22. Interrupted class

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That has been my only stress for the past couple of days. I already spend too much time with the guys and Raya, which pushed me away from my original path that would lead me to a single goal:


And hanging around with the hockey team and that particular asshole is definitely not the good way to go with it. Rhys has his success. God damn, he has it.

He owns the chain of the three most popular nightclubs in the country and he is the captain of a winning hockey team that can lead him to professional games in the future.

His whole future is planned out, while I'm stuck here. With absolutely nothing.


Gosh, you are so stupid and useless.


I hear the voice of my mother, filled with anger and deception in the back of my head. It's like the words are encrusted in my brain.

I need to get a grip on my life again. Or try at least.

That's why I have been spending the last couple of days avoiding the guys, or Rhys to be more specific, studying hard in the library until late at night.

So for what feels like the hundred time this week, I walk on the campus grounds heading to one of my classes.

A familiar roaring sound vibrates in my ear as I walk down the parking lot to head toward one of the university buildings. And of course my body has to react and turns to have a good look at the person that is responsible for the roaring engine.

Unfortunately, I fail to keep my promise about just sneaking a peek at the motorcycle and a fuming hot Rhys Heartlow.

Yep, I'm full-on staring at his arms, especially his biceps that flex as he removes his helmet from his head.

And it's like he senses my stare burning the side of his face because he immediately turns his head in my direction and his cinnamon eyes lock on mine. A wicked smirk grows on his lips when he sees me staring, and once again i manage to blow his ego up into another dimension

Shyness gets the best of me, as I tear my gaze away from his, head down and resume what I was actually doing. Walking toward my class. Focus.

But my brain decides to flash the image of his bare muscles in my head once again, just to tease me.

Sorry, what was that ?

I curse at myself minutes later as I'm comfortably seated in my class, my cheeks still feeling like they are on fire. And they definitely are after I saw a guy gawking me, a sly grin growing on his face. What are you looking at are words I want to snap at him, but I keep my lips glued shut. Wouldn't be very wise of me.

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