17. Up and gone

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"Morning sleepyhead

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"Morning sleepyhead."

Ostin's body literally jerks awake from my slight push, a look of terror in his eyes as soon as he opens them. I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips when he sees my figure standing across of him which makes his face turn into an annoyed glare.

He was sleeping peacefully on his first row seat with his hood covering up his face when I entered the, yet, empty auditorium and I couldn't help myself to shake him awake.

"I thought the course started already Whitlock. You scared the shit out of me, you know that right ?" He grumbles as he adjusts himself in his seat, looking around to see the seats slowly being filled up one by one by students.

"I know," I sigh. "Now what I didn't know is that the Ostin is the type of guy to sit in the front row to listen to a class."

"It's because I'm not." He retorts, as if offended by my assumption. "I already did this class presentation last year." His tired gaze sliding over my face before it gets distracted.

His lips dangerously tilt upwards as he looks behind me for a second, before his eyes find my face again. I roll my eyes, because it couldn't be more obvious that he was checking a girl out. He can't contain himself and stop his eyes from wandering on girl's asses my fucking god.

I'm losing hope for the existence of decent guys at this point. They are getting more and more rare.

"Hello ?" I snap my finger in his face. "Can you stop checking the girl out behind my back and hold yourself together for a second so we can have an actual conversation Ostin ? Or is it too much to ask now." I playfully joke which makes his lips only tug  further into a smile.

"Sure Whitlock. I'll keep my eyes away from ass for a minute then." He crosses his arms on his torso, a challenging look playing in his face when he emphasises on the word ass. "Only a minute though." He mumbles the last part under his breath, but unfortunately for him I still hear it. I'm done.

"Whatever. Why are you here ? Aren't you a year above me ?" I question Ostin. I wonder why he chose to show up here instead of sleeping in his bed.

"Two years above sweetheart." He corrects my random assumption, proud that he was be able to contradict me.

"You know you could actually be in bed right now rather than listening to a stuck up , self-centered, egoistic CEO, who probably thinks himself so highly that he is four feet deep in his own ass." I breath out.

"Not to mention that he probably is the most unpleasant person alive for being a bright success at such a young age. He surely never had a social life before his business, leaving him stuck with fake friends that chase after his money." I carelessly ramble about the person that I'm going to be listing to for the next hour and watch as Ostin's chest heaves up and down from laughter.

The thing is...

I might have been a little too distracted by my endless insult that I didn't notice a key thing.

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