01. Way towards a never ending cycle

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"Wake up !"

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"Wake up !"

The voice of my mom booms in my ears, which makes me jolt awake.

I open my eyes painfully only to get a full view of the sunshine blinding me, my mom being the reason for that by opening my window blinds.

I let out an annoyed sigh, the lack of sleep already weighing on my mind, and close my eyes again. Just then it seems like my brain starts to function because I realize that something is wrong.

My mom usually never has to wake me up.

"Shit !" I curse when I fully realise that I fell asleep last night without putting a god damn alarm on for school. Fucking great.

"You better get dressed. Isabelle is going to be here in 5 minutes." She says, a stern look lingering on her face before she disappears out of my room to go downstairs.

It's all it takes me to jump out of bed which earns me a good few seconds of black spots covering my vision. I look outside and see snow covering the trees and the wind blowing hard, which sends a cold shiver down my spine. It's going to be hell of cold outside once again, so I throw multiple layers of random clothes on to try and keep me warm for the upcoming cold temperatures that wait for me outside

"Liliana for Christ sake get down !"

I sigh when I hear my mom yell once more from downstairs and I can't help myself but shout back that I will be down in a minute. With trembling hands, I swallow a pill for my anxiety and toss the bottle with the rest of them on my bed before turning towards my mirror. I take a deep breath and look at my appearance in the mirror to make sure I don't look too bad and that nothing is really out of place.

Except that something is out of place.
My mind.

My blond hair is hanging passed my shoulders, stopping right under my chest to be more precise, the few shorter strands hiding my dark grey eyes. With a quick hand swipe, I clear my face from my rebel hair strands to tug them behind my ears and expose my tired face.

The bags under my eyes have been getting more prominent these last few months, especially now that I am in my last high school year and have only a few months to go before I head to college. But during this time of the year, grades are important for university and I need to keep them up if I want to get accepted into the good ones.

Keeping them up... that's the only thing that has been lingering on my mind these past few days. Fuck me.

"Just a few more weeks and you are done with this bullshit high school." I mumble under my breath, as I look at myself in the mirror one last time before picking my bag up from the floor to head downstairs. "A few fucking weeks."

"Jesus we are going to be late for class Ana. What took you so long ?"Isabelle stands in the main entrance of my home, leaning against the wall with her arms wrapped around her hourglass figure, as she eyes me walking down the stairs. She sends me an annoyed look and I can't help the little smile that appears on my lips, as I realise that I manage to get us late for class once again.

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