50. Young love

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My breath hitches in my throat as he speaks

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My breath hitches in my throat as he speaks. "I... I'm sorry... don't be mad... I- can still-" I stutter, unable to let the words flow past my lips as the weight of what I actually did crushes me down.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, princess. Look at me." Rhys says, immediately coming to the border of the bed so he can take my face in his hands, to make me look at him. "I'm not mad, baby. I just didn't understand what you said. You rambled it out so quickly that I barely understood a word that came out of that pretty mouth of yours."

Blinking again and again, I stare at him. A reassuring smile rests on his lips, ushering me to repeat my words from before. And a part of me scolds myself for being so wary of him. After everything we went through, he would not leave me hanging now. A big part of me knows it.

So I start again. "I told the brothers what happened to us, Ari." This time my voice doesn't tremble as I speak. I just wait for him to react.

He barely reacts, apart from placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "You didn't have to be worried about me being mad, Storm. You thought that it was best, and I believe that whatever you feel like would always be the right answer. No matter what crazy things your pretty head thinks of. You're right."

"So you're not mad?"

"No, princess, of course not. If they find an answer to what happened to us, then I would gladly listen to them on while holding your hand."

"Jesus, I love you so much." I respond and wrap my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me. Or rather pull him in the bed so he can hold me as I fall asleep. He just makes everything so much better.

The following days pass by in a blur. The house of the Knights has been getting more crowded by the day and Rhys seems to be more worried about it. Apparently a enemies of their have been trying to target them in multiple ways, so they put more security in their home. Just in case.

"Let's go, princess. The car is waiting." Rhys says as he peaks his head through the door just as I pack my last hoodie into the duffle bag.

"I'm done, Ari." I object and grab the duffle bag in my hand, but within a second it's in his hands. He sends me a cocky grin and takes my hand in his as we head out of the room I have been recovering in for the past week.

But we are now going back to our place, back at UBM.  We decided that the Knights have helped us more than enough already, and by staying here we are just extending an unnecessary stay. Although I did enjoy being around this family.

"Oh my gorgeous girl is leaving." Magnolia exclaims as soon as we enter living room, where everybody is waiting to say their goodbyes. A sad smile brightens her face and she immediately comes in to give me a warm hug.

She is only a few years older than me, the same age as Rhys actually, but she seems so mature. Going through all of the hell she told me about must have done this to her. Yet ,the kindness she emanates, just like the rest of them, would never be tainted by their dark lifestyles. And for that I respect them from the bottom of my heart.

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