04. Even against the odds

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"Nothing is going on mom

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"Nothing is going on mom." I respond to her question, clearly lying. I hear her let out a chuckle before she picks up the glass of red wine she had standing right next to her that I didn't even notice. She chugs it down and lets out a deep sigh, before grabbing the wine bottle next to her and emptying the rest of the bottle into her glass.

Oh god. Please don't tell me she is going down that road again... She was doing well for quite some time now.

"What did you do wrong this time, Liliana ?" She turns around at the moment she says that a stern look on her face accusing me of being in the wrong. I look at her in disbelief, my heart breaking just a little more at her words. "He is such a sweet person, he gives you everything and you just want to throw it all away ?"

"You are not being serious right now mom..." I start, my voice little compared to her angered and accusing one, but she doesn't let me finish.

"What did you do ?" She asks again her ice-blue eyes digging into my glossy gray ones.

"Nothing ! I just went to practice with a friend and he didn't like it, so we got into a small argument." I explain as I dig my nails into my hand to try and keep my anger at bay. She doesn't know anything and just assumes things...

"Then don't do it again. It's as simple as that." She states firmly, completely ignoring my will and standing up for Thomas like I wasn't even her daughter.

"No mom ! Liam is my friend, I will not stop seeing him because Thomas says so." I fight her back because she can't just command me around like a puppet. I am my own person after all and this doesn't even concern her for all I know.

"Always complaining about what you fucking have ! Be glad that he even likes you !"

Her words cut through me like a sharp knife. Taking a sudden inhale of breath is all I manage to do to fight this crippling pain that slowly eats me from the inside.

"Can't you ever be grateful for what you have and stop being selfish ? Just stop whining." Her voice increases in tone as she takes a step towards me, " You always expect everything to be handed to you like a little princess. Well, guess what. It is not happening !"

"Handed to me ? HANDED TO ME ?" I can't help but yell at her as she speaks those untruthful words. A single tear drops down my cheek, as I let out a laugh void of any amusement. "I work my ass off for everything I do, I do everything I can to be even noticed by you, but you don't give a single fuck about me as you drown your self-hatred in your BLOODY WINE !"

And bam.

I don't even see it coming as her hand comes smacking me across the face which makes my head snap to the side, a burning sensation staying in my left cheek. In a second, flashes of old memories and newer ones come tumbling into my mind to remind me of this type of violence I have already experienced. The manipulation of the people I thought loved me come back up to burn my throat and slowly crush my soul to leave it shattered.

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