03. Keep being good for everyone

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I wake up to a slight headache as if the music of the club yesterday is still pounding against my eardrums

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I wake up to a slight headache as if the music of the club yesterday is still pounding against my eardrums. I lazily push the covers off of me and stand up to head toward the bathroom to get a shower. One I really need after dancing against hundreds of sweaty bodies in a closed-off space.

When it's past eleven, I finally make my way downstairs only to come across my mother in the kitchen.

"Morning," I mumble as I grab a mango from the fruit tray and start slicing it up into small cubes.

"You could say good afternoon at this point." She comments and passes around me to sit down at the lunch table where my dad is sitting while he works on his computer.

"Melanie, come on. Just leave her be." My dad grumbles which earns him a death glare from my mother.

"I'm just saying, James !" She pushes back with a hand on her waist. "Can you ever just support me ?"

And here it goes again. I know the drill already. The situation turns around and they both just start arguing with each other, until it all explodes and one leaves the room by slamming a door on the way out.

So instead of having to go through that, I hurriedly throw my mango peel in the trash and disappear back into my room, where I can still hear them arguing. Always arguing. They can't even have a proper conversation with each other anymore and it is making me sick. Why are they not simply divorcing ? It will make everyone happier and it would be easier at this point.

But no. They keep dragging themselves through hell while bringing me with them on their little excursion. How fun.

I grab my phone and a pair of headphones, turn the volume of my music up and check my messages. Thomas hasn't responded to the text I send him yesterday right before I went to bed, which makes me sigh because I wanted to talk to him. He probably is still sleeping like a dumbass.

I also come across a message from Liam telling me that he is heading to practice now and that I can join if I feel like it. Immediately my interest spikes up like a firework and I respond before getting ready. He is picking me up in about 10 minutes so I better be ready by then.

Once I am done, I go down the stairs to grab my stick, my headphones still on my ears to cover the yells of my parents. They notice me walking toward the door and start asking for an explanation, but I ignore them and slam the door shut behind me once I walk out the door.

Liam is already leaning against his car, phone in his hands as he waits patiently. His head snaps up when he hears the door and a wide smile grows on his lips. I uncover my ears from my headphones and let out a sigh of relief.

"God, you seem on fire today Lils." He chuckles, making me roll my eyes at him before I give him a quick hug and we both enter his car. I slump down in the seat and make myself comfortable, his eyes lingering on me as he tries to figure me out.

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