, "Have you not seen the Da Vinci Code, where he deciphers the code by using acrostics and initialisms? Or even The movie Knowing, where a girl leaves a paper with thousands of numbers on a piece of paper in a Time Capsule that turns out to be dates and coordinates from all worldwide disasters?"

"It's just movies," Raya grumbles in a huff as she plops down next to him.

"Try to take the first letter of each word from the message you got. That usually does the trick. The first letter of chapters, words, and names always mean something. That's what I did for most of my passwords." I say as I lean over the couch to look at the code that Louis is typing on the server, following my advice.

It works.

"Fuck yes!" Louis exclaims in victory before he settles his computer next to him and grabs my face and pulls it down to press a wet kiss on my cheek. Well, that's a nice "thank you".

I cringe in disgust as I pull away. My eyes catch on the movements in the hall across the living room where Ostin and Ari watch us, amusement lingering on both their faces. 

With a single nod from Ari, everyone understands that they are ready to head out.

Excitement, yet angst courses through my veins as I walk hand in hand with Ari towards the bus filled with the UBM hockey team. Each and one of them is ready to head to their game and play against Berkley. I trust them to win, but I pray to god that nobody gets hurt.

"Are you sure you don't want me to organise a car for you? At least you would be able to come on the bus with me now, princess." Rhys mutters, facing me and replacing a strand of my hair behind my ear. His cinnamon eyes sparkle as they glide over my face. "I'd prefer to have you with me right now."

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