49. Don't you worry

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I come out of the room I have been resting in for the past days, allowing one the Knight brothers to see me. Rhys is out to see Ostin at Silvers for a few hours, leaving me with enough time on my hands to ask what I have been dying to know.

What truly happened with Rhys and me. This connection...

"Hi, Liliana." He stops his walk, facing me with a small smile. "Do you need anything? Is something hurting? Do you want me get Leo?" He questions, worry slightly filling his voice as his eyes travel over my body to look for any visible injuries.

I nod my head. "No. Everything is fine." I reassure him, quickly taking the burden off his shoulders. "But I was actually hoping to talk to you."

Worry replaces surprise on his face, but he quickly wipes it away. "Of course, sweetheart."

A sigh escapes my lips at his approval and I return back in the room, him following closely behind. He closes the door when I ask, and a notice the light worry returning.

"You don't have to worry." I smile.

"Well I am. You have been nervously fidgeting with your fingers since I came across you in the corridor and not once were you able to look me in the eyes for more than two seconds. There is clearly something going on in your head and you are afraid to tell me."

My eyes widen at his clearly staten facts and I immediately let go of my fingers to hide them behind my back. As if that was going to change the fact that he clearly saw through me. Smart ass.

I raise my gaze back up at him and notice that he is already staring at me. "You have through quite a lot these past few weeks." He says softly not once taking his eyes off me. "I did some research."

I nod slowly, not even bothered by the fact he did some research on me. I am an intruder in his home, and from the rumours that I have heard, they got betrayed in ways you could not even imagine. "What do you know then?"

He raises a brow as a small smile creeps up his lips. "I don't think I should respond to that, sweetheart. I know a lot. What I do know is that you are helplessly in love with Rhys," he pauses, as if waiting for me to respond but I wait because something tells me that he is not done. "Even though you only know each other for four weeks."

Suspicion raises in his eyes and I can't help the shiver that wrecks through my spine. This is my moment to ask him. He is upon us already.

"That is why I needed to talk to you Ethan." I clear my throat, suddenly feeling nervous. What if he thinks that I am going crazy? For a second, a voice in my head screams at me not to tell him, but it quickly gets crushed down by the need to find an answer to what happened to us.

"You might want to sit down for this."

He listens and before starting, I take a deep breath in. "Here goes nothing."

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